Holding conditions must be correct for the normal growth and he alth of the pet population. That is why it is important to know how to build a pigsty with your own hands. The ideal building of this type is a barn with a paddock. A barn is needed to keep animals in the winter, while a corral is suitable for summer walks. Locking the animals in the barn will weaken their he alth, and there will be no place to keep them during repairs.
Calculation of sizes
Before you build a pigsty with your own hands, you need to determine how much space is needed for one animal. You must consider how many of them you intend to keep at the same time. For one pig, 5 square meters will be enough. It is best to keep individuals in separate groups distributed in boxes. For one box, the number of boars should not exceed 5 heads, while sows should not beover 12.

Pigs that are supposed to be kept on different types of feed can be kept in sections of 25 animals. This applies to young animals and small piglets. If you decide to build a pigsty for 2 heads with your own hands, then 10 square meters will be enough for this. The parameters mentioned above are based on the fact that each animal will be in a separate stall.
Walls should be built of a sufficiently strong material, only then restless cattle will not be able to destroy them. The building must be equipped with a ventilation system and drains. The roof should have a slope, only then you will exclude the accumulation of precipitation in the form of rain and snow on its surface. The building concept exists not only for the main barn, but also for the paddock. Fences should be made of wooden poles. The aisles between them should be wide enough, only then pasture and cleaning will be convenient.

If you are wondering how to make a pigsty with your own hands, then it is important to think about what the floor will be like. It is one of the most important building blocks. It should be made as strong and durable as possible. An excellent option for this would be a concrete coating. Wood works well too, but the boards need to be strong. A concrete floor will be much easier to clean. Ground cover is not suitable, as animals can destroy it. Among other things, the soil is not hygienic.
For reference
If you decide to build a pigsty with your own hands, the drawings of which must be prepared by you before starting work, you need to take into account not only the estimated number of heads, but also climatic conditions. It should be remembered that pigs are precocious animals, they grow quickly, so over time it will be necessary to sort them by age and weight. For certain weight categories, a certain diet, equipment and a place to keep are required.
Construction Features
After the overall calculation of the area in the barn was made, it is necessary to make a project with some margin. Depending on what material will be at the base of the barn, you should choose the foundation. If you plan to build a pigsty for 2 heads with your own hands, and the walls are supposed to be made of wood, then it is recommended to form the base from the beams, moving the podium from the ground by 10 centimeters. As practice shows, a wooden pigsty does not provide for such high costs compared to other options. A wooden covering, removed from the ground, will protect the building from moisture and leakage.

In the event that you decide to opt for a concrete coating, then it should be combined. In the place where the animals will lie, boards should be laid, as pigs are thermophilic. An alternative solution is to lay the floor with bricks, as it is warm compared to concrete. As an additional plus brickstands out for its ease of installation. It is important to ensure the flow of manure and dirt, for this the floor is laid with a slope of 6 centimeters. In its coating, you can make a drain through which it is convenient to wash off dirt and waste. This method, according to farmers, is more practical, because it will be much easier to clean the barn.
Expert advice
Do-it-yourself pigsty can be built according to a certain technology, however, it is necessary to remember the heat-loving pigs. For adults, the optimum temperature is considered to be the limit from +12 to +15 degrees. Whereas piglets should be kept at a mark of +19 degrees. It is important to take into account the optimal level of humidity, which should not be more than 70%. To create a comfortable microclimate in the pigsty, a heating system should be installed. It is best to lay it in the underground space.

Tools and materials for construction
Before starting work on the construction of a pigsty, it is imperative to take care of the availability of materials and tools. Among them: waterproofing, fastening elements, drill, tes, cement, crushed stone, sand, as well as materials for walls. The latter can be brick or wood. You will need roofing materials, screws and thermal insulation. However, walls can be built from any available material. The main condition for this is that they are durable. If the thermal insulation is insufficient, then additional insulation can be made using insulating wool or foam.
Important elements of the pigsty - windows and roof
Do-it-yourself pigsty can be built by any farmer, for this he does not need to have additional knowledge and skills. But every master must know about certain rules in order to comply with them during construction. For example, windows should be 1.6 meters away from the floor surface. It is important to ensure that they can be opened to ventilate the barn. For fresh air to enter, it will be enough if half of them open. But drafts adversely affect the he alth of pigs, animals are susceptible to them, so you need to save window frames from cracks.

It is important to take into account another factor that will determine whether the building is of sufficient quality. So, the roof should reliably protect animals from atmospheric precipitation. It is most often made single-sided. When choosing a roofing material, you can give preference to slate. You should not start construction if you do not know how to equip the ventilation system. Pipes should be removed through the roof, through which fresh air will flow. An exhaust device is installed at the base of the pipe to provide draft.
Do-it-yourself construction of a pigsty, the drawings of which are presented in the article, provides for the possibility of bringing corrugations instead of pipes to the street through a roof or wall. It is very convenient to use such a system in the cold season. If the thrust is still bad enough, then an increase in its intensity can be achieved by installing a heating device atpipe base.
Do-it-yourself pigsty for 50 heads will provide for the need to allocate an area of 250 square meters. This figure does not take into account the aisles between the paddocks and places for walking. Windows should not be made too large, otherwise the pigs will be too active and excitable from an excess of light. The rooms should be slightly darkened, this will make the animals calm and have a better effect on weight gain. If the pigsty is supposed to be built in an area with a harsh winter, then it is best to make double glazing.
Choosing a seat
A do-it-yourself pigsty can be equipped according to all the rules, but it will not cause inconvenience to a person only if it is far enough from living quarters. This requirement is due to the fact that pig urine contains phosphorus, the vapors of which can adversely affect human he alth. In addition, the smell will be very unpleasant and noticeable.
Recommendations for the construction of foundations, walls and roofs
It will be easy to build a pigsty with your own hands if you first familiarize yourself with all the rules for the work. For example, the foundation can be laid out even from cinder blocks or poured with concrete mortar. In order to extend the life of the walls, the upper part of the base is covered with roofing material. Walls can be built not only from wood and brick, but also from foam concrete, cinder block or sleepers. If the climate in your area is extremely harsh, then inside the walls are finished with wood, which will become additional insulation.

There is no point in building an attic, since the humidity inside the room will be relatively high. The ceiling is best finished with a waterproofing film, as the effect of moisture on the beams will be detrimental.
Interior design
If you decide to build a pigsty for 10 heads with your own hands, then it is important to correctly calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe future building. This can be done if the above recommendations are taken into account. Pens should be partitions, the height of which is 1.5 meters. This will separate the animals. For example, young animals must be separated to control the diet. Sows will also need a separate corral, but boars contain up to 5 heads in one corral. Most often these are wooden floors, which are cheaper than brick ones. It is important to make a strong fixation of them, as adults are strong enough to break the wall.

When building a pigsty for 10 heads with your own hands, it is necessary to take into account not only the fact that one animal will need 5 square meters, but also the fact that the passage should have a width of 1.5 meters. This indicates that the minimum area should be 50 square meters. Holes must be made in the wall of the passage for waste disposal.
If you are thinking about how to make a pigsty with your own hands, you can draw up drawings yourself or borrow them from the article. They should definitely reflect the location of the feeders, which shouldbe near the entrance to the paddocks. However, this is only a wish, not a requirement. It is desirable to make them from wooden boards, which are recommended to be finished with a metal sheet.