A well in a summer cottage or in the yard of a country house is an inexhaustible source of water. Even if it is completely empty, after a while it will fill up again to a certain level.

Now it is rare to find a person who gets water from the well manually, using buckets. This is because the required volumes are increasing: bringing 1-2 dozen liters into the house for cooking, drinking and washing hands can be done without much difficulty, but washing, taking a bath and watering the garden plot will require much more time and effort.
Submersible water pumps serve to free a person from routine water supply operations. The industry offers several options for such devices, sometimes very significantly different. Despite the fact that they all belong to the “submersible pumps for wells” group, it is very important to be able to understand at least the main existing modifications. This will not only allow you to optimally manage your funds when buying, but also guaranteelong device life.
Submersible pumps for wells and their features
The name itself says that this group is designed to work underwater - this is the normal mode. The electrical part is hermetically sealed, and the reliability of all connections is so high that some submersible pumps for wells may not be removed to the surface for years. Even maintenance can be done every few years.
Submersible pumps for wells allow you to lift water from a depth of more than 8 meters, which is unattainable for surface modifications.

In the thickness of the liquid, the device should be placed in such a way that at least a meter remains to the bottom, and more than half a meter from the surface of the mirror. In this case, suction of suspension of clay and sand is excluded, which can destroy the mechanism.
What are submersible pumps for wells
The most affordable are vibration-type devices. Their design is quite simple: the electromagnet coil is stationary and filled with a compound, the second part (due to which the water is ejected) is a movable element. Since the current in the household network is variable, the piston oscillates at a frequency of 50 Hertz (sometimes 100 is indicated, but this is taking into account the return movement). The work cycle is as follows:

- piston movement away from the check valve. Due to the resulting rarefaction, water is collected in a special chamber;
-throwing the entire movable structure back with a vibrator. Water is compressed, but since the valve does not release it, there is only one way left - through the outlet channels to the pipeline. Then the process is repeated. These pumps are good for not too intensive use: the life of the rubber piston rarely exceeds 2-3 years.
Therefore, centrifugal models are more promising. They have only three disadvantages:
- quite a lot of weight, requiring a reliable cable and attachment;
- relatively high electric power, reaching a kilowatt;
- price.
The principle of their operation is simple: disks with blades of a special design are placed on the shaft. During rotation, increased pressure is created on the outer sides, and lower pressure is created in the center. This forces the water out of the pump into the pipeline.
The third type is auger. The principle of operation is similar to a meat grinder: water is pushed to the exit by the walls of a kind of screw. Their disadvantage is a quick failure in the presence of mechanical impurities (sand and other elements).