Floor installation in a wooden house: installation tips and instructions

Floor installation in a wooden house: installation tips and instructions
Floor installation in a wooden house: installation tips and instructions

Green building is becoming more and more popular. Consumers prefer living in wooden houses, as they breathe more freely inside, and the rooms are warmer. This is due to the properties of wood, which has a low thermal conductivity, so the walls are initially warm. However, to reduce heat loss, it is necessary to properly equip the floor.

Its main task will not only create an attractive appearance, but also meet all the requirements of the consumer. If we are talking about the ground floor of a single-owner house, then the installation of the system will be carried out at ground level, as an alternative solution is the use of a basement slab. In the case of interfloor overlapping of the second and subsequent floors, the floor must withstand impressive loads.

Laying the floor along the logs

underfloor heating in a wooden house
underfloor heating in a wooden house

The arrangement of the floor in a wooden house along the logs may provide for the location of elements on the ground if there are no supports. Apply toas a basis, you can use a foundation, special pillars or interior partitions that are relevant for the second floor. When the logs are located on the transverse beams, the latter may be on the foundation pillars.

Finishing floor boards should face the window. In this case, the logs, which will be located on top, are oriented perpendicularly. The device of the floor in a wooden house provides for the correct choice of the size of the lag. To do this, you must determine the distance between the spans where these elements will be located. If the span is 2 m, then the lag section should be 110x60 mm. With an increase in the first parameter to 3, 4 and 5 m, the lag section will be equal to 150x80; 180x100 and 200x150 mm, respectively. The maximum span is 6 m, for which logs with a cross section of 220x180 mm are used.

Some builders believe that these figures are outdated because they do not take into account the mass of thermal insulation. In order to provide warmth in a private house, all floors must be insulated. If the installation of the floor in a wooden house is carried out according to the lag installation technology, then the generally accepted distance is 0.6 m. This makes it possible to lay insulation between the elements. In places where the floor will be heavily loaded, the logs should be located more tightly.

The span between the supports on which they lie should not be less than a meter, while the step between the central parts of the lag is 0.45 m. All boards are located on waterproofing, which can be roofing material laid in two layers.

Usethermal insulation

device of a warm water floor in a wooden house
device of a warm water floor in a wooden house

Floor installation in a wooden house is necessarily accompanied by the installation of insulation. To do this, you can use mineral or stone wool. The installation technology of such a floor provides for the presence of a vapor barrier layer, which will separate the subfloor from the insulation. This stage is necessary for the reason that during the operation of the floor, moist air will flow from the ground.

Mineral wool is covered on top with a vapor-diffusion membrane, which allows steam to pass through and helps to dry out the thermal insulation, excluding dust from entering the room. Next comes the ventilation gap and the boards, the step between which will be 3 cm.

Floor installation in a wooden house should not be accompanied by the use of insulation in the form of polyurethane foam or polystyrene. This is due to the fact that wood has an increased vapor barrier, therefore it is highly saturated with moisture. In addition, when heated, these materials emit toxic gases, they will not fit tightly enough to the joists, and heat will escape through the cracks.

The above materials are also bad because they attract rodents. In order for the house to be warm, the insulation must be laid with a thickness of 16 cm. The logs act as cold bridges. In order to make the floor warm, the elements are laid crosswise, while the crate will be cross. The main logs must be covered with a layer of thermal insulation.

Varieties of floor designs

flooring in a wooden bathroomHouses
flooring in a wooden bathroomHouses

The device of the floor in a wooden house, the insulation and insulation of which must be carried out, provides for the formation of a "pie", among the layers of which:

  • subfloor;
  • thermal insulation;
  • waterproofing layer;
  • Finish floor;
  • finish coat.

Today, the following wood floor designs are known:

  • floors mounted on pillars made of concrete, aerated concrete or bricks;
  • floors laid on the floor beams.

The first technique allows you to get a floating system. The structure will not be connected to the walls or structural elements of the building. This reduces the transmission of vibrations from human steps.

The device of a wooden floor in a private house can be carried out along the beams of the floor. This technology can be applied to the first floor. Today, wooden floors using this technique are equipped in such a way that in the end it was possible to get a single or double system.

Single is used for the second and subsequent floors, while double floors are also found on the first floor. In this case, the boards are laid in two layers, one of which will be the rough bases, while the other will be the finishing surface. In between is thermal insulation.

If you decide to lay single floors, then they are placed on the beams on the ground. Such designs are relevant for non-residential and temporary premises, as well as cottages and summer kitchens. This floor is easy to install andcheap.

Floor arrangement on the first floor

arranging the floor in a wooden house along the logs
arranging the floor in a wooden house along the logs

Device subfloor in a wooden house on the ground floor may involve the use of one of several options. The first involves the installation of a cold floor without an underground, the second option is a cold floor with a heated underground. The third option could be a warm floor with an uninsulated underground. A system without underground is relevant when the basement is high enough and the groundwater level is low. The cake will consist of several layers.

To implement a cold floor without underground, it is necessary to level and tamp the previously covered layer of sand. Calcined sand with clay 40 cm thick is laid on it. Logs are recessed into bulk materials. They should be located on the same level with the previously laid prepared base. Next comes the 37mm boardwalk.

If you want to equip a warm floor with a cold underground, you should consider that it is relevant for a house that is built on a site where groundwater is located high enough. In this case, brick supports are used for the floor. The design will be similar to that when the interfloor floor is being equipped. But in the described case, the thermal insulation layer should be thicker.

The system will consist of compacted sand, concrete preparation and waterproofing layer. Next, brick 50-cm pillars are installed, on which roofing material is spread. This is followed by a 3 cm wooden overlay and load-bearing beams. To mount shieldsreel, rails are installed.

The next layer will be insulation, which is covered with a wooden floor. There must be an air gap between these two layers. The reverse version of the above floor will be a different design. The base is prepared, as in the first version, and then concrete or brick supports are installed. Next comes a layer of waterproofing and a wooden lining. The wooden floor is mounted at the final stage, but lags are installed first.

Heated floor on logs

floor installation in a wooden house insulation insulation
floor installation in a wooden house insulation insulation

Installation of water floors in a wooden house is possible using one of several technologies. You can use wooden logs. In the case of a lumber floor, logs with a section of 50 x 150 mm are installed on it. The distance between the elements should be 60 cm.

There is a 100 mm thick thermal insulation between the boards. Mineral wool is perfect for this. The pipes of the heating system will be located on the insulation. Passages are made in the lags for fixing communications. The gaps between the lags and the insulation are filled with construction foam.

Plywood is laid on top of the logs, which will act as a preparation before installing the finish coat. The disadvantage of this technology is the presence of an air gap between the plywood and the pipe. This will degrade the thermal conductivity of the floor during its operation.

The second way to install underfloor heating by lags

floor insulation device in a wooden house
floor insulation device in a wooden house

Devicea warm water floor in a wooden house can also be carried out along the logs on the basis of the second technology. It is more labor intensive, but reliable. After installing the lag, polystyrene or mineral wool is located between them. Plywood, chipboard or OSB is laid on the logs. However, it is not worth using GKL, because when exposed to it, the material may crumble. It is necessary to cut out plates from chipboard, which will have rounded corners for grooving. The pipe will be located in them.

The width of the plates will depend on the distance between the communications, while the thickness is 20 mm. The plates are screwed to the base, the distance between them should be equal to the diameter of the pipe. To this value must be added about 4 mm. Foil is laid between the plates, which will reflect heat. Next, the pipe is installed. To increase the reflective effect, metal sheets are covered over the pipe. They can be made of galvanized or aluminum. At the final stage, the laminate is covered, but the use of parquet should be abandoned.

If a warm water floor is being installed in a wooden house using this technology, then the layer of sheet material that is located on the surface can be discarded, but it will be more reliable with it. The thing is that with an impressive step between the lags, the boards can bend under the weight of people and furniture. This is especially true for chipboard strips. If the boards are thicker, then the distance from the floor surface to the pipes can be increased, in which case the floor will heat up more.

When installing a warm floor inin a wooden house using this technology, it is not recommended to use parquet as a finish. This is due to the fact that the material is flexible and mobile. It will require a concrete base, while the plywood will have to be screwed well to the surface.

Another option for laying underfloor heating on wooden logs

installation of water floors in a wooden house
installation of water floors in a wooden house

This technique is even more labor intensive. In this case, thermal insulation is laid between the lags. In the next step, you can prepare 50 cm boards that are sanded on all sides. A groove is made in one of their corners, where the foil is laid with an overlap, and then the pipe goes. The foil is fixed with a stapler, and then the boards are attached to the logs closely. The floor covering is mounted on top.

The fourth version of the floor device on wooden logs

For a wooden floor, you can use ready-made solutions such as reflective plates with grooves. They are mounted on top of the log, the step between which should be determined by the width of the plates. A heater is laid between the elements. Thermal insulation is located on the corners fixed along the upper edges of the log. The boards should have grooves for pipes.

Device of a warm floor using raised floor installation technology

Another technology provides for the location of the raised floor between the joists. Boards may be the basis, but you can use chipboard or OSB. Between the beams there is a layer of thermal insulation, sheets with bosses are laid on it, which will be flush with the upper edges of the lag.

In the place where the pipe will cross the logs, grooves are made. The pipe at these points will be enclosed in foil. This requirement is due to the fact that communications will expand due to the effects of temperature. In the process, they should not rub against the wood. On top of the pipe, when installing floors in a wooden house, do-it-yourself metal reflective sheets are laid. At the final stage, a rough coating is covered.

Bathroom floor installation

The installation of floors in the bathroom of a wooden house may involve laying pipes for thermal insulation. Polystyrene should be the last one, but cotton wool should be discarded. Pipes should be located below the top of the lag. The space between the latter is filled with gypsum mortar. If there is no desire to engage in wet processes, then instead of the mixture, you can fill the space with dry sand. You can smooth out the imperfections of a warm wooden floor with sand or plaster.

When installing a warm floor in a wooden house, you can use galvanized supports to fix the log. The convenience of their use lies in the fact that the elements can be fixed with screws or nails, and then set the supports to the level and fix the logs to them.

After fixing the lag, the draft floor is laid from below. This will allow you to place a layer of thermal insulation. After installing floor insulation in a wooden house, a layer of waterproofing can be placed on top. Next comes the insulation layer, which can be a bas alt-based mineral slab. It is laid in 2 layers. On top is a 40 mm board. From this stage, you canrefuse by laying chipboard on the logs. The thickness of the plates varies from 20 to 22 mm, between them there is a pipe for underfloor heating.

In closing

The structure between the finish flooring and the bearing base is called the subfloor. Its structure may be very different, but the constituent elements remain unchanged. They include the use of underlayment, intermediate and leveling layers.
