A suburban area of 10 acres is not that big, but most often cottages and summer cottages have just such a territory. For many urban residents, it becomes a place of rest, a corner of freedom. Therefore, it is so important to make it comfortable, functional and beautiful. In order for all these factors to be harmoniously combined, it will be necessary to properly plan the landscape design of the suburban area. It is not necessary to resort to the help of professionals, with proper preparation and possession of certain information, you will cope with all the work yourself.
In this article, we will help you create a cozy corner for the whole family to relax, point out the features of the layout, factors that cannot be ignored, but can be advantageously beaten, and much more.
What characteristics of the site should I pay attention to?

Thinking over the design of the land plot of a country house, first of all, the following factors should be taken into account.
- Relief. Of course, at the stage of buying a house and (or) a plot, you can choose what you like, but there are cases when land is inherited or acquired blindly. The site can be located near a ravine, rivers, on a slope, in a hilly or mountainous area. All this matters not only from an aesthetic point of view, but also from a practical point of view, for example, in matters of building engineering systems.
- The design of a country house plot (10 acres or more) always depends on its shape. As practice shows, it can also be very diverse, and not always geometrically correct (rectangular, square, L-shaped and even triangular).
- Soil type: sandy, loam, black earth or combined. The quality of the soil is important when choosing plants, for example, not all of them are able to endure waterlogging or a heavy, infertile substrate. Meanwhile, landscaping is an important design component.
- Location of the plot in relation to the cardinal points.
- Presence of a natural body of water on the site or nearby, groundwater level, which determines the presence or absence of a drainage system.
Select functional areas on the site
Landscape design of a suburban area of any size implies its division into certain thematic zones. Namely: residential (with a house, terrace, garage, etc.), recreation (most often in the depths of the territory, in a corner hidden from prying eyes), gardening (beds, greenhouses and greenhouses, fruit trees and shrubs), economic (buildings for pets, as a rule, are locatedaway from gazebos and patios).

This is not an exhaustive list or requirements, just a suggestion. Depending on your own needs or tastes, you can remove or, conversely, add something.
Design of a suburban area (10 acres): where to start?
Beginning work on the arrangement and planning of the site, draw up a schematic plan. It is best to use graph paper for this, which will most accurately reflect the scale. This way it will be much easier for you to arrange the buildings. When the data about them is reflected, you can proceed to planning the remaining free space. Putting a house on ten acres is only half the battle. The most difficult thing begins later, when in a limited area you want to realize all your long-standing desires and ideas. However, without having a clear idea of what you want, you should not even start work. Prioritize and think sensibly and rationally.
Making a plan
First, make a list of everything you would like to see on your site. Start with buildings. What else should be on the site, except for the house? Maybe a bathhouse or a sauna, a terrace or a gazebo, a pond, an orchard or a solid vegetable garden, a greenhouse, a recreation area with a flat lawn? Write everything down so it will be easier to find your bearings later.
Second, decide how you see the style of your site - this will determine the final result of the work. Most likely, some of the items from the list will lose their relevance. It won't work at the same timehave a Japanese garden and painted architraves in a rustic style. Use for planning the found photos of the design of the site of a country house in the desired style. This helps to visualize desires and, perhaps, from several options you will assemble your own, inimitable and unique.
Thirdly, when planning a garden, vegetable garden and landscaping in general, choose the right planting material. No matter how much we would like it, but tangerines do not grow in central Russia. Plants must match the climate zone and soil on the site. This will save you from worrying about the death of shrubs and trees after, for example, a frosty winter and extra costs.
Not all at once

This is the main rule to follow when designing a suburban area on your own. Do not try to fit everything on it at once, do not overload with variety. Consider this from two perspectives. Firstly, all plants, paths, lawns require attention, time, patience and care. The pond must be cleaned, and the grass must be mowed, otherwise they will simply lose their charm and beauty. Secondly, the abundance of bright details, be it garden figurines or many paths, trees and flower beds, complicates perception. Loss of integrity and harmony. Everything should be in moderation. It will be best if you plan the work to improve the site and carry it out in stages.
We offer you some ideas of what the landscape design of a suburban area can be (photos, features and recommendations can be found inarticle).
Japanese garden
The Japanese garden has a special charm and attracts the energy of calm, balance and silence, that is, everything that is so necessary for city dwellers. An ideal option for those who are not a supporter of their own growing vegetables in beds and greenhouses, although if desired, you can find a place for them in a minimum amount.

In the picture you see a project of a typical Japanese-style rectangular area. Zigzag lines of paths made of large pebbles and green areas emphasizing them give it originality. There are buildings on both sides. To the right is a house, to the left is a recreation area with a terrace. Since the area is small, there are few large trees. They are present near the dwelling, plunging it into a light shade.
Features of Japanese style
Remember that the design of a Japanese-style suburban area is based on three main elements. The first is stones, they personify stamina and strength, they are the basis of the whole composition. You can limit yourself to beautiful paths of large pebbles, or make a garden of boulders of various sizes, which will gradually become covered with moss and lichens, giving the impression that they have always been here.
The second element is water, symbolizing the dynamics and movement of life. As a rule, this is reflected in the equipment of a small pond, in which you can even add fish for the summer period, or you can limit yourself to a small stream or waterfall.

The third obligatory component of the Japanese style in general and the garden in particular is evergreen conifers and ornamental deciduous plants. Thanks to breeding, you can now find a wide variety of varieties and hybrids: from giants to miniature dwarfs, but note that many of them are thermophilic.
Wildlife Corner
An original and beautiful design of a plot of a country house or cottage is possible at minimal cost, both financial and energy. If you have an interesting terrain or a river, a small ravine, already planted trees, hills, etc., then you can only emphasize their natural beauty. It is important to see in everything that surrounds you an excellent foundation that is easy to supplement.
So, if there are large trees, then it is not at all necessary to cut them down, freeing up space for flower beds. Just choose suitable neighbors for them: ferns, emerald lawn. Create straight paths. A gazebo or bench will look very nice in the shade of a large oak or willow.
Using stones in a natural style

Getting the property rocky areas with uneven terrain, the owners often clutch their heads. Meanwhile, this is an excellent base for creating a beautiful site. Use natural elevation for alpine slides, artificial waterfalls, and even tiered garden beds if you like. Extra stones pulled out of the ground during the development of the site can be used for paths,constructions of street barbecues, terraces. And, of course, do not forget about flowers, perennials are best.
Rustic style in the design and design of sites is a variation of the natural and natural described above. If you pay attention to the third photo of the design of the site of a country house, you will notice that the wood used for buildings and decor gives it color. It can be a simple bench or an old cart converted into a flower bed, a wicker fence, clay elements, stones, natural plants (no exotic).

The highlights can be set with lighting that transforms your home and garden in the evening and at night. This approach is always appropriate and in harmony with any style.
Mediterranean landscaping
The gentle southern sun and the sea, the abundance of fruits and the marvelous beauty of nature in distant lands leave no one indifferent. If you, after another trip, decide to recreate the Mediterranean landscapes on your site, then you should remember a few key points.
The main feature of this style is the abundance of stone, sea pebbles and marble chips, various types of processing. Thus, the design of a suburban area (15 acres or any other area) will require certain investments. The Mediterranean style originated where the mountainous terrain is a common thing, so it is replete with various types of stairs, props, arches, pergolas (pictured), terraces on the slopes.

The natural vegetation of the hot regions will not take root in our climate, but it can be replaced with evergreen conifers (thuja, cypress, ornamental pines and spruces, juniper, yew, boxwood, etc.), as well as climbing plants (ivy, wild and common grapes, etc.), including flowering ones (rhododendron, actinidia, climbing roses, clematis).
Ceramic flowerpots and amphorae planted in them, herbs planted in them, ampelous flowers, clay vessels, sculptures, wooden benches and chairs on the terrace will be decorative elements for decorating a plot in the Mediterranean style.
Comply with SNIP and laws
Competent site planning, including the location of all buildings on it, is a guarantee not only of safety, but also of calm nerves, as well as peace and prosperity in relations with neighbors. In construction, one of the important and at the same time sometimes problematic issues is compliance with the distances established by law between individual objects on the site.
The Land Code of the Russian Federation in Article 40 establishes that the owner of a land plot has the full right to erect buildings on it (residential, household, household, etc.), but in accordance with the purpose of the acquired land and compliance with urban planning regulations, environmental, sanitary and hygienic, fire and other standards.
This means you can't plan out entirely as you wish.
What are the requirements?
Whether you like it or not, some rules will have to be followed. ATin particular, concerning the location of buildings. When designing a suburban area, keep in mind that the distance should be between the border with neighbors and:
- one- or two-family block house - 3 m;
- other buildings (garage, sauna, etc.) - 1 m;
- buildings for keeping domestic animals (birds and livestock) - 4 m;
- trunks of large (tall) trees - 4 m, medium-sized - 2 m and shrubs - 1 m.
In addition, in accordance with fire safety requirements, the gap between buildings within the site must be at least six meters.
As practice shows, disputes between neighbors over compliance with the above norms happen very often and become the cause of litigation. The legal framework is such that failure to comply with the distance can lead to a requirement for the forced demolition of the building.
Therefore, when carrying out your own author's design of a suburban area, always remember the rules. This will save you from unnecessary problems and disputes with neighbors.