Many experienced gardeners are already familiar with Cardinal tomatoes. Reviews of this variety say that it is quite unpretentious in care and has amazing taste. In this article, you will learn everything about planting and caring for these tomatoes, as well as methods for the prevention and control of various diseases and harmful insects.
Characteristics and description of the variety

Tomato Cardinal is a self-pollinating variety, the height of the bushes of which reaches one and a half meters in open ground and two meters in a greenhouse. The fruits of these tomatoes have a strong aroma and a sweetish taste. As you can see in the photo, Cardinal tomatoes have a dense skin of a bright pink color. It hides under itself a juicy pulp without streaks. In the first years of fruiting, mature tomatoes reach a weight of almost 900 grams, but every year the weight of tomatoes decreases. The first harvest can be harvested as early as July and can be used both for fresh consumption and for canning.
The main advantages of the varietyare considered:
- resistance to many diseases;
- excellent taste and appearance of tomatoes;
- preservation of taste and presentation during transportation;
- quick germination of planting material;
- short fruit ripening;
- frost resistance;
- versatility of use.
However, along with the advantages, there are some disadvantages. For example, obligatory stepchildren and the need for a garter.

Seeds of Cardinal tomatoes are best sown in the first half of March. This variety is particularly frost-resistant, and therefore you can not worry that the plant will die under harsh climatic conditions.
You can plant seeds both in a common box and in separate containers. It is optimal to use peat pots, which are transferred to the open ground along with the bush. Planting material is buried two centimeters into the prepared soil. The nutrient substrate for planting should consist of garden and sod land, as well as a small amount of humus. Pretty fertile soil after growing legumes and cabbage. To improve the nutritional properties of the soil, wood ash and superphosphate preparations are added.
Before sowing, seeds are soaked for 12 hours in a growth stimulator, after which they are disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate and washed under running water. Several seeds are sown in the container at once, after which the plantings are moistened and covered with a film. Seedlings are placed in a warm andlighted place.
Seedling care

According to the description of Cardinal tomatoes, this variety is very light and heat-loving, and therefore it is important to provide it with sufficient lighting, especially in cloudy weather. If there is not enough sunlight, organize a source of artificial lighting. The air temperature in the room where the boxes with seedlings are located should not be lower than +25 ° С.
Young sprouts are undesirable to water from a watering can, it is best to water with a sprayer. Water the plants in the early morning or evening, after which the sprouts are mulched. To accelerate the growth of green mass, use top dressings with a high nitrogen content. In addition, you can fertilize the soil with complex mineral preparations.
Before transferring tomatoes to a permanent place, be sure to harden them. To do this, take the boxes with seedlings to fresh air, daily increasing the time the sprouts stay outside. Organize a well-lit and draft-free place where you plan to harden.
Transplanting in open ground

Transplanting seedlings to a permanent place is carried out in the first half of June. The place for growing Cardinal tomatoes should be well lit. Soil requirements are the simplest - the land must be fertilized with peat and humus.
Seedlings are planted according to the pattern of 70 x 80 centimeters. After transplanting, the seedlings are well watered with warm water and covered with a film to create the effect of a greenhouse. It is betterjust plant tomatoes in areas where cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin, cabbage, onions and garlic were previously grown. But after peppers, potatoes and eggplants, tomatoes should not be grown due to common diseases of these plants.
Tomato care

After transferring tomatoes to a permanent place, they should be properly cared for. Water Cardinal tomatoes as needed, using warm and settled water. For the entire growing season, at least four top dressings are required. Mineral and organic fertilizers alternate.
Weeding and loosening the soil every two weeks is a necessary measure to ensure the normal temperature and soil moisture. The first hilling is carried out 2-3 weeks after transplanting the plant into open ground.
If you do not have enough time to carefully care for the plant, you can simply organize mulching. Straw is most often used as mulch, which will protect the roots from frost, bacteria and pests, as well as relieve weeding and loosening processes. Mulch also retains moisture for longer.
Be sure to tie up the Cardinal tomato bushes. The design can be made of absolutely any material, be it wood, iron or plastic. In addition, stepping is a mandatory procedure, which ensures the normal formation of fruits.
Protection from diseases and pests

Cardinal tomatoes, like any other cultivated plants, are exposed to various harmfulinsects and diseases. Prevention of these ailments is the constant removal of weeds, ventilation of the greenhouse, as well as mulching the area around the bush with peat or humus.
Before sowing seeds for seedlings, it is advisable to ignite the soil in the oven. This measure will get rid of the possible presence of aphid larvae, slugs and thrips in the soil. At the initial stages of cultivation, it is permissible to spray plantings with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
From adult slugs helps to get rid of the manual collection and processing of leaves with a solution of ammonia. In case of contact with aphids, treat it with a soapy solution. And only insecticidal preparations will save you from spider mites. It is forbidden to use chemicals only during the period of fruit formation.