Tomato "Golden Fleece": variety description, characteristics, cultivation features, reviews

Tomato "Golden Fleece": variety description, characteristics, cultivation features, reviews
Tomato "Golden Fleece": variety description, characteristics, cultivation features, reviews

Recently, summer residents are increasingly paying attention not only to the taste of tomatoes, but also to their appearance. Often in the beds and in greenhouses you can see tomatoes of bright orange, rich chocolate, sunny yellow hues. Among the most original is the Golden Fleece variety. Today we present to your attention information about the features of growing the Golden Fleece tomato, its characteristics and reviews about it. Let's talk about how to choose the land and prepare the planting material!

Characteristic variety

tomato variety Golden Fleece
tomato variety Golden Fleece

This variety can be attributed to the earliest varieties of tomatoes for open ground and greenhouses. On average, its ripening falls on 80-90 days from the date of planting seeds for seedlings. "Golden Fleece" belongs to the category of determinant, openlyon the ground, its height does not exceed 40-50 centimeters. True, in greenhouse conditions, bushes can stretch up to 60 centimeters. They are quite compact, the leaves have a standard size and a rich green color.

Description of fruits

The fruits of the tomato "Golden Fleece" are ovoid, at the bottom they have a small spout. The immature fruits are light green, turning to a rich golden yellow upon maturity. The average weight of one tomato is 100 grams, from one bush you can collect about one and a half kilograms of fruit. Experienced gardeners say that about 10 kg of fragrant tomatoes can be obtained from one square meter, without much effort.

In general, the Golden Fleece tomato was included in the State Register of Vegetable Varieties of the Russian Federation 11 years ago - in 2008. Since then, he has fallen in love with summer residents. The thing is that it is ideal for open and closed ground, it can be grown in an open garden in the southern central zone of Russia, in a greenhouse it will develop and bear fruit even in colder regions.

Pros and cons of the variety

golden fleece tomato
golden fleece tomato

Tomato "Golden Fleece" has many advantages, the most important of them are early ripening, excellent taste, original appearance of the fruit. We must not forget that low bushes do not require garters and pinching. And the "Golden Fleece" is resistant to major diseases that affect the nightshade family. As for the shortcomings,gardeners say: there are practically none. True, someone calls too little yield a disadvantage. However, it should be borne in mind that the bushes of this tomato are quite compact, therefore, for this size, the yield of the Golden Fleece variety is quite acceptable.

Features of cultivation

Like most other varieties of tomatoes, this variety can be classified as heat-loving. That is why in most regions of Russia it can be grown only by seedlings. However, before you start planting seeds, you need to do the preparatory work to get a he althy and tasty harvest. The following stages can be distinguished: preparation of planting material, soil preparation, seedling care, transplanting it into open ground and caring for it until harvest.

Seed preparation

early varieties of tomatoes for open ground
early varieties of tomatoes for open ground

You can purchase ready-made planting material immediately before sowing seeds into the ground, or you can start harvesting at the end of the current season. In the second case, you need to select ripe fruits, wash them and crush them thoroughly, and then leave them for a couple of days. After that, the tomatoes must be washed in warm water, rubbing through a fine sieve. The seeds remaining in the sieve must be dried on the windowsill, folded into a bag of paper or cloth and put away in a dark place.

A month before sowing, the seeds must be calibrated. The easiest way is to remove every spoiled seed. Remove is worth and too large. Another way is to use a solutionregular s alt. One tablespoon will require 1 liter of water. Pour the seeds into the resulting solution and leave for 5 minutes. During this time, all seeds unsuitable for sowing float to the surface, while the good ones remain at the bottom.

In any case, it is extremely important to disinfect the seeds of the Golden Fleece tomato. To do this, it is necessary to place them for a short time in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide. You can use growth stimulants: the seeds should be folded into a thin cloth bag and left in a solution prepared according to the instructions for up to 6 hours. Rinse the seeds after this is not required, just dry them thoroughly. If you don't want to use growth promoters, you can use an ash solution. It contains about 30 nutrients that are good for tomatoes. All you have to do is dissolve a tablespoon of ash in a liter of water and mix well.

Soil preparation

tomato golden fleece photo
tomato golden fleece photo

For planting seeds, the most common soil from your garden is suitable, which in different parts should be mixed with humus, sand, peat and soddy soil. On a bucket of such a nutrient mixture, you can add half a glass of ash. If you decide to use the soil from your site, you should treat it with fungicides or shed it with a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate. Another method of disinfection is roasting in the oven. The temperature should not exceed 100 degrees, otherwise all the nutritional properties of the soil are lost. Prepared soilit remains only to decompose into prepared containers. Please note: boxes or pots must be thoroughly washed with laundry soap and held in a solution of potassium permanganate for about half an hour.

Seedling care

tomato golden fleece cultivation features
tomato golden fleece cultivation features

Tomatoes of the "Golden Fleece" variety must be planted in open ground after the seedlings are 50 days old. Therefore, you need to correctly calculate the time for sowing. Before this, you should water the earth in containers, add a small amount of mineral fertilizer. It is better not to use organic matter at this stage. Seeds need to be deepened by 2 centimeters, covered with glass or film on top. As soon as the first shoots appear, the shelter should be removed. The Golden Fleece will also require a pick: this should be done after two true leaves appear. Tomatoes of this variety have no special requirements: they just need to be watered in a timely manner, immediately after that, loosen the ground.

Features of tomato care before harvest

Every gardener knows that planting tomatoes in a plot where peppers, tomatoes or other nightshades grew last year should not be. The best predecessors are legumes, cabbage and greens. Before planting the Golden Fleece tomato in a greenhouse or garden, the ground should be cleared of weeds. Between rows, a distance of 70 cm must be observed, and between bushes in a row - 35. Each hole must be watered and fertilized. Care after planting seedlings includes weeding, loosening the soil andhilling. Watering is required once or twice a week, in cool cloudy weather or rainy days it is better to reduce the amount of watering. It is not recommended to water the stems of bushes, leaves and ovaries, otherwise the plant may develop fungal diseases.

golden fleece tomato reviews
golden fleece tomato reviews

You can fertilize two or three times. Solutions of bird droppings or mullein with water in a ratio of 1 to 10 are well suited. In addition to organics, mineral complexes, which include potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus, are also suitable.

Reviews about tomato "Golden Fleece"

In their reviews, summer residents note the original shape and color of tomatoes, their unusual sweetish taste. They say that the variety is quite unpretentious, so even beginners can handle the cultivation. Speaking about the characteristics of the Golden Fleece tomato, gardeners note its resistance to diseases, the main preventive measures that can protect the plant from late blight and fungal diseases are watering confidence, loosening the soil and timely removal of weeds. A big plus is that the "Golden Fleece" does not require a garter and pinching. In addition, summer residents note that the plant bears fruit better after heavy feeding.
