Disinfection from cockroaches. How to get rid of cockroaches forever

Disinfection from cockroaches. How to get rid of cockroaches forever
Disinfection from cockroaches. How to get rid of cockroaches forever

Cockroaches are perhaps the most unpleasant neighbors. They appear quite suddenly in any room and feel like full-fledged residents. You can meet these insects in any unexpected place, but most often they live in the bathroom and in the kitchen. So, how to get rid of cockroaches for good?

cockroach disinfection
cockroach disinfection

Boric acid in the fight against cockroaches

Boric acid powder is a real poison for insects. However, for other residents of the house or apartment, this substance is absolutely safe. Buying this powder is not so difficult. Boric acid is freely sold in pharmacies. It is cheap, and it takes only 50 to 150 grams of the product to treat a small apartment.

Cockroach disinfection using this powder is considered much more effective than other methods. In addition, boric acid is completely harmless to both animals and humans. The product is odorless and is a real poison for cockroaches.

Extermination of cockroaches: method 1

Everyone knows that cockroaches are very fond of water. Insects will not live long without moisture. Therefore, it is possible to cut off all approaches to water by pouring boric acid in the right places. It is enough for a cockroach to simply smear himself with powder, and he will not live long. An insect under the influence of boric acid will in any case come into contact with other individuals. In the end, this will lead to the fact that everyone will die out.

Similar disinfection from cockroaches has its drawbacks. After all, these insects are very cunning. They can feel the poison. Therefore, it is better to prepare a delicious bait for insects that they simply cannot refuse.

how to get rid of cockroaches permanently
how to get rid of cockroaches permanently

How to get rid of cockroaches: method 2

Cooking bait for cockroaches is not that difficult. To do this, you will need a few raw egg yolks and boric acid. Both components must be mixed. The end result should be a very thick paste. It will be nice if small pieces can be molded from such a composition.

Roll the balls from the resulting mass and dry them a little. That's all - the poison from cockroaches is ready. Arrange the balls in the places where insects appear most often. The food-smelling poison is sure to attract the attention of cockroaches.

If you want to get rid of uninvited guests quickly, then this method will not work for you. It takes 3 to 4 weeks to kill insects in this way.

Poison gels

Today, many stores sell special products that allow you to disinfect from cockroaches and other insects. Are very popularspecial gels that are sold in syringes. It is very convenient to use this tool. It is enough to apply a small amount of gel to the baseboard by squeezing it out of the syringe. A distance of 10 centimeters must be observed between drops. It is necessary to process the room around the entire perimeter. Insects die after treatment after 3-7 days.

poison from cockroaches
poison from cockroaches

But which cockroach gel to choose? Reviews show that the most effective are tools such as Globol, Liquidator, Dohlox, Killer, Raptor. Consumers claim that it is these poisonous gels that allow you to quickly get rid of cockroaches. They are easy to use and do not harm others. The most popular of these funds is the gel of the German manufacturer Globol. Judging by the reviews, this drug acts quickly and effectively. Insects disappear 3-5 days after treatment of the premises. The main thing is to follow all the rules.

Special Traps

No less effective are special traps for cockroaches. Usually they are made in the form of round boxes. They make several entrances for insects. Poison is placed in the center of such a trap. After contact with the poison, the cockroach spreads the infection. As a result, other individuals begin to die.

Traps are usually fixed in those places where insects are more common. Boxes are fixed with Velcro. Judging by consumer reviews, the most effective are such tools as "Raid", "Combat", "Raptor".

disinfection of the apartment from cockroaches
disinfection of the apartment from cockroaches

Sticky Traps

Traps of a slightly different type can be used to kill insects. They are cardboard boxes, sticky inside. A bait is usually placed in the center, past which cockroaches simply cannot pass. Insects, having fallen into a trap, will not be able to get out of it. They just stick tightly to the walls.

Judging by the reviews, all traps of this type always work. Therefore, you can safely buy this remedy from cockroaches of any manufacturer. All traps are quite effective and do not harm animals and humans.

Aerosol against cockroaches

Recently, such a procedure as disinfecting an apartment from cockroaches with special sprays and aerosols has become popular. According to consumers, the best means of this plan are "Raid" and "Baygon". These aerosols allow you to exterminate not only red, but also black cockroaches. These sprays should be sprayed over those places where insects are most often found. These can be gaps between the baseboard and walls, door jambs and others.

When using such drugs, it is worth remembering that cockroaches easily adapt to aerosols. Gradually, insects just get used to, and the effectiveness of such products is greatly reduced.

Is it possible to completely get rid of cockroaches

from cockroaches reviews
from cockroaches reviews

If you live in an apartment building, then it is unlikely that the problem will be completely solved. Poison from cockroaches will help to get rid of insects for a while. However, after a while, they will still appear.

In this case, the mostAn effective way is to disinfect all apartments from cockroaches at once. This gives you a better chance of success. If the neighbors refuse, then after treating the premises with an insect repellent, you will need to close up all the holes through which cockroaches can enter your house. This is the only way you can get rid of parasites for a long time.

In conclusion

If you do not know how to get rid of cockroaches forever, then do not rush to give up. If necessary, you can contact a special service that disinfects from cockroaches. It only takes a couple of hours in time. This procedure allows you to quickly and permanently get rid of cockroaches.
