This home flower has different names: sansevieria, sanseviera, sansevier. But among the people they call it even more interesting: pike tail, mother-in-law's tongue, snake plant. Why the plant was given such original names, how to care for it and grow it at home, we will tell in the article.
Origin and use
America is considered the birthplace of the plant. At least 250 varieties of the flower grow on the continent. They vary in leaf length.
In Mexico, the fibers of the plant are used to make ropes and fabrics. Interestingly, tequila (Mexican national drink) also has a pike tail.
In addition, the culture is actively used in garden design and in creating flower arrangements in the interior. The large leaves of sansevieria serve as an excellent backdrop for smaller specimens in pots. The result is beautiful green thickets, which are so appreciated by lovers of live compositions.

If you look at the photo of the pike tail, you can pay attention to the fact that the plant has absolutely no stem. Instead of this,the flower has several long, sharp leaves pointing upwards. It is for this appearance that the plant got its original name, because the elongated pointed leaves resemble pike tails. Well, for someone - a long mother-in-law's tongue.
As for the name "snake plant", it is explained by the colorful color of the green culture.
The flower belongs to the Asparagus family, although it previously belonged to the Agaves, it is an evergreen stemless plant.
The length of the "tail" depends on the variety: some grow up to one meter in length, others are shorter.
Since the plant comes from the hot countries of Africa and Asia, it feels great in deserts or semi-deserts. Its rhizome is creeping, and on the leaves there is a dense wax coating that protects them from evaporation. Thanks to this feature, the plant is not afraid of drought, so it survives the dryness of indoor air.

Existing types of sansevieria can be divided into two groups:
- Plants with erect, lanceolate leaves reaching 1.5 meters in height.
- Flowers with leaves combined into rosettes.
In both species, the leaves are dense and their formation begins at the very roots.
Sansevera is not considered an ornamental leafy plant, it can bloom. The peduncle for the bud comes from the same rosette as the leaves. Their petals are light green in color. They open in the evening and close in the morning. The flowers emit a pleasant vanilla smell, which is why insects love this flower, and breeders use it when pollination is needed.
Sansevieria bloom lasts long enough.
Care activities
The pike tail plant needs care, then it will be able to please its owner with attractive juicy foliage. In the process of care, you need to pay attention to the following points:
- Air temperature. Pike tail is not too picky about temperature conditions. In nature, it grows in different climatic conditions. The most suitable temperature in summer is 18-24 degrees, in winter - 14-17 degrees. If it is lower, this may adversely affect the growth and development of the plant.
- Lighting. Under natural conditions, the pike tail flower prefers bright diffused light. Variegated varieties love an abundance of light. It is undesirable to put a flower in unlit places, otherwise it will stop its growth. In summer, a balcony or loggia is ideal for sansevieria.
- Water. It must be done in moderation. In winter, the plant is watered in limited quantities. In general, watering for sansevieria should be carried out according to the principle: it is better not to top up than to pour. Spraying the leaves does not make sense, they can be wiped with a damp cloth from dust. The plant is drought-resistant.
- Fertilizers. In order to feed the plant, you can use mixtures for cacti, as well as decorative leafy specimens. They contain a minimum of nitrogen along with other useful substances. Too much nitrogen can lead to rotroot system.
- Composition of the soil. Before planting a plant, it is important to choose the right soil for it. Pike tail will feel great in the ground, consisting of five parts of turf, one part of leafy soil and part of sand. The substrate must be calcined before use.
- Pike tail flower transplant. When caring for him, a timely transplant is required. If the root system has occupied the entire pot, it's time to change the container. The new pot should be larger than the previous one.
- Cropping. Mature plants should be pruned regularly. This is especially necessary if the side shoots dry out. Pruning will help renew the plant.

In general, caring for a pike tail is easy, even a beginner can handle it.
If desired, the plant can be propagated in different ways: by dividing the roots, leaf particles, side shoots.
Reproducing with the help of roots is best in the spring. When receiving divisions, it is important that each of them has a growth point. Roots are cut with a sharp knife. Then they are planted in sand and regularly watered. When the first roots appear, the plants are transplanted into separate pots using the transshipment method.

When propagated by leaves, they are cut into pieces 5 cm long, planted in sandy soil, watered, covered with foil. Rooting will occur in about 40-50 days.
Is there any benefit?
The pike tail has not only decorativeproperties, but also used as a medicinal plant. It is:
- diuretic;
- sweatshops;
- choleretic;
- antiviral;
- immuno-boosting;
- fungicide.
Decoctions of sansevieria are used for otitis, bronchitis, pathologies of the digestive system, genitourinary infections, women's diseases. The root stimulates the immune system well. Useful decoctions are prepared from it to help with colds.
If the leaves are crushed until juice appears, then they can be applied to wounds. The action is similar to the effect produced by plantain. The crumpled leaf also helps fight fungal skin infections and other dermatological diseases.
Pike tail perfectly cleans the air in the apartment. In the room where the sansevier is located, the number of pathogenic bacteria decreases, the harm of building materials and paints is neutralized. And if a flower is placed next to a computer, it will absorb harmful radiation from the monitor.
Essential oils in the composition of the plant have a positive effect on the microclimate of the room and benefit the person. According to traditional healers, the plant is able to save a person from stress. Thus, with reasonable use of human he alth, the flower will only benefit, there can be no talk of harm.

Sansevieria is strictly forbidden to eat. It is important to ensure that pets do not eat the leaves of the plant. The saponins it contains will cause poisoning and vomiting.
In small doses, saponins are not dangerous and, as we found out, have medicinal properties. But exceeding their dose becomes a truly alarming factor. If it comes into contact with the skin, the juice of the plant can cause burns. If a cat or dog eats a piece of the plant, they will experience nausea and vomiting.

Sansevieria should also be kept away from small children. If the baby bites off a piece of a leaf, he will have a strong burning sensation in the digestive organs and salivation. If this happens, you should call an ambulance and give the child activated charcoal as soon as possible.
When transplanting a flower, all work should be done with gloves, the remaining parts should be thrown away immediately.
Interesting opinions
Possible harm from the plant is explained by existing superstitions.
Signs about the pike tail are numerous and often opposite in meaning. Should they be trusted? Let's try to figure it out.
Someone claims that a pike tail at home will certainly harm all households and lead to quarrels.
Others, on the contrary, believe that the presence of sansevieria in the apartment will help its inhabitants in building relationships and gaining many original ideas. In a room where sansevieria grows, quarrels happen much less frequently. Men's potency improves, and all household members feel more confident. After all, a flower in the best way affects the functioning of the human brain and nervous system.

Feng shui experts say that any plants with leaves pointing upwards are favorable in terms of their influence on others.
Which point of view is worth adhering to, everyone decides for themselves. Any plant can be friend or foe. It is important to learn how to use it correctly. One way or another, this beautiful green plant will be able to decorate any room.