Floor insulation: installation tips. Floor waterproofing in a wooden house

Floor insulation: installation tips. Floor waterproofing in a wooden house
Floor insulation: installation tips. Floor waterproofing in a wooden house

Floor insulation is relevant today for premises of any purpose. If a waterproofing layer is not laid on the floor, then even durable concrete can lose its performance over time due to moisture.

Laying waterproofing

floor insulation
floor insulation

The floor can be insulated with pasting materials. To do this, you can use glass roofing material, hydroisol, roofing material, fiberglass or hydrobutyl. Laying the listed materials requires compliance with complex rules. So, the base will initially have to be leveled, after this stage the irregularities should not be more than 2 mm. At the next stage, the base will be primed with an emulsion made on the basis of bitumen. Pasting is the final and main stage. It is important to ensure that the coating is not damaged. If the floor insulation is based on roofing material, then the coating will be durable, but it will have one drawback, which is a toxic smell.

Capillary isolation

ground floor insulation
ground floor insulation

Capillaryfloor protection requires the use of a mixture, which includes Portland cement, chemically active ingredients, as well as quartz or silicate sand. The composition must be applied to a slightly damp surface. The level of concrete strength is increased by 20%. An important characteristic is one feature, which is expressed in self-healing of cracks.

Insulation with film materials

first floor floor insulation
first floor floor insulation

Floor insulation can also be represented by all kinds of film materials, the thickness of which is 0.2-2 mm. Such materials may include PVC, cellulose acetate, synthetic rubber, and polypropylene. As a result, it is possible to obtain a coating with increased elasticity and excellent strength. But if you use additional fiberglass reinforcement, it is possible to provide even more impressive insulation strength.

The described floor insulation, which must first be given the appropriate size, should be laid around the perimeter of the room. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure the continuity of the coating and its entry to the surface of the walls. If you want to waterproof the floor in an economical way, you can use PVC film.

Waterproofing with mastic

wooden floor insulation
wooden floor insulation

Wooden floor insulation is essential, as wood is most susceptible to moisture, mastic can be used for this. It is an adhesive composition that is able to pair all kinds of materials with each other, in addition,it protects surfaces from destructive influences. Previously, the most commonly used technology was the application of bituminous mastic to the slab. The laid roofing material had joints that were processed with the same bitumen. Such a bituminous coating has significant disadvantages, one of which is expressed in the occurrence of cracks, which makes waterproofing not so effective.

If the floor insulation in the apartment is made with coating materials, then you will be able to complete the work in a short time, and a lot of effort will not be spent. Coating materials are easy to apply, but it must be remembered that after hardening they do not have special mechanical strength.

Waterproofing the floor of a wooden house

floor insulation
floor insulation

Insulating the floor of the first floor in a wooden house is a particularly important procedure for the safety of building materials. Initially, it is necessary to pay attention to the insulation work in the foundation area. As a material for this, you can use the same roofing material. Whereas after laying the subfloor, it is necessary to ensure the laying of a hydrobarrier, in the role of which it is permissible to use a dense plastic film. A prerequisite for this is the provision of a ventilated gap between the surface of the rough and finish flooring. Floorboards can be insulated from moisture by applying a polymer varnish to their surface, after which a decorative coating can be applied.

Floor waterproofing on soil

floor insulation in the apartment
floor insulation in the apartment

In private homes, floorthe lower floors of which are on the ground, there is a need for waterproofing work. The isolation of the floor from the ground at the first stage involves the compaction of the soil at the bottom of the pit. Crushed stone is to be laid at the bottom of the pit, the grain size of which is 30-50 mm, the equipped layer should be 7-10 cm. Crushed stone should also be compacted. Next comes the sand, the thickness of which should be the same. It is permissible to use any sand. After that, you can mount a wooden floor, equipped on logs, or cover a concrete screed.

Wooden floor insulation

Insulation of the floor from the ground implies, in the case of a wooden system, the need to install supports under the logs. They can be made of brick or concrete. After the concrete has gained strength, its surface must be treated with a coating material. From above it is recommended to lay rolled insulation. This will protect the logs at the junction points with the supports. After installing the log, you can proceed to the construction of a subfloor, which can be made of waterproof plywood, it will act as insulation. As an additional insulating layer, polyethylene can be used, which is covered with plywood.

Insulation of the floor of the first floor in this case implies the need to lay the material with an overlap of 15 cm. The joints will have to be glued using construction tape. Additionally, polyethylene foam can be used.

Concrete floor insulation

In order to isolate the concrete floor on the ground, after laying the "cushion" it is necessary to equip a rough screed. Afteras the concrete gains strength, rolled waterproofing can be laid on its surface, which is laid in 2 layers. To do this, you can use roofing felt or roofing felt. The insulation on the floor is laid with a burner. After that, you can lay the insulation and perform another screed, which will already be finished. There is another alternative solution, which is to lay 200 micron polyethylene on the sand. The material is carefully glued in the area of \u200b\u200bthe joints. A rough screed is arranged on the surface of the film, the layer of which is 5-7 cm. In order to protect the concrete screed, the same roll materials can be used. From above, according to the above technology, thermal insulation is covered, and then a finishing screed is laid.

Insulation of a wooden floor, like any other, must be carried out, otherwise you will face a lot of problems after a while, for example, high humidity in the rooms, as well as the formation of fungus on the surface of the walls, etc. e.
