Mosquito repellent Off Clip-On: reviews

Mosquito repellent Off Clip-On: reviews
Mosquito repellent Off Clip-On: reviews

When we wait for the onset of spring and summer in winter, we somehow forget about such accompanying phenomena as mosquitoes. But they can ruin any outdoor recreation. What to do? Do not leave the house until autumn?

Mosquito control products

Not so long ago, people suffering from the bites of these insects smeared all exposed areas of the body with special mosquito repellent creams. But this is not very convenient. Many mothers are afraid to apply a substance on the skin of their child, the composition and action of which they do not know. Every year there are more and more tools and devices, each of which tries to protect us from mosquitoes. These are fumigators that protect indoors quite effectively. In recent years, bracelets have appeared that emit a specific smell that keeps mosquitoes away from the person wearing it at a distance of 1 meter. But this fragrance is not for everyone. And the result is not always visible.

Ultrasonic battery-operated repellers promise protection within a two-meter radius. But there are consumer reviews that these devices, after a fall or breakdown, begin to work in the opposite mode: they do not scare away mosquitoes, but attractthem.

Off Clip On Reviews
Off Clip On Reviews

To free the territory of the yard for a rest or a picnic, use a portable lantern. The gas cartridge inside heats the plate, which emits the smell of a chrysanthemum flower that repels mosquitoes.

It looks interesting to buy mosquito stickers containing essential oils. They are simply glued to the skin and should protect the wearer from mosquitoes for 72 hours. But it is not known if they are up to the task.

Off Clip-On Device

The next invention in this direction was the device from mosquitoes Off Clip-On. Feedback from many consumers suggests that he does his job well. What is the principle of its work? The device is small and light due to the plastic housing. It is equipped with a special clip that changes its position and allows you to conveniently fasten it to your clothes or baby stroller. Inside the device is placed a special cartridge with a liquid called metofluthrin (concentration - 31.2%), which repels insects. This substance is widely used to create preparations with mosquito-repellent action. Since metofluthrin is a substance of general toxic action, a safe level in the working area has been determined for its use. This is 1 mg per cubic meter of air.

Off Clip On mosquito repellent reviews
Off Clip On mosquito repellent reviews

Off Clip-On is a device with a hair dryer system that blows this substance and sprays it around. But this happens unnoticed by others. Mosquitoes don't like the smell and fly away. In the instructionsmanufacturers promise that this will happen in about one minute. In order to make it clear how much of the active substance is still left, it is colored green. As soon as it is not visible, the cover of the device is opened, the cartridge is removed and a new one is installed, having previously removed the film from it.

The range of the device depends on the strength and direction of the wind. Usually it is 20-30 cm.


  • The effect is observed after 15 minutes. after starting to use the device.
  • The ventilator enhances dispersion of the drug.
  • The device is designed for multiple use.
  • You don't need to hold it.
  • Extra cartridge and batteries included.
  • The effect of the drug lasts 12 hours.
  • The substance in the cartridge can be stored for up to two weeks.
  • Has no noticeable odor.
  • Does not stain clothes.
  • Does not get on skin.


Off Clip-On is a mosquito repellent designed to protect against bites:

  • baby in stroller;
  • people walking in nature, in the park;
  • working in the field, in the country;
  • tourists traveling in the forest or field;
  • while fishing;
  • hunters in ambush.

The instructions indicate that after moving to another place, you need to stop and wait until the active substance cloud around you is restored.

Off Clip On Mosquito Repellent
Off Clip On Mosquito Repellent

Outdoor appliancecan be used for as long as needed. You can put it low on a hard surface so that it does not fall, and point the holes up. This is the best way to spray the substance. After switching on, the blinds open in the device. Through them, under the action of a fan-hair dryer, a stream of air comes out, forming a protective cloud.

After use, the device is turned off and set to "O" mode in a dry room at room temperature.

After 12 hours of operation or 14 hours after opening, the green liquid in the cartridge will evaporate and be replaced.


As follows from the instructions for use, Off Clip-On is a mosquito repellent that can only be used outdoors or in ventilated areas (balconies, verandas) with an area of at least 20 square meters.

Continuous use of the drug can be no more than four hours. Then you need to take a break by turning Off Clip-On.

Customer reviews indicate that the device is by no means silent. Its fan makes a whirring sound, somewhat reminiscent of mosquitoes.

In the tent, the device is used for no more than half an hour. Then they air it out, trying not to let the mosquitoes in again.

Mosquito Repellent Off Clip On reviews
Mosquito Repellent Off Clip On reviews

The instructions do not indicate this, but in reality, buyers are faced with a problem when removing the film from a spare cartridge. It happens that with careless handling, the liquid filling it flows out. In this case, it will definitely not work. Throw it in the trash, wash your hands with soap and go for a new one.cartridge.

Safety measures

  • Do not give to children. They often have a habit of pulling everything that comes to hand into their mouths. Therefore, when installing the device in the reach of the child, always make sure that he does not remove it and does not use it at his own discretion.
  • Do not disassemble "to the ground". You can only open the cover and change the cartridge.
  • After using the device, and especially after changing the plate, wash your hands with soap and water.
  • Do not place near food.
  • Keep away from heaters and water.
  • Do not cover the Off Clip-On while it is on.
  • Store in a dark place, protected from moisture, at temperatures from 5 degrees below zero to 35 degrees Celsius.
  • Possible allergic reaction.
  • Pregnant women should use the device only in rare cases, and then carefully.

Reviews from many consumers testify to the effectiveness of Off Clip-On. He especially helps the fishermen. And this is understandable. After all, no one will fish with strong gusts of wind, it simply will not bite. So they fish early in the morning when the weather is calm. Conditions are the best suited for the application of Off Clip-On. Reviews contain information that as it evaporates, its strength decreases significantly, and mosquitoes begin to slowly attack. And it's too early to install a new cartridge.

mosquito repellent device Off Clip On reviews
mosquito repellent device Off Clip On reviews

Some customers have taken to using multiple Off Clip-On Repellers to create a bug-free zone.

Parents of young childrenthey report that it is convenient to put the child in a clearing, leave a repeller nearby, and go about their own business. You just need to make sure that the child cannot get it.

But not everyone is saved from mosquitoes by Off Clip-On. Reviews say that it works. But not in the way that was expected. Insects do not fly up only to the part of the body where the Off Clip-On mosquito repeller is located.

mosquito repellent Off Clip On reviews
mosquito repellent Off Clip On reviews

Reviews of mothers with children say that the device protects only the child, and even then not for long. The price for it (about 500 rubles) bites. Therefore, buying two or even three Off Clip-On devices, reviews indicate this, is a great luxury.

The action of the device in the forest

There is nothing surprising that when moving through the forest, there is practically no protection against mosquitoes from the device. There are a lot of insects there. And the instructions say that after moving, you need to stop and wait until the cloud around you is restored. But what kind of a walk is this, if after a couple of meters you need to stand, drive away mosquitoes, until the device works on them! And so all the way. But in the forest, you can also successfully use Off Clip-On, a mosquito repellent.

Mosquito Repeller Off Clip On reviews
Mosquito Repeller Off Clip On reviews

Reviews of tourists indicate that he is working successfully in the tent. But you need to consider that you need to install it not at the entrance, but inside the tent. Otherwise, mosquitoes that have already flown in will not experience the effects of the drug and will continue to fly, buzz and bite. After turning off the device, it is necessary to ventilate by loweringmosquito net.

Action on site

Does Off Clip-On mosquito repellent work in the garden? Reviews of gardeners say that it is not effective enough, especially given the price-quality ratio. When working on the site, people are often in a static position when mosquitoes do not bite them. But the device does not last long. And changing the plates often, again, is expensive.

Does not help

Estimating Off Clip-On, a mosquito repellent, the reviews of many buyers say that the device does not help at all: neither in a standing stroller, nor after half an hour after switching on.

Some consumers are partially helped by protecting certain parts of the body. They complain that when you stretch your arm more than 20 cm (for example, when fishing), mosquitoes immediately bite into it.

Some consumers report a reduction in the number of bites and mosquito attacks, but not a complete cessation.

There is even an opinion that this device works with a placebo effect. People, having attached it to their clothes, calm down and do not pay attention to the actions of mosquitoes. After all, in truth, these insects are not so scary, especially for adults. This is not a bee, the bite of which is impossible not to notice. Most of the injections pass without a trace if they are not combed. But if you don't feel the bites, then there is a result.

Maybe the active substance is not effective for all people due to some individual characteristics.
