How to protect yourself from mosquitoes? Outdoor mosquito repellent. Folk remedies for mosquitoes

How to protect yourself from mosquitoes? Outdoor mosquito repellent. Folk remedies for mosquitoes
How to protect yourself from mosquitoes? Outdoor mosquito repellent. Folk remedies for mosquitoes

Intrusive insects can greatly spoil a summer vacation or just a stay outside the city. Mosquitoes really bring a lot of inconvenience, especially to children. After their bites, unpleasant blisters remain on the skin, which are very itchy. Therefore, it is not surprising that any person asks the question: "How to protect yourself from mosquitoes?".

how to protect yourself from mosquitoes
how to protect yourself from mosquitoes

Today there are a lot of tools that help get rid of annoying bloodsuckers. Consider the best of them.

Are mosquitoes dangerous?

If we talk about the inhabitants of Russia, then they should not worry about the bites of these insects, since annoying bloodsuckers carry dangerous diseases only in 1% of cases out of 100%. Most often, their bites cause severe itching and redness of the affected skin.

However, those who go on vacation to warm countries should be very careful. It will not be enough just to figure out how to protect yourself from mosquitoes, you need to understand whatthey are dangerous.

In North and South America, Australia and Africa, there are very dangerous mosquitoes that carry diseases such as:

  • Zika virus;
  • malaria;
  • West Nile virus;
  • dengue fever;
  • yellow fever.

What attracts mosquitoes?

Surely everyone has noticed that some mosquitoes attack much more often. There are many theories about what exactly attracts these insects. Some scientists believe that everything depends on the blood type, but in fact it is not.

outdoor mosquito repeller
outdoor mosquito repeller

Mosquitoes react to the following factors:

  • the smell of sweat. These insects literally go crazy with the slightest smell of human sweat glands, so in order to figure out how to protect yourself from mosquitoes, it is enough to take care of your hygiene;
  • hormones. Every human body contains sex hormones. The changes associated with them are more pronounced in some people and less so in others. If there is an increased level of testosterone in the human body, then, as a rule, it will be more “tasty bait” for mosquitoes. Women suffer from bloodsuckers during ovulation, when the level of female hormones predominates in their bodies;
  • pungent odors. Bloodsuckers are very fond of the scents of perfumes and colognes. Therefore, you should not often perfume yourself with delicious aromas in the summer.

If we talk about how to protect yourself from mosquitoes, then you should understand that today there are a lot of funds,which help ward off bloodsuckers. Let's take a closer look at them.


These funds appeared on the market relatively recently and immediately became very popular. Unlike poisonous aerosols, they repel mosquitoes without harming humans. However, according to tests conducted in Australia, these products are not very effective. The fact is that they are able to repel mosquitoes only at a distance of several centimeters from the bracelet itself. This means that the upper torso remains unprotected.

mosquito spray
mosquito spray

The best mosquito bracelet Gardex is considered, the cost of which is about 300 rubles. However, other products can be found on sale.


These products are suitable for home use and are excellent outdoor mosquito repellents. These candles contain citronella, which flying bloodsuckers cannot tolerate. However, according to recent studies, such candles are only able to protect against bites by 42%.

You can make a more effective repeller with your own hands by dropping a little citronella essential oil on a regular candle.


Sprays are very effective and are the most popular. Among the best it is worth highlighting:

  • Dr. Mercola. This drug is made from natural ingredients, so it is absolutely safe for children. In addition to mosquitoes, the aerosol will get rid of ticks, flies and other flying parasites.
  • Quantum He alth. This tool does not helponly from common mosquitoes, but also from carriers of West Nile viruses. Spray protects against bites for 4 hours.
  • Badger Company. The spray has been clinically tested and is safe for adults and children.
fumigator liquid
fumigator liquid


This type of repeller is a universal remedy that helps get rid of any type of insects. Similar devices are sold in almost every store. For example, Raptor devices. It is not necessary to explain how to use the Raptor from mosquitoes, since everything is written in the instructions. It is enough to install the device in a socket and fix a special plate in it. It is impregnated with a special agent that quickly paralyzes and kills bloodsuckers.

Also, instead of plates, fumigator liquid is often used, which is enough to pour into the device and sleep peacefully all night.

If we talk about the best devices of this type, then it is worth highlighting:

  • Thermacell. This product is suitable for indoor or outdoor use. It works on plates that are impregnated with a natural insecticide - allertin. This substance is found in chrysanthemums. Therefore, the use of such a composition is completely safe for humans.
  • Mosquitall. This liquid fumigator is equipped with a miniature fan, so the device starts working instantly.
ultrasonic mosquito repellent
ultrasonic mosquito repellent

How to protect yourself from mosquitoes at home?

The cheapest thing to get rid ofannoying bloodsuckers in the apartment with the help of several means:

  • Citrus fruits and garlic. Mosquitoes simply hate the smell of garlic and citrus fruits. Therefore, in order to get rid of them, it is enough to set fire to the white stem coming from the head of an odorous plant. As soon as the smoke fills the room with an unpleasant aroma for mosquitoes, the insects will immediately disappear. However, this smell will not be to the taste of people. In this case, it is recommended to use citrus. To do this, it is enough to make the peel of an orange or any other fruit smolder.
  • If you prepare a vanilla-based cream or liquid solution, then the skin will not only smell good. Mosquitoes will literally run away from this smell. In addition, you can dissolve a bag of vanillin in a liter of water and spray the room with a spray bottle. In this case, the insects will not even come close to the room. However, you should not use vanilla sugar for these purposes, as its sweet aftertaste will attract midges.
  • Carnation is also a powerful weapon against mosquitoes and other flying insects. If you pour a small amount of boiling water over a bag of dry spice and mix the resulting liquid with cologne, you can get a cheap, safe and effective aerosol that repels bloodsuckers.
gardex mosquito repellent bracelet
gardex mosquito repellent bracelet

In addition, insects do not tolerate the smell of most essential oils, which are enough to add to baby or any other cream. This mixture will protect against annoying parasites.

Also on sale today you can find ultrasonic protection against mosquitoes. Howeverthis method of getting rid of bloodsuckers still remains unexplored. Therefore, its effectiveness has not been proven.

To prevent mosquitoes from flying into an apartment or house, it is worth installing special mosquito nets on windows and doorways. You can also hang small sprigs of wormwood, elder or juniper on the walls.

Mosquito control methods on the street

Essential oils do not erode in the open air, so they can be safely used during a trip to the country or to the forest.

The cheapest mosquito repeller for the street is an ordinary fire, in which it is enough to add spruce and pine cones. Valerian, juniper, bird cherry and basil have the same effect when placed on fire. The smoke and aroma from such a fire will quickly scare away insects.

In the countryside, it is recommended to start growing basil and tomatoes, as their aroma is also unpleasant for mosquitoes.

how to use a mosquito repellant
how to use a mosquito repellant

It is worth noting that folk methods of protection against mosquitoes can be used for a long time. If we are talking about aerosols, fumigators and creams containing chemical components, then such products can only be used for a certain time. Otherwise, allergies or other unpleasant ailments may develop. Therefore, when choosing a mosquito repellent, you should give preference to natural ingredients. And the cheapest way is to prepare a protective cream or spray yourself.