Walls, ceilings and partitions in residential high-rise buildings of Soviet and modern construction, unfortunately, are often too thin. Therefore, it happens that the owners of apartments in such houses are sometimes interfered with by their neighbors. In order not to hear other people's conversations, loud music, or, for example, clatter from the top floor, the enclosing structures in your home should be soundproofed. You can perform such a procedure yourself if you wish.
How should the soundproofing of the walls in the apartment be done correctly? Reviews about modern technologies for protecting homes from extraneous sounds, as well as materials used for this purpose on the Internet, are mostly good. But of course, the soundproofing of apartments, including with your own hands, must be done correctly.

Which materials work best
There are only two types of noise that prevent apartment owners in high-rise buildings from relaxing:
- air;
- vibrating.
To the first typethis can include, for example, loud music and conversations coming from neighboring apartments. Vibration noise is a loud stomping from above, blows to building envelopes, etc. Depending on the types of annoying sounds, you should choose protective material for your home.

What is best for soundproofing apartment walls? Reviews of modern materials of this variety of almost all varieties on the Web are mostly good. But most often, to protect apartments from noise, their owners still use:
- mineral wool;
- Isoplat;
- polyurethane foam;
- cork;
- foam;
- special soundproofing membranes.
Reviews on mineral wool from apartment owners
It is this material that is considered the best for soundproofing walls in an apartment. Mineral wool reviews from property owners in this regard deserve simply excellent. It is with its use that today most often they perform soundproofing of walls in an apartment. A good opinion among consumers about this material has developed primarily because it is able to delay up to 95% of types of noise. In particular, such a room insulator protects well from their shock varieties. But mineral wool can also hold up air noise well.
The soundproofing characteristics of bas alt slabs are explained primarily by the fact that they consist of long fibers that can absorb vibrations. Co.everything else, this type of soundproofing is also very inexpensive.

Reviews about "Isopayment"
The use of such plates is another great way to perform high-quality soundproofing of apartments. Reviews of modern material of this variety on the Web are also mostly only positive. Isoplat is praised by Internet users, as well as mineral wool, primarily for its versatility. Such an insulator can be used to protect premises from both shock and airborne noise.
This modern material is based on wood fibers. In addition to versatility, the advantages of Isoplata are environmental safety, ease of installation, and long service life. Some disadvantages of this type of insulator, according to property owners, are the high cost and the fact that it can sometimes be difficult to find on sale.
Soundproofing apartments: reviews of modern materials of other varieties
Polyurethane foam in residential areas is usually used only to protect against vibration sounds. This material is also considered one of the best for soundproofing walls in apartments. Reviews from apartment owners polyurethane foam in this regard, in any case, deserved very good ones. This material, as noted by netizens on specialized forums, is able to dampen blows quite well. To protect against airborne noise, such plates, like any other foamed ones, are not recommended. The sense of polyurethane foam in this case, rathereverything will not be too much.
Cork and penoplex experienced apartment owners are also advised to use to protect homes from impact extraneous sounds. It is believed that with the use of these materials it is possible to make a sufficiently high-quality sound insulation of the walls of the apartment. Reviews cork and penoplex have earned quite good reviews from property owners, including for the relative ease of installation.

To protect the premises from sounds transmitted through the air, in addition to mineral wool, the owners of apartments and houses recommend using special soundproof membranes. Such material is usually included in the "pie" of walls when they are insulated or sheathed with plasterboard, fiberboard, etc.
Can GKL be used?
In some cases, drywall can also be used to protect rooms from extraneous sounds. As soundproofing walls in an apartment, reviews of this material from property owners, however, deserved not particularly good ones. The thickness of the sheets of this variety is usually not too large. Accordingly, they practically cannot delay noise. It is still worth using GKL for soundproofing walls only as a sheathing material in combination, for example, with mineral wool, membranes or expanded polystyrene.
Main technology
How is the soundproofing of the walls in the apartment from the neighbors? Feedback from consumers has been well deserved by many materials intended for this purpose. But of course, choose the most suitable insulator to protect your home from extraneous sounds.not enough. In order for sound insulation to turn out to be of high quality, it must, among other things, be done correctly.
There are several methods to protect the premises in a high-rise building from extraneous sounds. But in most cases, the walls in such houses are soundproofed using one of the following technologies:
- wireframe;
- by sticking the material on the building envelope.
Sometimes in apartments, in addition to walls, floors can also be soundproofed. To protect the lower floor in this case, it is recommended to use floating technology. It is impossible to rigidly fasten the sound insulators of the walls and the floor. Otherwise, the selected materials will not effectively protect the premises.
Before performing the soundproofing procedure, the enclosing structures in the apartment should be carefully prepared. At the same time, wallpaper is removed from the walls and ceiling in the rooms, paint is scraped off, etc. Further, all small cracks and gaps are sealed in the enclosing structures. Also, before performing the main work, soundproof sockets. To do this, they are first dismantled. Then the nests are filled with sound-proof fire-resistant material. Next, the sockets are installed in place.
Soundproofing apartments: features
The frame method of soundproofing apartments is praised by property owners primarily for its ease of execution and low cost. In this case, frame profiles are pre-attached to the walls. Further, between them, the soundproofing material itself is installed. To the undoubted advantages of this technique, apartment ownersinclude both the reliability of finished structures and their long service life.
The advantage of the method of gluing sound insulators, the owners of apartments also consider, first of all, ease of implementation. For example, on the Web, among other things, there are good reviews about the cork soundproofing of the walls in the apartment. Even such a fairly expensive material can be glued to the walls simply with your own hands. In addition to cork, according to this technique, for example, foam plastic, foam plastic and other similar materials are also often mounted in apartments. Some disadvantage of this technology, property owners consider the need to strictly follow all the rules for installing an insulator. If the technologies are violated in this case, the coating can simply move away from the walls in the future.
The main disadvantage of such protection as floating floors, apartment owners consider the complexity of their installation. You can install such a coating if you wish. However, the installation of floating floors has some of its own nuances, which the owner of the apartment, who decides to use this method of soundproofing, should be aware of. The absolute advantage of this type of coatings, property owners consider their high sound absorption efficiency.
Soundproofing apartment walls: frame technology
By this method, both walls and ceilings or floors can be insulated. According to apartment owners, this technology is easiest to use for fairly soft materials. Works on noise insulation of premises using the frame technique are usually carried out as follows:
- for preparedthe walls are marked under the frame profile using the building level;
- the profiles themselves from the side of the wall, so that noise is not transmitted through them in the future, are pasted over with special insulating tapes;
- the profile is screwed to the walls by marking with self-tapping screws;
- Fibrous insulating material is inserted between the profiles.
The step between the profiles during their installation is made so that it is 2-3 cm less than the width of the insulator. In this case, the plates will fit into the frame later on. Additional fastening of fiber insulators to the wall is usually not required. After the mineral wool is mounted into the frame, the walls are sheathed with drywall, fiberboard or MDF.

Pasting of building envelopes
Thus, it is also possible to produce a sufficiently high-quality sound insulation of the walls of the apartment. This technology received good reviews from those apartment owners who decided to use foam materials to protect against extraneous sounds. In this case, the walls, floor or ceiling are also carefully prepared beforehand. Next, the insulating material itself is glued onto them. For fastening such plates to the enclosing structures, special dry mixes are used. Such adhesives are usually pre-diluted with water in the consistency recommended by the manufacturer. Next, they are applied pointwise to the plates.
At the next stage, the sheets are pressed tightly against the wall, held for a while and released. Optional foam insulator boardscan be attached to the enclosing structures, for example, on plastic dowels-fungi. In most cases, 6 pieces are used on one sheet of such elements.
Reviews frameless wall insulation in the apartment from netizens deserved good. However, such protection can only be effective if the sheets of foamed materials on the building envelope are mounted in a checkerboard pattern. In any case, four corners of such sheets should not converge in one place. As soon as the glue under the insulator plates has dried, using this technique, they usually start plastering the walls. Previously, the seams between the foamed sheets are glued with a masking net using putty. Next, the walls are primed, and then they proceed to the actual plastering.

Floating floors technology: main stages
Judging by the reviews, the sound insulation of the walls in the apartment with foam, mineral wool, cork, etc. can be quite effective. But sometimes in the house it is necessary, among other things, to isolate floors from extraneous sounds. In this case, apartment owners usually use the so-called "floating" technology. Since this technique is used by property owners in addition to soundproofing walls quite often, we will also consider its nuances below in the article.
In execution, this technology, according to property owners, can be considered quite complicated. For installation in apartments of floating floors, their owners usually hire specialists. But if desired,soundproofing coating, of course, you can try to do it yourself.
Mount floating floors in apartments usually in several stages:
- dismantle the wooden floor or remove the old concrete screed;
- preparing the floor slab;
- layers collect the actual floating coating itself.
Floating floor installation technology
Assemble such soundproofing in several stages:
- a layer of backfill is applied to the concrete pavement (for example, expanded clay);
- glue the walls of the room below with strips of fibrous sound insulator (along the entire perimeter);
- lay on top of the soundproofing slab backfill with offset in rows (without using glue);
- lay the second layer of plates so that they overlap the seams of the bottom one;
- a concrete screed is poured over the slabs so that in no case does it directly touch the wall material;
- after the concrete has hardened, a laminate substrate is laid over the screed.
At the final stage, when using this technology, the finishing material itself is mounted according to the standard method.
The layer of sound insulation laid in this way will not be in rigid contact with the enclosing structures - walls and floors. As a result, it will turn out to be floating. That is, it will be easy, fast and effective to dampen any shock vibrations.

Instead of a conclusion
Most modern materials for soundproofing walls in an apartment have received good reviews from consumers, both for efficiency and ease of installation. However, sheathing enclosing structures in dwellings using expanded polystyrene, mineral wool, etc., must be done with strict observance of all required technologies. Otherwise, such high-quality sound insulation will not work. Accordingly, the money spent on protecting the apartment from extraneous sounds will simply be thrown away.