How to choose the right equipment for organizing autonomous water supply? Along with the arrangement of the source of water intake (wells, wells), special attention must be paid to the method of raising the liquid from them to the surface. To solve this problem, submersible centrifugal pumps are most often installed.
Autonomous water supply consists of several elements: a source of drinking water, a piping system and pressure mechanisms for transporting liquids. Their proper design and interaction with each other is the key to optimal performance.

Pumping equipment is the main part, which must solve the following tasks:
- Raising drinking water from an underground source to its distribution system.
- Providing the required pressure and volume.
- Uninterrupted operation (subject to operating conditions).
- Maximum ease of management and process automation.
One ofthe best solutions that satisfy the above conditions would be the installation of centrifugal pumps. Along with a simple and reliable design, they have good performance properties. Their main area of application is raising water from wells and wells. Depending on the depth, submersible centrifugal pumps of various capacities are installed. For artesian wells, this figure can reach 50 m. Wells, in most cases, have a depth of up to 7 m.
Operation principle
The basis for the correct selection and operation is the scheme of operation, which distinguishes submersible centrifugal pumps from other devices of similar purpose. Their design corresponds to the operating conditions - being in a liquid medium, the body should not corrode. Since an electric motor is used as a power unit, its complete waterproofing is mandatory in order to avoid breakdowns and malfunctions. Consider the device of a submersible centrifugal pump. A typical pump consists of the following items:
- The electric motor is the sealed part of the pump in which the power unit is installed. With the help of the shaft, the energy of rotation is transmitted to the next node.
- Blade compartment - located at the bottom of the device. Designed to create pressure due to which water rises.
- Pipeline - a transport unit for moving liquid to a consumer point - a water supply system for a house or irrigation.

The pump is made from materials notsubject to corrosion - high quality polymers or stainless steel. In the lower part of the housing there are receiving holes that act as a filter. Large particles of debris do not enter the pump. During the rotation of the blades under the action of centrifugal force, the movement of water masses through the receiving chamber of the device occurs. At the same time, they act as an engine cooler, preventing it from overheating. For timely start (stop) float water level sensors are connected to the pump control unit. In addition to them, external control elements can be connected to the system - a pressure alarm in the water supply at home or direct switching on (off).
Depending on technical specifications, submersible centrifugal pumps may differ slightly in design. When choosing the optimal model, one should take into account the composition and degree of water pollution, as well as its depth. The last factor will directly affect the power of the pump.
The design of household models is relatively simple: the engine, together with the impeller, generates sufficient water pressure during operation. They are simple, reliable, have small overall dimensions. But if the horizon of drinking water is deep enough, complex types of construction should be installed.
To increase this parameter, centrifugal submersible water pumps are equipped with a more powerful motor, or a vertical pulley with several impellers. Thanks to this, they create an increased pressure of water to raise it to the surface.

Similar structures are also used for pumping oil. They have good performance and, most importantly, are reliable.
A standard household submersible centrifugal pump is selected based on its technical characteristics. In this case, attention should be paid to the power indicator. It is a determining factor when choosing a particular device model. In addition, you need to know the following device parameters:
- Volume of pumped liquid - l/min.
- The height of the water column. Defines the maximum depth of the well (well) and the horizontal extent of the pipeline.
- Additional equipment - water level sensors and emergency shutdown.
The case of most devices is made of stainless steel. In low-power models, designed for a small water supply height, it can be made of polymer materials.
Terms of Use
Modern submersible centrifugal pumps must operate under conditions that are clearly stated in the instructions. Not only the quality of the device, but also its durability will depend on this. The main operational characteristics include the composition and temperature of water, the degree of its pollution. Also, special attention should be paid to the stabilization of the supplied voltage.

Often, submersible centrifugal pumps for wells are installed in household plots, where current surges -common occurrence. The electric motor does not have effective protection against such drops. Therefore, it is recommended to connect the device through a stabilization unit.
The basic installation rules are described in detail in the instruction manual. If it is necessary to install a centrifugal submersible pump for a well, then a system for fixing it should be considered. There is a special fastener on the pump housing. It is required to install the submersible cable.

The material of its manufacture must meet the following requirements:
- Will not corrode.
- The breaking load must be at least 5 times the weight of the device.
It is forbidden to lower the device only with the power cable. The main load should fall on the mounting cable. It is attached to the surface: either to the cross beam on the mouth of the well, or on the outer protective walls of the well.
The instructions also indicate the estimated period of maintenance work. Basically, they consist in checking the tightness of the housing, replacing the rubber seals on the motor rod and cleaning the connection contacts. In the event of an unexpected breakdown, contact the representatives of the manufacturer or a specialized repair shop.

It is also necessary to take into account that submersible centrifugal pumps can be additionally equipped with filters for pre-water purification. They are installed on the inlet of the device and are replaced as they become dirty.
Selection Tips
Before purchasing, you must clearly know the operating conditions under which the centrifugal submersible pump for the well will work optimally. To do this, it is recommended to adhere to the following recommendations:
- Water consumption. The water supply rate must comply with the design norms.
- The height of the water column. When calculating it, not only the depth of the well (well), but also horizontal sections are taken into account. For them, a reduction factor of 0.1 is applied. If the well depth is 7 m, and the horizontal pipeline has a length of 12 m, then the minimum height of the pump water column should be: 7 + 12 x 0.1=8.2 m.
- Availability of water level sensors included.
- Hardware warranty, equipment manufacturer service center distance.
Given these indicators, you can choose the optimal model of the pumping station, which will provide the proper amount of water. In addition, they can perform the functions of draining flooded cellars and basements. The main thing is to take into account the composition of the liquid and the permissible standards for its contamination for a particular pump model.
Thanks to this, they create an increased pressure of water to raise it to the surface.