Today, many city dwellers prefer to buy small plots of land in the suburbs, build country houses and spend the warm season in the bosom of nature, far from city smog and bustle. For many, these houses are gradually turning into a permanent place of residence, for others - into a place for summer holidays. In both cases, the owners of these sites are trying to equip not only the house, but the entire site, to make it attractive to the eye. Today, there are many specialized magazines from which you can draw various design ideas for a summer cottage. Original solutions for the arrangement and design of the land can be seen in the photographs published by amateur summer residents, sharing their experience.

Landscape design of the suburban area
Decoration of the land (suburban) plotor, as it is commonly called today, landscape design is a creative activity, with the help of which any, even a very small piece of land, can be transformed into a paradise. For many summer residents, it is much more important to have a well-kept garden with a cozy seating area than a renovated house, especially if the site also has a covered gazebo where you can have a great weekend, organize a picnic with friends, etc.
Old new decor items
Today, you can find many different decorative elements on sale, which, depending on the country of origin, material, quality and other circumstances, have different prices. However, some of the most creative summer residents prefer to design summer cottages with their own hands and with the help of improvised means. Decor elements that are several tens or even hundreds of years old look very impressive in the country. If the dacha passed to the current owners by inheritance from grandparents, then somewhere in the attic or in a hidden corner of the barn there will surely be old things that the economical ancestors regretted throwing into a landfill, and today they may well come in handy in order to create the design of a country house. site with your own hands.

Reuse of vintage items
So, as decor elements for decorating a summer cottage, you can use an old poker, irons, wooden wheels from carts and the cart itself, baskets and jugs, a sieve, a leaky cast iron, kerosene lamps, a samovar, even old leaky boats and barrels. The main thing -have a fantasy and understand how you can breathe life into these seemingly unnecessary things. If there are no such items either in the barn or in the attic of this dacha, then they can be easily purchased for a penny somewhere in the village market or in the local junk shop. For all of the above items, it will be possible to find application if, when creating the design of summer cottages with your own hands, you want to not only save money, but also do something exclusive, something that cannot be bought in the “Items for giving and leisure” store. Thanks to these items and, most importantly, without any special financial costs, it will be possible to achieve the desired result and give the summer cottage a unique look that will become a source of pride and the realization of the creative potential of the owner.

Porcelain and earthenware items
Half a century ago, various porcelain figurines were an integral part of the interior in both urban and rural homes. They were of various themes (funny little animals, dancers, figurines of athletes, etc.) and different colors, from completely white to colorful ones. So, all these beautiful figures will perfectly fit into the design of a small suburban area. The main thing is that they are of good quality and do not deteriorate from precipitation. In the same capacity, you can use clay or ceramic household utensils: jugs, dishes, pots, etc. Compared to porcelain, they are more stable, and it is much more convenient to use them to design summer cottages with your ownhands.
Natural and artificial materials
What is a cottage without wickerwork? Various wattle fences give the design of the cottage originality and originality. With the help of willow twigs or birch twigs, you can weave various items: screens, framing for flower beds, umbrellas, stands for flower pots and much more. With the help of this simple material, you can give free rein to your imagination and implement many interesting ideas and ideas. With their use, you can create various compositions in which several decorative elements will participate at once: porcelain and clay figurines and dishes, antique utensils, plants, artificial fruits and vegetables (grapes, pomegranates, apples, mushrooms, pumpkins), as well as natural material (cones, acorns and nuts). Various snags, rotten stumps, interestingly shaped logs, etc. are perfect for decorating the site.

So, for example, pouring earth into a rotten stump, you can plant some annual flowers in it, for example, petunia, turning it into a natural “pot” for flowers. You can use tree hollows for these purposes to plant liana flowers there. Later it will be necessary to ensure that these flowers wrap around the branches of trees. Thus, very special flowering trees will appear on your site, which will cause awe in your guests. Indeed, in nature there are no such flowering trees. Here is such an original trick! As you can see, the landscape design of a summer cottage (photos are presented in the article) can bealmost free of charge, at no significant cost.

Furniture for summer cottage
Speaking of furniture, summer residents mean various benches, tables, benches, shelves, swings, chairs and more. All this can be ordered from special craftsmen or bought ready-made in a specialized store, but you can also do it yourself. The design of a summer cottage of 12 acres must necessarily include the presence of at least a few benches at different ends of the cottage. After all, such a manor is quite extensive, and during walks you may want to sit down somewhere in the shade and relax. Of course, you can make a small gazebo with a table at each end of the cottage. This is very convenient in cases where several companies come to rest here at the same time, for example, young people and their parents, etc. If there are comfortable gazebos at different ends of the site, these companies will be able to have a good time without interfering each other. The design of a summer cottage of 10 acres should also include the presence of several benches located in the shade, and at least one gazebo or a cozy oriental-style summer tent. Benches can be made from processed and fastened logs to each other. You can use two old school chairs with metal legs as a base (legs). By placing them at some distance from each other and attaching to them several sanded, painted in any bright color or simply covered with colorless varnish logs or boards, you can make a comfortable bench. Incidentally, the lasttime it became popular to make single seats from old tires, burying them halfway into the ground. Such seats can be arranged in a circle around a round or square table. Armchairs can be wicker, in which, for convenience and comfort, it is appropriate to put large soft home-made pillows in bright covers. For children, you can build benches in the form of bizarre animals: deer, horses, donkeys. Pergolas can also be made from boards, logs or bamboo.
Old boat - original garden design idea
Regardless of whether you live permanently in a country house or spend only weekends and vacations here, it is very important that not only the interior decoration of the house, but the entire land plot is beautifully decorated and pleasing to the eye. Lawns, flower beds, trimmed ornamental trees and shrubs, as well as flowering fruit trees are found in almost every well-groomed area. But in order to create a do-it-yourself design of summer cottages that is fashionable today, it is assumed that there are such original decor elements that you will not find in any garden. And the more original the idea, the more people will want to admire the handiwork of the owner of this estate. A great idea for a summer residence is the arrangement of a flower bed in a leaky boat. By placing it in the middle of the lawn and sprinkled with gravel around it, you can break a real flower bed of many annual plants in it.

Revitalization of an artificial reservoir
Many summer residents dig a small pond near the house, plant reeds, water lilies andwater lilies. However, if you “revive” this artificial reservoir, it will be much more interesting. For example, you can place a barrel next to it, making a hole in it for water to enter, insert tiles inside at the hole so that water does not get into the barrel, and lead water to it. From the barrel, water will pour into the pond, creating the feeling of spring water. You can arrange a small waterfall. And if you also make lighting for artificial reservoirs, then all this will create a romantic atmosphere around them. For these purposes, it is most convenient to use low-power halogen lamps (12 V). They are safe and will not heat water.
When decorating a summer cottage, you must also take care of its lighting. With the help of beautiful lanterns or garlands, you can turn the area into a fairy tale. Especially if you place the lamps next to the fancy decor elements. Tents with garlands of light bulbs that recreate the spirit of an oriental fairy tale look very nice. In such an environment, it is pleasant to organize various theme parties, celebrations, even weddings and birthdays.

The dacha decorated with your hands will forever become your pride, your outlet, and you will want to come back here again and again. Here you can always change something, add, refresh color, etc. Here, each little thing will have its own history, its own value, and this is much more important than an expensive little thing from the store.