Begonia: home care, photo

Begonia: home care, photo
Begonia: home care, photo

Today there are a huge number of different types of flowers that can be grown at home. The most important thing is to know how to properly care for them.

Begonia is a very common plant that can be used to decorate parks, squares, gardens. You can also grow it at home. The flower belongs to the Begonia family. There are about 900 wild species and 2000 hybrid varieties in this genus. This culture owes its name to Michel Begon. It was he who first described this plant in the distant 17th century. The flower began to be used as an ornamental plant only after a whole century. In this review, we will consider what a begonia is. The care required by the plant, as well as growing conditions, will also be mentioned.

Begonia. Brief History

begonia care
begonia care

Michel Begon first discovered this plant in the Antilles. Later, researchers discovered the ever-blooming begonia in Brazil and India. These plants became the basis for the emergence of modernvarieties. Begonia has been widely used for decorative purposes. It was planted in greenhouses. Later varieties were bred that could withstand colder weather. All over the world today there are a huge number of different forms and varieties of this crop.

Begonias, depending on their characteristics, can be classified as follows:

  • deciduous;
  • decorative flowering.

Tuberous begonia is very popular among flower growers today. Care at home for this plant is quite simple to provide. At the same time, it has an unusual appearance with bright flowers. In nature, tuberous begonia grows in tropical and subtropical climates. Most often it is found in shady places, at an altitude of 4 thousand meters above sea level, on arid slopes and mountains.

What a variety of shapes there are

begonia care at home
begonia care at home

I would like to note that begonia can be both a small herbaceous plant and a rather tall bush. Some types have stems, others have one leaf. As for color, begonia can be any shade of green. The back side is plain or covered with interesting patterns. The flowers themselves are characterized by a wide variety of colors. Luxurious buds simultaneously resemble carnations, daffodils, camellias, and roses. A unique culture can decorate a summer garden from the beginning of summer until the end of September.

Many housewives today are interested in home begonia. Winter care for thisplant is not particularly difficult. Let's consider it in more detail.

Home care

How does begonia grow? Plant care conditions determine the flowering time. Varieties that are decorative flowering are characterized by special beauty. Deciduous varieties are characterized by the spectacular shape and color of the leaves.

Here are just a few factors to consider if you want to grow a beautiful and he althy plant:

  1. Temperature and lighting. This is one of the main conditions. Home begonia should grow in good light. Flowering specimens need light the most. However, during the active sun, it is better to shade the plant slightly. This must be done so that the flower does not get burned. For decorative deciduous varieties, diffused light is more suitable. The flower can be placed on the western or eastern windowsill. Begonia loves warmth more. The air temperature should not be less than 15-18 degrees. The optimal value is 22 degrees.
  2. Humidity. The plant needs to create optimal conditions. Because tuberous begonias are tropical flowers, they require high humidity. But experts do not recommend spraying. Water, falling on the leaves, provokes the appearance of spots. You can increase the level of plant moisture by constructing the following structure. The flower must be placed on an inverted pallet. It is placed in a large container. Expanded clay is poured into the remaining space. Try to constantly monitor the level of humidity. This will allow you to create conditionsrequired by the begonia. Winter care at home can be limited to this. In the hot season, the plant requires enhanced watering. Try to ensure that the water in the pan does not stagnate. For irrigation, settled water is best.
  3. Feeding. Fertilizers for begonias must be applied a couple of times a month. Nitrogenous fertilizers are suitable for top dressing of decorative and deciduous species. They favorably affect the growth of leaves.
  4. Transplantation. For the houseplant in question, you need to buy special soil. You can also prepare the soil yourself. To do this, you need to put drainage in the form of sand on the bottom of the pot. Half of the container is covered with leafy soil. Then add a mixture of black soil and peat. With proper soil preparation, the flower will grow well. Plant transplantation is carried out periodically if necessary. If roots begin to stick out of the drainage hole, then most likely it's time to transplant the flower. It is usually carried out in early spring. The begonia is carefully removed from the pot, the earth is shaken off the roots, and then disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate. Dead parts can be removed.

Water the plants. Features

watering a flower
watering a flower

How much watering do begonias need? Caring for this houseplant has many features. The irrigation scheme can also be called quite complicated.

Let's consider it in more detail:

  1. In summer days, it is recommended to water the plant especially abundantly. It is enough to do this a couple of times a week.
  2. With the onset of heat, the soil of the flowermoisturize daily.
  3. Starting from October, the amount of watering can be reduced. It is enough to water the begonia as soon as the top of the soil dries.
  4. In winter, the flower does not require abundant watering. Moisten the soil as needed.
  5. With the onset of spring, the amount of watering should be gradually increased. This stimulates the growth of begonias.

How does begonia reproduce?

Today, many are interested in what kind of plant care should be taken at home? Almost every grower has a photo of begonia. But how does this indoor flower reproduce? There are several ways to breed begonias: stem, leaf cuttings, dividing the bush. Each variety has its own characteristics. For example, seeds and tubers are used to propagate tuberous begonia. These are the most common options.

Transplantation and reproduction of this species can be carried out in the following sequence:

  • tubers are taken out of the ground;
  • remove leaves;
  • roots clear the ground;
  • tuber placed in peat;

The optimal time for the procedure is from February to May.

Growing from seeds is considered one of the most convenient and effective. Seeds remain viable for three years. It is better to sow the plant in early January. By sowing early, you will also ensure early flowering. The main factor for obtaining positive results is the length of daylight hours: it should be at least 12 hours. The soil in the box before sowing is necessarymoisturize well. While maintaining the optimum temperature of 22 degrees in a couple of weeks, the first shoots will already appear. Watering young shoots is necessary only after the top layer of the earth has dried. Growing an ornamental crop with this approach will be more efficient.

How will begonias continue to grow? Seedling care mainly consists of providing light and water. It is necessary to dive a young plant no earlier than 21 days after the appearance of the first leaves. Flowers can be transplanted into separate containers only after a month. About six months later, observe the first bloom.

flower transplant
flower transplant

Pests and diseases

What else should you know about a flower like begonia? Planting and care at home can be complicated by the presence of pests. Powdery mildew can appear from an excess of moisture. To prevent this disease, it is necessary from time to time to conduct a visual inspection of the lower leaves and the core of the bush. It is there that rot and powdery mildew most often appear. If this problem is detected, the affected parts of the plant should be removed. Also, experts recommend temporarily reducing watering. This will prevent further spread of the fungus.

What other diseases are tuberous begonias susceptible to? Caring for this plant must necessarily include protection from the red spider mite, since the flower is very often attacked by this pest. Insecticide solutions are used to control parasites. The plant is then covered with plastic wrap.enhancing the effect. As a rule, the appearance of pests can be associated with improper or insufficient care. Subject to all conditions, begonia will delight you with its appearance.


pink begonia
pink begonia

What is remarkable about home begonia? Care, photos and user reviews about this wonderful flower - that's what this article is devoted to. Begonia has incredibly beautiful leaves. Depending on the variety, they can have a different appearance, be small or large, red or green, velvety or glossy. They are somewhat reminiscent of maple leaves. This indoor flower looks very original. The shape of the leaf plate is also quite diverse.

Some varieties have large, burdock-like leaves, while others are round and small. There are specimens in which the leaves are dissected along the edges. This gives the plant an asymmetrical appearance. The leaves sit on the stem in a mosaic pattern. This arrangement allows them not to obscure each other. As a rule, the upper part of the leaf has a green color. Gradation of shades of green is allowed. On the back side, the leaf may have a purple or brownish tint. On the stem of the plant there are delicate hairs of white, green, scarlet or bronze color. Thanks to this, begonia acquires a velvety appearance. It makes you want to touch her. Intricate patterns, strokes and varied shades give the leaves a unique identity. Many even confuse them with the flowers of this plant. Experienced flower growers recommend not spraying begonia leaves. It could lead to deathwhole plant.


How often do begonia flowers please their owners? Planting and care at home, if all requirements are met, will certainly give positive results.

There are several varieties of begonia flowers:

  • dairy and white;
  • red and scarlet;
  • lilac and pink;
  • yellow and orange.

An important advantage is also a pleasant smell. When the plant fades, seed pods appear on the stems. When ripe, they crack and fly apart.

Basic Growing Tips

orange begonia
orange begonia

How should begonia grow? You can find photos of plant care, tips and tricks in this article. Begonias do great indoors. However, few people know that it is also suitable for growing in open ground. Most species have succulent herbaceous stems. Begonia blooms throughout the summer, and under favorable conditions, it will delight you in the fall.

Recommendations for caring for this houseplant can be given as follows:

  • flower grows best in partial shade;
  • please provide abundant watering in summer;
  • begonia is recommended to be watered with warm water;
  • transplant a flower only if necessary.

What difficulties may arise when leaving

A common problem faced when growing begonias is the lack of flowering. Perhaps the plant simply does not have enoughlight or moisture. Also, the reason may lie in the wrong temperature. The lack of flowering may be due to an overabundance of fertilizers. Try changing the growing conditions: move the begonia to another place or choose a different watering regimen. If the begonia continues to wither, just in case, root a couple of roots.

There are many reasons why begonias do not bloom. Care at home must necessarily include the enrichment of the soil with minerals. Perhaps your flower simply lacks some kind of fertilizer. Many gardeners also complain about the sudden yellowing of the plant. This phenomenon can be observed when the soil is depleted and there is a lack of moisture. It is also worth checking if there are any parasites in the soil that can infect the root system of the plant.


decorative begonia
decorative begonia

Begonia has become widespread today. It decorates both city apartments and gardens of country houses. Begonia, the care of which does not require significant effort, will delight its owners with chic flowering for many years. All you have to do is follow a few simple guidelines in this article.
