The comfort and aesthetic properties of any room depend on the right choice of coatings and materials for construction. Despite the wide range of modern buildings, a wooden house is considered the most environmentally friendly and reliable.

Optimal area, high level of heat and noise insulation, durability are not all the advantages of eco-friendly housing. But the installation of all structural elements has its own nuances.
Depending on the location, climate and type of building, special conditions for floor insulation in a wooden house, its layout and special care products are selected.
Types of floors in a wooden house
The following types are distinguished:
- Concrete. Among the advantages of this are: speed of installation, efficiency, ease of installation. The disadvantages are: difficulty in insulation and operation and high loadto the foundation. Such a floor on the first floor in a wooden house can reduce the heat-shielding properties of the entire structure and, accordingly, lead to high costs for space heating.
- Wooden. This type has a number of advantages: high environmental friendliness (during the entire period of operation it does not emit harmful and hazardous substances), repairs are carried out with improvised tools and materials. Also, with the help of wood, you can build unique design projects. Negative characteristics are: high cost, complexity in installation, laboriousness during installation.
- Heated floor. This type is considered the most convenient. The combined floor, which consists of a rough (mostly concrete) and a finished (for example, wood or ceramic) coating, is popular in modern buildings. Installing a warm floor is laborious, but it helps to save space and maintenance costs of the heating system.
After carefully studying the design, you can learn how to make the floor in a wooden house correctly.
There are several types: single and double layer. In the first case, lags are optional. The result of the work depends on the thickness of the material and the distance between the beams.
Several layers of coating provide resistance to various mechanical, thermal and other damage. Also, you can’t do without a lag if the beams are brought into the walls of the house.
The distance between the beams is determined depending on the thickness of the board. The step between beams and additional supports (for example, poles) shouldbe approximately 100 cm.
The better to lay the floor in a wooden house
The most popular finishing floor equipment materials are milled boards. At the ends of the latter there are special connections. Such boards are made in various sizes: the width is from 9 to 15 cm, and the thickness is from 3 to 4.5 cm.
Laying of milled boards provides natural air circulation. This prevents the growth of fungus and mold, and also significantly extends the life of the coating.

In addition to the above type, the following are used in construction:
- boards with tongue and groove;
- covers with spikes (segmental, straight, etc.);
- rebated tongue and groove boards.
All of the above types differ only in the front side. In addition, they are processed only on one side. This greatly complicates the installation process. Incorrect installation may cause boards to sag later.
Properties of wood materials
Before you make a floor in a wooden house, you should familiarize yourself with the characteristics of some materials and their features:
- Oak. It is considered the most durable and durable material. It has a special structure. The color of the material depends on the area and the age of the tree. Oak material is one of the most expensive.
- Ash. This material is used for the manufacture of parquet. The disadvantage is poor resistance to moisture changes.
- Maple. This material is moisture resistantmedium density and resistant to mechanical damage.
- Larch. Hard and dense wood is ideal for laying the floor. It should be noted that Siberian materials have increased moisture and frost resistance.
- Buk. If you need to create the appearance of an expensive interior, this material will be the most suitable. Due to the variety of colors, beech is often used instead of mahogany or walnut.
- Pine. The most budget option is not always reliable. Due to the excessive resin content, the quality of coatings deteriorates significantly.
- Spruce is also considered a cheap option. The negative point in using such material is the difficulty in preparing and processing wood due to the large number of knots.
Mounting the floor in a wooden house
In rooms with a high degree of waterproofing, plywood sheets are most often used as a subfloor. It is practical and allows you to easily replace part of the cover if necessary.
Before the start of installation, beacons are installed throughout the area of the room. The distance between the bars directly depends on the thickness of the sheet.
How to make a floor in a wooden house depends on the initial coating. Draft can be concrete or logs.

For the second case, bars and logs are installed. The latter are carefully worked out with glue. After it has completely dried, you can begin fastening plywood sheets. The joints are carefully polished.
One standard sheet8-9 self-tapping screws will be required.
If plywood is mounted on a concrete floor, then the flooring is reinforced with a layer of mastic or polyethylene foam.
Important! If the concrete surface is uneven, the plywood is overlapped. In the process of laying, you should take care of the presence of waterproofing.
Draft floor
This floor is recommended to be laid as an additional insulation. Among its shortcomings, poor impact noise insulation (due to the strength of the attachment) is distinguished. Also, the subfloor is not recommended to be laid in places with high humidity.
Laying the floor in a wooden house is done on logs. The latter, in turn, must be made of coniferous or hardwood. Logs are used for a stronger structure.
Prepared materials (logs) are placed in the grooves. It is necessary to maintain the distance from them to the wall - a gap of 2-3 mm in size. If it is not sustained, squeaks will appear during operation.
To prevent mold, fungus and insects, subfloor boards are treated with bitumen or special antiseptics.
Posts (for example, brick) and grooves act as fasteners.
Logs under the floor in a wooden house fit into pre-prepared grooves. The density of laying depends on the leveling of the floor. A level is used for checking.
Final installation steps
The next step is laying the rough material on the logs. After the tree is completely dry, it should be covered with a film or rubber. Such materialattached with a stapler. It acts as a waterproofing. Next, the rails are stuffed vertically or horizontally.
Important! Schematic presentation of the boards avoids the process of rotting wood.

Insulating materials are placed in the formed spaces. If expanded clay is used for these purposes, granules of different sizes should be selected. Also, styrene or mineral wool is suitable as a heater. The penultimate stage is the installation of a vapor barrier. At the last stage, a finishing floor is laid.
How to dry screed
The concrete floor can be used as a floor. To convert it, you can use a floor ventilation system or a subfloor flooring. Dry floor screed in a wooden house is carried out in several stages, and the main materials for its manufacture are:
- plastic film;
- plywood;
- glue;
- expanded clay;
- absorbent tape;
- measuring and power tools (marker, tape measure, screwdriver, etc.).
Stages of work
- A film is laid out on the existing floor (for waterproofing). At the same time, the wall margin is at least 10 cm. The lining between the material joints is 20 cm. All seams are carefully worked out with tape.
- Insulating tape is laid out around the perimeter of the room.
- It is recommended to use beacons during installation.
- Then the floor is covered with expanded clay and leveled. This process is alsoproduced in several stages - first, one small area is processed, on which a sheet of plywood is laid, then the second and each subsequent one. The expanded clay layer should be approximately 2 cm.
Laying and woodworking
How to make the floor in a wooden house depends on the layout features. Most often in such structures, parquet or flooring from boards is used. There are laying on logs and beams.
Under the base lay a layer of waterproofing (for example, penofol). For rooms with high humidity and temperature differences, sawdust, polystyrene, isolon, mineral wool, etc. are used.

The basis for the floor can be:
- lags;
- plywood;
- concrete.
The first type is suitable for rooms with high walls. Logs are installed both on the foundation and on the walls of the log house. In order for the materials to take the correct shape, they should be kept for several days at room temperature.
Laying begins with mounting two logs on opposite walls. Through a certain distance between them, nylon threads are stretched - landmarks. Next, the rest of the components are laid, which are subsequently insulated.
The distance between the lags depends on the thickness of the boards. For example, if the thickness is 30-40 cm, the distance will be 80 cm.
How to attach plywood
The lag is fastened to wedges using self-tapping screws, and to concrete - using dowels or anchors.
Afterthe end of the installation, the boards are fastened. In this case, a distance of 15 mm from the wall should be maintained. Gaps are covered with plinth.

Processing and insulation of the floor in a wooden house is carried out depending on the type of materials and the wishes of the customer.
Note that different coatings increase the life and reliability of the coating.
Heated floor. How to make it?
If you plan to lay a warm water floor in a private wooden house, you should consider a number of features. First of all, the water floor will eliminate the possibility of ignition from a short circuit in the electrical wiring, and secondly, it will significantly increase the space of the room due to the absence of batteries, pipes, etc.
The most simple is the following installation order:
- First of all, heat losses and hydraulics are calculated. Special programs will help calculate the required length of pipes, their diameter and laying pitch.
- Next, the existing floor is dismantled (in old houses). It should also be aligned.
- A layer of vapor barrier is laid out on the surface of the insulation (the film is not used in this case).
- The floorboard is laid out on a layer of insulation already prepared: serpentine grooves are drilled around the entire perimeter for further pipe laying.
- To increase thermal conductivity, a heat-reflecting layer is laid (for example, from foil materials).
- The heat reflector is mounted in prepared slots. Then the piping begins. All pipes are wrapped in foil,and the joints are fixed with a stapler.
- Metal plates are fixed on top of the pipes to prevent displacement.
- At the end of the main work, the wire is connected to the system and crimped.
- The final step is laying the finish coat. The simplest of them is laminate. The most profitable solution is ceramic tiles.
Important! The simplest way is to manually control the heat transfer. In addition, collector systems, mixing units, etc. can be used. Pressure testing is carried out to detect system leaks.
Floor repair
Even the right floor in a wooden house loses its properties over time and needs to be repaired. This happens under the influence of temperatures and various mechanical loads, as well as from improper care.
The type of repair, as well as its duration, depends on the nature of the breakdown. For example, when a creak appears, holes should be drilled (diameter 12-16 mm) and filled with cement mortar. The ratio of cement and water is 1:1.

After the solution hardens, a wooden plug is hammered into the resulting hole. The rest of it is sawn off, and the new surface is carefully processed and covered with a protective layer of varnish or wax.
When more serious damage occurs, a complete or partial replacement of the flooring is required. For example, if the board is flexing, it's time to replace the joists. It should be borne in mind that a certain area is subject to replacement. You can also installadditional supports.