Today, a large selection of heaters is presented on the building materials market. They differ in a number of characteristics. There is thermal insulation made on the basis of mineral or synthetic raw materials. Specifications are very different.
The choice of materials should be done in accordance with the characteristics of their application. How to choose and install insulation for a frame house will be discussed in detail below.
Features of frame houses
The technology of frame house insulation takes into account the features of such structures. They are a structure that is characterized by low heat loss. This makes the presented designs in demand both in Scandinavian countries, in Canada, and also in our country.

The construction of a frame house involves laying insulation inside the hollow walls. This allows you to keep warm inside the building even in severe frost. Buildings that were built of brick, timber, foam blocks cannot be compared in this indicator with frame houses.
The presented designs belong to the category of energy-efficient objects. During their operation in the winter, the owners feel a significant reduction in energy consumption for space heating. Low thermal conductivity (about 0.02 W / mK) favorably distinguishes this type of building from other structures.
Despite the fact that the design initially provides for the presence of thermal insulation material, additional insulation of the frame house in the harsh Russian climate may still be required. In this case, the owners of private real estate must decide what materials are best to choose for this work. There are different technologies for insulating such buildings. Knowing the features of this process, the work can be done independently. In this case, it will be possible to save significant funds in the family budget to pay for the work of professional builders.
Features of the choice of insulation
Additional insulation of a frame house with your own hands is quite simple. However, the choice of materials and technology for this process must be approached as responsibly as possible.
Additional insulation will avoid a number of problems in the operation of the home. With the right choice of materials, as well as construction work in accordance with the requirements of the regulations, it will be possible to avoid the appearance of condensate on the walls inside the house. In this case, fungus and dampness in the room do not appear. Also, additional insulation will allow you to operate heaters at a lower power. It reducesutility bills. The room will be warm, the microclimate will remain comfortable, he althy.

Several nuances should be taken into account when carrying out such work. Insulation of the walls of a frame house can be performed both from the inside and from the outside. In both cases, it is important to determine what kind of material was used as standard in the construction of the building. Most often, the design scheme includes a frame on which thin panels are attached. A layer of insulation is laid between them. To prevent this material from getting wet inside due to temperature changes and condensation, a membrane is placed between this material and the wall of the house, which does not allow steam to pass through. From the outside, the insulation is protected by wind protection and a waterproofing film. This material is capable of passing steam. This helps wick moisture away from the material.
If you insulate the wall outside with a material that has a vapor permeability lower than that of the main thermal insulation, this will disrupt the steam circulation process. It will stagnate in the design. This significantly reduces the life of the materials. In this case, the insulation will not be able to qualitatively restrain heat. Wet structures are characterized by increased thermal conductivity.
Varieties of materials
Today, a huge selection of thermal insulation materials is on sale. The choice depends on many factors. It is worth noting that it will be necessary to carry out not only additional wall decoration, but also to insulate the floor in the frame house, as well as its roof. For every areaapplications, it is necessary to take materials with certain characteristics. Also, the choice of insulation largely depends on the technology of insulation.

There are many materials on sale that are made both on a mineral and synthetic basis. Do not use materials of plant origin to create additional thermal insulation. They won't be durable. At the same time, such a heater is susceptible to pest attacks.
The most popular options for creating an additional layer of thermal insulation are mineral, bas alt, glass wool, polystyrene foam and expanded polystyrene, ecowool and cellulose material. It is not recommended to use peat, straw or sawdust for these purposes. These are varieties of natural materials.
Insulation of a frame house with polystyrene foam or polystyrene has a number of features. These materials are made from synthetic components. They are completely devoid of the ability to pass steam. "Breathing" materials are mineral, bas alt wool. Each of these types of insulation has certain advantages and disadvantages. Also, for each type of thermal insulation, there are a number of recommendations regarding their use. To choose the right option, you need to learn about the features of each of the presented types of materials.
The walls and roof of a frame house can be insulated with ecowool. This material can be mounted both outside and inside the room. In this case, two methods of installation are used. In the first case, it is useddry material. The second method involves the use of water and glue during installation.
Ecowool is a relatively new material. It has a number of positive features. During installation, a relatively small amount of material per 1 m² is required. At the same time, the material has good sound insulation performance.

Equata is a material that does not release toxic substances into the environment. It does not cause allergies. Also, one of the advantages of ecowool is the ability to create insulation of a frame house outside and inside the premises, including on the ceiling.
However, the presented thermal insulation has certain disadvantages. Over time, the material shrinks and partially loses its original qualities. Therefore, it is mounted with a margin of about 25%. Also, this material can accumulate moisture, dry for a long time. When installing it, special equipment is used. The equipment allows you to tightly clog the space with ecowool. You also need to create an additional frame for the walls.
The material is not fireproof. During dry installation, a large amount of dust is formed, and during wet installation, you need to wait a long time until the material dries. It is important to choose the time for installation in accordance with weather conditions.
Mineral wool
Insulation of a frame house with mineral wool is carried out quite often. This material is presented in several versions. Mineral wool is called several varieties of heaters similar in their characteristics. To thisthermal insulation categories include bas alt, glass, slag and stone wool. These materials are fibers made from different materials.

It should be noted that each of the listed materials has certain characteristics. So, glass wool is subject to shrinkage. It is quite soft material. This cannot be said about bas alt or stone wool. This insulation is quite durable.
Today, different types of mineral wool are on sale. It is distinguished by incombustibility, ecological cleanliness. It is also breathable material. Most varieties of mineral wool do not emit harmful substances into the environment even when heated strongly. However, you need to pay attention to the technical specifications. Some varieties may contain chemical components.
The roof of a frame house is most often insulated with this material. He is not afraid of high temperatures. Also, mineral wool is a good sound insulation. Due to its ability to “breathe”, fungus does not appear on the surface with proper installation. Indoor climate stays he althy.
Among the shortcomings, it is worth mentioning the insufficient strength of this material. It is practically not used for floor insulation. However, it is ideal for wall and roof decoration. In wooden buildings, in which fire safety regulations put forward special requirements, mineral wool is the best option. It's off.
However, it is worth noting that somevarieties of mineral wool can emit microscopic dust particles during installation, which can adversely affect the respiratory system. This type of material is practically not used today; it is also no longer available for sale. Modern mineral wool is produced using innovative technologies. This can significantly improve its performance.
Floor insulation in a frame house in most cases is performed using polystyrene foam. This is an artificial material that is obtained by special processing of a polymer filler. The result is sheets of material that are characterized by high strength, as well as low thermal conductivity. On sale are ordinary and fire-resistant varieties of this material. The first option is cheaper. However, for the safe operation of the building, it is recommended to purchase fire-resistant material.

Expanded polystyrene is inferior to mineral wool in terms of sound insulation and environmental friendliness. However, this material also has a number of advantages. Unlike mineral wool, expanded polystyrene withstands heavy loads. It is for this reason that it can be used for floor insulation.
Insulation of a frame house with polystyrene foam is also carried out from the outside of the walls. This is a durable material that will not weigh down the structure. A relatively small load will act on the foundation. Also, this material is easy to mount on your own. Light weight and easy cutting allowinsulation is quick and easy.
For a long time, this material does not lose its original characteristics. This is a durable heater. At the same time, rodents and insects do not spoil it. Fungus does not start on the material.
It is worth considering that polystyrene foam does not have the ability to pass steam. Therefore, if not installed correctly, the surface on which it will be mounted may become damp and collapse.
Some customers claim there is no difference between Styrofoam and Styrofoam. However, they are deeply mistaken. Insulation of a frame house with polystyrene foam can only be carried out outside the premises. It is used to create thermal insulation of walls.
Foam is also made from polymer filler. However, it does not have high strength and resistance to stress, like expanded polystyrene. Therefore, foam can not be used for floor insulation. It will not be able to withstand such loads and will deform.

The advantage of Styrofoam over Styrofoam is lower cost. Therefore, when arranging the insulation of a frame house from the outside, this material is used. To provide the same thermal insulation characteristics as polystyrene foam, the foam must be thicker. If the first of these materials can have a thickness of only 3-4 cm, then the second type of insulation must have a thickness of 10 cm to provide the same thermal conductivity.
Common for both these materials is their complete vapor impermeability. Therefore, when arranging such a layer of insulation, it is extremely important to adhere to the established installation technology. Otherwise, moisture will accumulate under the synthetic thermal insulation. This will lead to the appearance of fungus, mold and the gradual destruction of the base.
External installation of thermal insulation
Insulation of the walls of a frame house can be carried out both outside and inside the building. The technology for installing thermal insulation in this case is different. There are many ways to insulate walls from the outside.
One of the most popular technologies for external installation of thermal insulation is the use of a frame. After its assembly, a layer of waterproofing is laid out on the surface of the base. After that, a layer of insulation is installed. It is fixed with glue and dowels. After that, the facade is finished using different materials.
Wet technology involves the use of adhesive for mounting insulation boards. Next, a reinforcing mesh is glued to them. Then a layer of plaster is applied. This is a rather lengthy process. But the insulation will be securely fixed on the surface. The facade will look beautiful.
There is a technique called "heavy plaster". It is similar to the previous version, but the plaster is applied to the insulation in several layers.
Insulation of a frame house can be carried out by spraying a liquid type of insulation. This material will require the purchase of special equipment. Another option is to use the facing method for insulation. He is enoughexpensive, but the facade will look aesthetically pleasing.
Insulation from the inside of the house and roof
In some cases, you can install thermal insulation indoors. This method of insulating a frame house can only be used if, for some reason, external installation is not acceptable. To do this, it is better to use polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam. Mineral wool is not suitable for outdoor use.
Expanded polystyrene does not allow moisture to pass to the wall surface. Therefore, this option would be preferable. Styrofoam is best used outdoors only.
Mineral wool can be used for roof insulation. It insulates the space under the slopes of the roof. However, when choosing materials, you need to consider what kind of insulation was used in the construction of the house.
Floor insulation
So, the insulation of a frame house on stilts must begin with the installation of a waterproofing layer. If there is a distance between the building and the surface of the earth, it is better to install the film on the back side of the log. This will protect the room from drafts. On top of the waterproofing layer, you need to nail the boards tightly to each other.
Between the lags you need to install a layer of insulation. There should be no gaps between materials. It is necessary to lay several layers. Their total thickness should be about 15 cm. Vapor barrier and plywood or chipboard are laid on top. You can also use the board. Next is finishing.
Having considered how to choose and install the insulation of a frame house, you can do all the work yourself.