Purification of water from a well. Well water filter

Purification of water from a well. Well water filter
Purification of water from a well. Well water filter

Very often in country houses the only source of water is a well or a well located on the site. A pipeline is laid from them to the pumping station and wiring is carried out at all points of water intake. In fact, this is a classic scheme, which is one of the most acceptable in the absence of a central water supply.

Modern issue

well water treatment
well water treatment

This allows you to ensure the performance of automatic washing machines, electric water heaters and even dishwashers, that is, in this respect, to get the usual benefits of civilization. However, the use of water obtained from underground sources can be dangerous. And not only for the "he alth" of household appliances, but also for the person himself. The reason for this is the substances dissolved in the water, which can be quite harmful.

Many private suburban areas are bordered by fields,on which farmers grow various crops - sunflower, rapeseed, corn, etc. A couple of decades ago, this would have meant nothing, except for the opportunity to stockpile at someone else's expense. Now everything has changed, and instead of teams of old weeders, who were brought to the fields to fight weeds, farmers use chemical means of protection. These are pesticides, herbicides, growth stimulants and fertilizers. The problem is that all this "bouquet" after use falls into the soil, and from there - into underground water sources. Needless to say, well water treatment is a necessity that can literally save lives?

well water filter
well water filter

Before purchasing and installing water purification systems from a well, it is imperative to do several preparatory steps:

- Refresh stock in a well or well. To do this, you need to pump out all the water so that new water comes in its place.

- Clean up clay and sand, which are gradually washed in during operation.

- Rinse the tank of the accumulator, as a lot of dirt accumulates there after a couple of years of work.

- Take a water sample for detailed analysis.

By the way, sometimes this is already enough to normalize the quality. However, regardless of the outcome, a well water filter is a must. The only question is which one.

Existing options

well water treatment price
well water treatment price

It is important to understand that this issue is extremely important, since the resulting liquid is used not only for technical needs, but also for cooking.

Determine how well water should be treated only after the results of the analysis are received. There are no other options. The acquisition and installation of a powerful purification system capable of removing almost any impurities is associated with significant financial costs and is hardly advisable. In the same way, installing cheap options can only be a calming factor, in fact, ineffective.

For example, as the depth of the well increases, the water contains more and more calcium and magnesium s alts - the very ones that cause scale to appear in the kettle. Water from ultra-deep sources generally requires the removal of fluorine compounds. In any case, the optimal solution is a complex organization of cleaning, which includes several steps.

For orientation in the cost of treatment systems, here is a small list:

- the simplest three-stage solutions, including three stages of filtration, will cost at least 2800 rubles;

- for household reverse osmosis you will have to pay more than 8000 rubles;

- productive balloon systems cost at least 30 thousand rubles.

Coarse Particle Elimination

well water treatment systems
well water treatment systems

The simplest solution that gives a rough cleaning is to install a strainer with a variable size "window" on the intake pipe. It should be used anyway.

More expensive solutions are electromagnetic, which select metals and their s alts from the flow. But perhaps the best option is to clean the water from the well with a porous filter stage. This is usually a polypropylene block that retains particles with a diameter of more than 5 microns. It is mounted in front of the rest of the treatment systems.

The efficiency of this block can be checked during routine maintenance of the accumulator pear: if clay and sand have collected in it, then rough cleaning is not effective enough.

"How to remove s alts"

mechanical purification of water from a well
mechanical purification of water from a well

Calcium and magnesium s alts cannot be filtered directly. This requires either distillation ora system that allows the exchange of hard impurities for safe sodium. It is the last solution that is most often used. Water, passing through a special block with an ion-exchange resin, leaves in it everything that gives scale and settles in the kidneys, and in return acquires sodium compounds that are completely safe. Subsequently, the cleaning unit needs service, allowing it to be restored. The harder the water, the faster the resource of such a filter ends.

If a balloon system is used, then it is worth considering installing a special s alt tank, which helps to regenerate the ion exchange resin, increasing the operation time of this unit several times.

well water treatment
well water treatment

By passing through the mineralizer, they can be dosed back. The disadvantage of distillers is high electrical power and low productivity. For example, the AE-5 model, consuming 4 kW, is capable of delivering just over 30 liters per hour.

Stage three

"Cleaning water from a well also includes passing the liquid through another block - a carbon filter. Most often, burnt coconut shell acts as an active ingredient. When it is sintered at certain temperatures, large pores are formed in the coal structure, which trap impurities. This unit is non-recoverable, so the cartridge must be replaced after the specifiedtiming instructions."

Bringing to the ideal

cleaning hard water from a well
cleaning hard water from a well

Since the analyzes of underground sources "float" depending on the time of year and a number of other factors, you need to protect yourself to the maximum extent by providing for this nuance. An excellent solution is to install the last block, which includes a reverse osmosis membrane. The special material from which it is made has such small pores that only water molecules and some impurities in very limited quantities can pass through them. For the operation of such a unit, it is necessary that the water pressure at the inlet is not lower than 3 atm. Otherwise, an auxiliary pressure pump is required - a pump. Impurities retained by the membrane are washed away and removed from the block.

Feature of osmosis

Theoretically, reverse osmosis filtration can solve most of the problems of purification. However, with this mode of operation, the membrane quickly fails, so the flask with a filter element is part of a three-stage system that includes coarse cleaning, softening and removal of other impurities. It should be noted that even osmosis does not save from nitrates, pesticides and some other similar substances used in modern agricultural technologies. At best, it is possible to reduce the concentration of these elements by several times, but a multistage system is required for complete removal. The cost of such solutions starts from 8 thousand rubles. However, wewe recommend to refrain from cheap models in case of using water from a well.
