DIY glass ceilings: photo, installation

DIY glass ceilings: photo, installation
DIY glass ceilings: photo, installation

Just a couple of decades ago, glass ceilings were considered a luxury for the average owner of an apartment or a private house. They were installed exclusively in large concert halls, restaurants, nightclubs and other establishments of this kind.

Today, glass ceiling surfaces are actively used in decorating residential premises. Designers successfully combine them with a variety of finishing materials and use them to decorate the ceiling in rooms for various purposes. The unsurpassed appearance and a number of unique qualities of such surfaces allow them to win the sympathy of a huge number of people.

suspended glass ceiling with lighting
suspended glass ceiling with lighting

Despite this, few decide to install a glass ceiling. Someone thinks that only professionals can handle the installation of such a finish, and this requires a lot of money. There is also an opinion that such surfaces are very problematic to maintain.

Both of these opinions are wrong. To make sure of this, we suggest that you review the installation process in ceilings, to study their main properties and varieties.

Key qualities of glass finishes

Glass is a unique material that allows you to expand the boundaries of the room and visually increase its height. It is easily cleaned of dirt and is completely maintenance-free.

Due to the fact that modern technologies have made it possible to significantly diversify the appearance of glass, today we have the opportunity to decorate our ceiling brightly and unusually. It is not difficult to purchase a coating that fully matches the interior of the room.

Glass ceilings with lighting fit well into the design of any style. Properly placed lighting devices allow several times to increase the attractiveness of the already bewitching beauty of the surface.

In addition, the positive qualities of such a finish include:

  • durability;
  • fire safety;
  • sustainable;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • easy installation;
  • detergent resistant.

It's no secret that the material perfectly tolerates moisture. This feature allows the glass ceiling to be used in bathrooms, kitchens, shower rooms and other high humidity areas.

But what about fragility? skeptical homeowners will ask. Yes, this is the main drawback of the material, but given that the inhabitants of the housing rarely touch the surface of the ceiling, the probability of damage to it is minimal.

Types of usedmaterials

Before considering how to make a glass ceiling, you should pay attention that it comes in two varieties. They differ in the type of material used. Namely:

  • silicate glass ceilings;
  • acrylic products.

The first option raises no questions. Everything is clear here: standard glass is used for decoration, which is used for arranging windows. It perfectly transmits light through itself, has an absolutely smooth surface and is not afraid of direct contact with incandescent lamps.

Acrylic material (in other words, plexiglass) looks like normal plastic. Its main advantage is increased strength. In a room with this kind of glass stretch ceilings, it is not scary to open champagne and even play ball with a child.

hinged mirror ceiling with photo printing
hinged mirror ceiling with photo printing

There are also disadvantages to such surfaces. They cannot be used with incandescent lamps, plastic is easily scratched by dust and abrasive detergents.

When exposed to high temperatures, the panels may deform, which makes them unsuitable for use in the kitchen. Acrylic material may emit an unpleasant odor for some time after installation, but it will fade over time.

As you can see, each option has its own characteristics. When choosing, you need to clearly determine which criteria are most significant for you.

Ceiling style

Glass ceilings can also differ in appearance, and it's not about the shape at all. Today we have three options availablesimilar finishes:

  • matte finish;
  • from mirror materials;
  • stained glass compositions.

Matte varieties are especially popular. They are barely visible dust and minor pollution. An excellent option is such a glass ceiling for the bathroom, since the settled steam is not visible on it. The light passing through the matte ceiling is diffused and muffled. The glass itself can be white, beige, pink, bluish and green.

frosted glass ceiling
frosted glass ceiling

Mirror options are especially valuable for the ability to visually enlarge the space and erase its boundaries. Such ceilings are made of both silicate glass and acrylic. In the first case, a special composition is simply applied to the surface, and in the second, a reflective film. With mirrored ceilings, only outdoor lighting is used.

Stained glass surfaces deserve special attention. Ceilings with glass inserts of different colors fill the room with luxury, bring brightness and colorfulness to its interior. Today, both expensive and budgetary ways to create a stained glass window are available to the buyer.

Basic attachment methods

After you have decided on the type of material used and the type of ceiling, it's time to start thinking about installing it. Here we want to draw your attention to the fact that this process has its own nuances.

Installation of glass ceilings is carried out in two ways and depends on the appearance that the finisheddesign.

According to the method of fastening, there are three types of finishes:

  • adhesive;
  • cellular;
  • wireframe.

The adhesive method involves fixing the material directly to the ceiling plate. Most often it is used during the installation of acrylic plates with a mirror surface. Hidden lighting cannot be used with this method.

Suspended illuminated glass ceiling mounted either on a metal frame or installed on a wooden base. In the latter version, a crate made of wood is equipped. After the installation of glass, it remains in sight and plays the role of a decorative element. This mount is in demand in expensive interiors.

suspended ceiling frame
suspended ceiling frame

The honeycomb mount provides for the assembly of a suspension system from a metal profile. Using this method, you can mount a glass ceiling in the bathroom, kitchen and other rooms with high humidity. The backlight in this case is located behind the glass.

How to properly mark the ceiling plate

We pass directly to the installation technology. At this stage, the good news awaits you: you do not need to level the surface! This finish will hide all the irregularities and flaws of the ceiling surface.

If the installation of glass ceilings is carried out by the adhesive method, then this process usually does not raise questions. The plates are smeared with a special compound and pressed against the surface.

If the ceiling has significant height differences, then in this case it is better to align itsheets of plywood. They must first be fixed at the base of the plate. So the elements will lie as evenly as possible, and there will be no mirror distortion on the ceiling.

suspended ceiling with a picture
suspended ceiling with a picture

Next, you should start fixing the plates. You can choose any type of arrangement of elements.

But for the installation of glass false ceilings, first of all, you need to mark the surface.

It's done like this:

  1. In one of the corners of the room, the height of the future structure is marked. Usually the distance from the floor slab to the glass itself is about 25 centimeters.
  2. With the help of a laser level, marks are transferred to all remaining corners. Here you need to make sure that they are all in the same plane.
  3. Now all the marked points need to be connected to each other. This stage is also controlled by the level.
  4. Straight lines (diagonally) connect marks in opposite corners. At the point of intersection of the segments, the middle of the surface is marked.
  5. Next, you need to measure each wall. Exactly from the middle of all four walls, draw a line to the center point on the ceiling.
  6. From the mark of the middle of the wall, measure 120 centimeters in both directions. Draw the line again. If the room is large enough, then measure 120 cm from the obtained extreme points again. You can continue this way until the end of the wall.

Now you need to mark the places where the glass ceiling hangers will be installed. To do this, draw a circle around the mark indicating the center of the ceiling. Its diameter shouldbe 180 cm. The resulting intersection points will indicate the connection points of the suspension. If necessary, the circle can be expanded to the required size.

Technology for mounting mounting brackets and suspension

Installation of hinged type glass ceilings is carried out using special metal corners and hangers. They serve as the basis of the frame and are attached to the walls and ceiling immediately after marking.

Their fixation is carried out as follows:

  1. In a metal profile or a wooden beam, you need to drill holes for fasteners (dowels). Work is carried out in increments of no more than 30 cm.
  2. Next, the corner profile (or wooden lath) must be attached to the wall. Make sure that the bottom edge of the element is located strictly on the line that you previously drew on the wall.
  3. Now you need to mark the places for installing fasteners. It is more convenient to do this work with a chipper, but you can get by with an ordinary construction pencil.
  4. The profile should be set aside and holes for the dowels should be drilled at the marked points with a perforator or drill. At the end of the work, insert the dowels. Using self-tapping screws, tighten the corner profile to the wall as tightly as possible. So you need to fix the corner rails around the entire perimeter of the room.
  5. Using drive-in fasteners, it is required to fix the suspensions at the indicated points. For more comfortable work with profiles, the hooks on them should be installed immediately in one direction.

Now you can start assembling the frame needed to properlyfix glass ceilings.

Installation of suspended ceiling profiles or wooden battens

Before assembling the frame, make sure that all installed fasteners are in the same plane. This is done at the same level. If a plumb line is not positioned correctly, its height can be adjusted using threaded connections.

glass ceiling in bedroom interior
glass ceiling in bedroom interior

To simplify your work, purchase a ready-made set of Armstrong type profiles. With it, the installation of glass ceilings will go much faster. The kits include everything you need, so you don't have to stop working if you run out of any fasteners.

Frame assembly should begin with the installation of guide elements. After that, the cross rails are mounted.

The technology of work is as follows:

  1. Guide profiles are placed on the installed hangers. Both of their edges are laid on the corner elements previously fixed on the wall. If the frame is assembled from wooden slats, then a beam or a piece of a metal profile, securely fixed to the floor slab, can serve as a suspension.
  2. If the length of one profile is not enough to connect the opposite walls, then it can be "fused" with another element using a special lock. They are usually supplied as a set. If none are found, use a small section of the profile.
  3. When all the frame guides are defined, you can start fixing the cross rails. ThemIt is recommended to install in increments of 60 centimeters. Make sure all corners are at a 90 degree angle.
  4. In places where lighting fixtures are located, it is better to install additional fasteners in advance.

Be sure to check the correct assembly of the structure. It is important that all its components are in the same plane.

Installation of electrical communications

Before proceeding with the installation of glass trim, you should take the time to communications: cable wiring and installation of lighting fixtures. This work can also be performed at the stage of fixing the crossbeams. It all depends on your convenience.

In the process of work, be guided by the following rules:

  1. Cables are attached to the ceiling plate using special clamps with mounting ears. They can also be removed in a metal or plastic corrugation. The main thing is that the wiring should not be visible through the transparent trim. Lighting devices are fixed on suspensions.
  2. If you are installing a glass ceiling in the bathroom, remember that this room is classified as a high-risk area. There can be no twists here. For rooms with high humidity, it is important to use only high-quality electrical cable. Junction boxes must be well fixed, all connections must be well insulated.
  3. Lamps in lighting fixtures should be selected depending on the type of ceiling. For plexiglass products, the type of lighting does not really matter. Here you can choose lamps to your taste.
  4. Acrylic ceilings, as mentioned above, do not accept exposure to heat. Above them, it is better to use LED light sources.

In the lighting of suspended ceilings, LED strip is especially popular today. It consumes minimal electricity and has a long service life.

LED Strip Light
LED Strip Light

If over time you want to change the color of the light or adjust its brightness, it will be very easy to do. It is enough to lift one cell of the ceiling and replace the desired strip.

Installation of glass cells

Illuminated glass ceilings are easy to install. The plates are simply laid on the finished frame, which is done very easily. Difficulties can arise only with cutting elements of the desired size. If you have not done such work before, entrust this matter to specialists or order ready-made slabs.

If you have chosen a coating with a pattern, all its parts must first be taken out and laid out in a conspicuous place. Then, in accordance with the sketch, you should gradually assemble the picture on the frame.

Often the glass is located on the crate in the form of a single sheet. This is convenient because the material does not need to be cut into cells, but it is quite difficult to put it.

glass ceiling in a wooden frame
glass ceiling in a wooden frame

Additionally glass can be fixed with decorative screws. To do this, you need to pre-drill the required number of holes in it. This must be done very carefully, constantly moistendrill with water. Make sure that the drilling site does not overheat. Otherwise, the panel may split.

Glass ceilings are no less easy to install over wooden crates. To do this, the tile is placed on top of the finished frame and attached to the base with decorative narrow slats or screws with a hidden head.

Mounting on a wooden base is most often used to fix expensive stained glass windows. It should be remembered that this method can only be used in rooms with a low level of humidity.

What is the cost of suspended glass ceilings?

The method of finishing we are considering can leave few people indifferent. It truly transforms the room and becomes the centerpiece of even the most daring interiors.

Photos of the glass ceiling amaze with their diversity and uniqueness. This finish looks great in both modest apartments and luxury apartments.

At this stage, many readers are concerned about, perhaps, the main question: how much does such a ceiling cost? Alas, it is impossible to answer it unambiguously.

The price of glass hinged structures depends entirely on the material of their execution, the complexity of the pattern and shape. However, one thing is for sure: acrylic glass will cost the buyer 30% more than silicate glass.

If we analyze several price tags, we can draw the following conclusions:

  1. Honeycomb ceilings made of white (frosted glass) cost about 1900-2700 rubles per 1 m22.
  2. Slabs (similar size) bronzeand graphite color will cost about 2400-3200 rubles. The price tag of the simplest colored acrylic glass starts from 1900 rubles per m2.
  3. Installation of LED lighting is paid separately. It has a cost of about 1800 rubles per m2. Fluorescent lighting costs 1200 rubles for the same size.
  4. Applying an image by photo printing or using sandblasting will cost the customer from 1500 per m2. The cost of film stained-glass windows starts from 10,000 rubles, and for painted ones - from 25,000 rubles.

As you can see, the price tag of glass ceilings cannot be called low. However, if you make them yourself, you will be able to save a lot. We hope that our article will help you with this!
