How to get rid of bedbugs forever?

How to get rid of bedbugs forever?
How to get rid of bedbugs forever?

One of the heroes of Ilf and Petrov left the hermit's cell and began to work as a cab driver, because he could not cope with the bugs that bred in the coffin that served him as a bed.

how to get rid of bed bugs
how to get rid of bed bugs

The bugs turned out to be stronger than faith, stronger than kerosene and other toxic substances.

Could this be real? How to get rid of bedbugs that suddenly appeared in the apartment? Where do they come from?

Biologists have established that bedbugs are a small family with semi-rigid wings. Some experts jokingly call them vampires: these insects feed only on human blood. Others call them cosmopolitans: they are found on all continents and take root perfectly in any climate. So the question of how to eradicate bedbugs is relevant all over the world.

how to get rid of bed bugs
how to get rid of bed bugs

Despite the fact that only 1% of the hundred known species of these insects are in contact with humans, they bring great harm. Their saliva is poisonous. It can cause rashes, swelling, and sometimes even allergic reactions orsuffocation. Not to mention the total disruption of sleep. Therefore, any person, just in case, should know how to get rid of bedbugs.

Method one, chemical.

There are many powders, liquids and aerosols to kill these animals. Get and Karbofos, Regent, Raptor, Dust, Dichlorvos, Kukaracha, etc., etc. Unfortunately, they don't always help. Why? Scientists cannot answer. It is only known that having 100% de alt with insects in one apartment, in another, the same funds do not help at all.

Second method, professional.

How to get rid of bedbugs forever? Call exterminators. These specialists have good experience and specific drugs, so their help is effective.

But what if for some reason it is impossible to use chemicals, and the question of how to get bedbugs out of the apartment remains relevant? Try the old method.

Third method, traditional.

You need to find a place for parasites to settle (usually a bed, upholstered furniture, animal bedding, etc.). Collect by hand all insects and, if possible, traces of their vital activity. Treat all habitats first with boiling water, then with soap, turpentine or kerosene, bleach. Thoroughly vacuum the entire apartment, and throw away the bag from the vacuum cleaner. Rinse the floors and wipe the walls and all surfaces with bleach, then with bitter wormwood tincture. Repeat everything until the insects die out. This method will take a very long time. You may even have to dispose of the infected item. Therefore, it is better to usewith the help of professionals.

how to get bed bugs out of an apartment
how to get bed bugs out of an apartment

Usually the question of how to get rid of bedbugs is followed by another: where did they come from? These insects can move from neighbors or get into the apartment on the folds of clothing. There are cases when bedbugs in the house appeared after repairs, which were made by visitors from neighboring countries. Often bed bugs can infect things on a train or plane. Some furniture shop buyers have complained that they bought new furniture infested with these "vampires". There is only one way to prevent it: carefully inspect things, maintain perfect cleanliness in the house. Then, perhaps, uninvited guests will not enter your house.
