Pink Lady apples are popular all over the world. This late variety is characterized by large fruits, sweetness and pleasant aroma. In our country, it can be grown only in the southern regions and the European part with a long and warm autumn. How to do this will be discussed in our material.

Variety description
Pink Lady apples were bred by Australian breeders in 1979 by crossing Lady Villeme and Gorden Delicious. The resulting variety has gained popularity among gardeners around the world, and is now massively grown in France, Spain and Italy. The variety is medium late and is intended for regions with a warm climate. In our country, it takes root in the south, in the Crimea and some central regions, where in winter the temperature does not drop below -22 °C.
A tree with a wide oval and dense crown reaches 3 meters in height and 2 meters in diameter. It begins to bear fruit early, and you can harvest the first crop already in the third year after planting. But, unfortunately, culture does not live long - no more than 15 years. Usually,The variety is grown on dwarf rootstocks. In this case, the seedlings are planted half a meter apart. Pink Lady apples reach technical ripeness in late October - mid-November.

Fruit characteristics
Pink Lady apples, which are described in the material, are round-cone-shaped. They have a dense, glossy skin of a greenish-yellow hue. It is covered with a light pink or red blush that covers up to 60% of the surface.
The pulp is dense, juicy, creamy. It has a sweet and sour taste and a pleasant aroma. On a 5-point quality scale, they are rated at 4.9 points. Properly stored, Pink Lady apples retain their freshness and flavor for up to 10 months after harvest. In addition, the fruits have an attractive presentation, and they tolerate transportation well. Therefore, they are often grown commercially.

Composition, benefits and calories
Pink Lady apples are not in vain popular, because they are not only tasty, but also he althy. They include the following substances:
- potassium;
- calcium;
- phosphorus;
- iron;
- iodine;
- vitamins A, B, C.
In addition, apples contain pectin, fiber, organic acids and ash. Due to this rich composition, regular consumption of fruits improves immunity, prevents diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. They are useful for obesity, diabetes and metabolic disorders. Calorie content of apple varietiesPink Lady is 55 kcal per 100 grams.

Growing in the backyard
Pink Lady apples, photos of which are given in the article, belong to unpretentious crops. And even an inexperienced gardener can grow them. But for this you will have to choose a suitable site, as well as provide the seedlings with proper care for the first 1-2 years after planting. In the future, caring for the tree consists in regular pruning and top dressing.
Choosing a seat
For this variety, it is important to choose the right site. Where Pink Lady apples grow faster and harvest richer? In a sunny and open place. It is desirable that groundwater run no closer than 2.5 meters to the soil surface. If this is not the case, then it is better to grow trees on dwarf rootstocks or pre-drain the site.
Culture does not impose special requirements on the soil. The main thing is that the soil is slightly acidic or neutral. In case of an acid reaction of the soil, add dolomite flour to it in advance at the rate of 500 g per 1 sq. m.
Site preparation
Planting a seedling is best done in the spring. But it is advisable to prepare a hole for a tree in the fall. Then the soil will be well compacted and after planting the root neck will not go underground. For crop, dig a 11 meter hole.
Mix 2 buckets of peat with humus and excavated earth and pour the mixture into the bottom of the recesses with a 10-centimeter layer. Leave the remaining soil until spring and immediately before planting add 1-2 handfuls of mineral fertilizers to it. If you plan to grow sever altrees nearby, keep a distance of 3 meters between them.

Planting a seedling
Plant apple trees as follows:
- Drive a peg into the bottom of the recess, to which you will then tie the seedling.
- Place the tree in the hole and straighten its roots.
- Fill the voids with prepared soil so that the root collar is at ground level.
- Pour a 10 cm mound around the trunk circle. It will retain moisture when watering.
- Pour 4 buckets of water on the tree.
- Tie the seedling to the peg.
When the moisture is completely absorbed, mulch the trunk circle with a 7 cm layer of sawdust, compost, peat or straw.
Tree care
Water apple trees regularly for the first year after planting. Quantity and volume depend on weather conditions. If the summer is not dry, then moisten the soil once a week. Starting from the second year, water the seedling only when there is no rain for a long time, as well as during budding and during fruit ripening.
To reduce watering, add mulch regularly. It will retain moisture, and also protect the plant from weeds. And you do not have to constantly loosen and weed the site. Stop adding mulch only after the seedling begins to bear fruit.
If it was a dry autumn, then arrange water-charging watering for a tree at the rate of 10 buckets of water per 1 sq. m. Thanks to this, you will increase the frost resistance of the seedling. In late autumn, dig up the near-trunk circle and bring it undereach tree 2 buckets of humus and 1 liter of wood ash. So you protect the seedling from pests, improve air access to the roots. From the age of three, it is not necessary to take care of the plant.

The fertilizer that you planted when planting is enough for two years. Therefore, at the age of three, it is advisable to feed the seedlings, especially if your site has depleted soil. To do this, make 20 cm holes around the perimeter of the circle with a crowbar and pour granular fertilizer into them. Then top dressing will reach the roots. Fertilize next time in 4 years.
Apple trees of this variety quickly thicken, so form their crown immediately after planting. To do this, cut the central conductor into 3 buds and subordinate the side shoots to it. In subsequent years, prune in late fall or early spring, before buds swell.
During the event, remove all shoots growing inside the crown, as well as dry, damaged and broken branches. And do not forget to cut out tops - branches growing vertically. When the tree grows to 3.5 meters, transfer the guide to the side branch. If you are growing a medium-sized pod, then perform this event when the seedling grows at 2 meters.
The Pink Lady apple tree is often attacked by parasitic insects. And most often when growing this variety, gardeners are faced with such pests:
- Apple weevil. These beetles become active in early spring. To protect culture from them, hangglue trapping belts on the trunk. When the temperature rises above +15 °C, treat the seedling with insecticides.
- Codling moth. This insect is very dangerous, especially during fruit formation. Therefore, during this period, treat the seedling with insecticides.
- Green aphid. The insect appears during the formation of fruits. It is introduced into culture by ants. To protect against pests, tie adhesive belts around the trunk.
If you do not like to use chemicals against insects, then use the biological method of protecting plants from pests - the settlement of trichograms. These beneficial insects find clutches of parasites and destroy them. You can buy trichogram in a special laboratory. Unfortunately, the beneficial insects can't stand the cold, so they'll have to be repopulated every spring.

The variety is resistant to powdery mildew. But sometimes it is affected by scab, cytosporosis and black cancer. To protect seedlings from fungal diseases, treat trees in early spring with a 3% solution of copper sulfate. For the treatment of fungal diseases, use fungicides, for example, "Fitosporin", "Skor" or "HOM".
If you find black cancer, which manifests itself as red-brown spots on the trunk and shoots, then immediately cut out all the damaged branches and burn them away from other trees. Treat the culture with a 3% solution of copper sulfate. If the disease has struck the trunk, then it will not be possible to save the plant. And so that the disease does not spread tohe althy trees, cut down the infected sapling.
Growing Pink Lady apples in your backyard is easy. The main thing is to provide the seedlings with proper care in the first time after planting, and in the future, the trees will annually bring a bountiful harvest of tasty and he althy fruits.