In everyday life, we are used to using tap water for various needs: we cook food, wash dishes, water flowers with liquid from the tap. However, it is no secret to anyone that this water is not of very good quality. Outdated communications with rust and various bacteria re-make dirty water that has already been cleaned at special treatment facilities. The presence of chlorine, an unpleasant smell - all this is felt. Unfortunately, boiling water does not solve problems and does not make this liquid safe. A water filter can solve this problem. There are many models on the market today.
Flow and membrane filters for water purification are installed in apartments and houses, large and small businesses, shops and cafes. The right device will help to get rid of various harmful impurities passing through the plumbing system liquid. Some models can limit pressure and perform other useful procedures.

What you need to know whenchoosing water filters?
So, you have decided that the water you drink and use is not suitable for you or even harmful. Therefore, you decide to install a flowing water filter. Initially, you need to do the following:
- Analyze the chemical composition of water in the laboratory.
- Calculate your daily fluid intake.
- Decide what the water will be used for.
- Determine the location of the filter (most often it is the kitchen sink).
What are flow filters?
The flow filter for water purification is a modern device that is mounted under the sink and is designed to filter water at home. As a rule, it includes one or more housings, which are combined into a single design and have filter cartridges. The configuration of the device depends on the required result. In stages, water passes through special cleaning elements that eliminate pollution.

The water filter (flow-through) is fixed in the kitchen under the sink, the faucet included with the appliance is brought out. Most often, it looks neat and attractive enough, covered with a chrome layer. It is also possible to choose the option you like from the presented models of cranes. It is allowed to mount a flow filter for water purification on your own, but you can use the help of experienced professionals.
Flow filter cartridges
Today there are sever altypes of cartridges. Some remove chlorine from water, others soften it, others fight undissolved small particles. To select the optimal set of cartridges, you should analyze the water and find out what impurities are in the tap fluid.

For example, if you have relatively good water at home, and you want to make it taste better, get rid of odors, then you can install a single-stage flow filter to purify water. The cost of this device will be inexpensive. In terms of properties, it will be similar to a jug filter or a table filter. If there is chlorine, iron and s alts in the water, then such a system is indispensable here - you will need a complex of several different cartridges.
Flow filter benefits
The flow filter for water purification is really convenient. It eliminates harmful impurities from the liquid in a fairly short period of time. After it, the water becomes pleasant to the taste, odorless. Also, these devices have one feature: flow filters are more expensive than the pitcher filters that are popular today. But the maintenance of devices mounted under the sink is cheaper. In addition, the flow filter removes extremely harmful impurities from the water, all the useful properties of the liquid remain.

Flow filters "Barrier"
Barrier brand products are widely represented on the modern market of flow-through cleaning devices. Water filters of this company are complex systems that include threecomponent and providing high-quality water purification with high productivity. Here the process of getting rid of harmful impurities consists of the following steps:
- mechanical cleaning;
- chlorine removal;
- removal of s alts of heavy metals and other harmful inclusions using a sorbent.

Popular Barrier filter models
The Barrier Standard flow filter for drinking water is a classic device that includes three components. It is designed for different types of water passing through our pipes and meets the needs of every member of the family. Cartridges can be used for a whole year with constant use of medium load.
The popular Barrier Hard apartment flow water filter has a unique ByPass technology that allows you to increase the resource of cartridges and prevent the effect of liquid hyper-softening at the very beginning of using the device. The component responsible for controlling water hardness is gradually activated during operation.
For old houses, the Ferrum Barrier drinking water filter is perfect. This device is installed in homes where the plumbing system includes old metal pipes. Such filters purify water from excess iron, relieve unpleasant odors and tastes.
"Barrier" - water filters, including three cartridges, which can be purchased at specialized stores and companies. They are designed for families of 4-5 people with a moderate frequency of use onthroughout one year. After a year, the cartridges must be replaced without fail.
Device "Geyser Aquachief 0717 Cabinet"
Modern water filter "Geyser Aquachief 0717 Cabinet" provides complete cleaning in home and office environments, as well as in cafes and restaurants. The device works offline. It is based on ion-exchange resins. The resource of this device is quite large - 1.2 cu. meters. It can function for about 10 years. This model of "Geyser" purifies water from organic and inorganic impurities, iron. Best for frequent use by a large number of people.

ZIVZH Geyser device
The water filter "ZIVZH Geyser" is mounted under the sink. With the help of special fittings it is connected to the system. Can purify water up to three liters per minute. Its total cleaning resource is 7 thousand liters. By purifying running water, it preserves its natural composition, leaves useful characteristics, and provides high-quality filtration. The device is attached to a cold liquid tap. Great for hard water areas. You need to change the cartridges once a year. Suitable for home use.
Filter "Geyser-3 Bio 431"
The Geyser-3 Bio 431 water purification device is installed under the sink. The filter is very easy to use and has three cleaning steps. Its filtration rate is 3 liters per minute. Ideal for installation in places where hard water flows through the pipes, reduces the appearance of scale. Included insilver design protects against bacteria. The resource of this device is 7 thousand liters. Cartridges need to be replaced once every 12 months. This model is a great option for removing iron from water. The filter is able to remove even dissolved components.

Filter "Geyser Eco"
"Eco Geyser" is an efficient and compact flow filter installed under the sink. The device includes a housing made of food grade steel and is designed to filter water from a wide range of contaminants. In three stages, the purification of tap fluid occurs. Initially, mechanical filtration is performed, then chlorine and its inclusions are cleaned using activated carbon. At the end, ion exchange is carried out and the mineral composition of water is regulated.
The convenient and compact shape of the Eco Geyser filtration device makes it easy to find a place for it under the sink, and the designer stylish faucet will fit perfectly into any kitchen. Fittings required for installation are included in the kit. The connection operation is very simple, and you can figure it out without instructions.
What you need to know about water filtration devices?
Before you buy flow and membrane filters for water purification, it is important to choose them correctly. To do this, it is best to analyze the tap fluid and contact a specialist who knows everything about these devices. Based on the data received, it will select a high-quality and efficient filter model for you.
It is also very important to remember about regularreplacing cartridges, otherwise problems may arise and the device will no longer be useful. The cartridges themselves can be purchased both in sets and individually, which comes out cheaper.