Finishing, assembly and cosmetic repairs are not complete without the use of measuring instruments. Until recently, this function was performed by building levels and bubble-type levels. Their simple design with an affordable price tag allows them to remain in demand today. However, those users who want to get a high-precision measurement result with minimal participation in the execution process should pay attention to the electronic protractor, which is also characterized by the presence of additional functions and an ergonomic design. Other nuances of operational features depend on the specific model.

What is the difference between electronic goniometers?
Outwardly, such a device can be easily confused with a traditional mechanical goniometer. The distinguishing detail for the simplest models will be perhaps a compact electronic block controller. It sends data to the display. You can also distinguish modern models by weight - this value averages 1 kg. As for accuracy, this is the case when the electronic filling is ahead of the mechanics in a given performance indicator - the deviation is on average from 0.05 to 1 degree.
Usuallymechanical measuring instruments in this part just show good results, but this does not apply to goniometers. In terms of materials of manufacture, the electronic goniometer level is more often represented by aluminum and high-strength plastic, and the housings also provide a block for bubble assessment of the horizontal. The main operational difference lies in the control system, for which the electronic unit was introduced. All commands are given through a small panel next to the display, the user has access to calibration functions, sound alert settings and even formula calculation.

Varieties of appliances
By and large, there are two approaches to the implementation of goniometers. These are directly devices that continue the concept of ruler levels, and inclinometers. In the first case, we are talking about a device based on a double ruler. The design is formed by two small levels, the ends of which are connected by a dot, in which the control unit is located. There is also a sensor that records measurements. And if the electronic goniometer is controlled by two rulers-levels, then the inclinometer itself is a single ruler. A sensor, display, bubble level, etc. are also provided on its surface. Such devices are less functional, but in working with typical home measurements, their use is preferable because of convenience.

Feedback on AngleMeter models from ADA
ADA is known as a manufacturer,specializing specifically in building measuring technology. Professionals choose products of this brand for their wide functionality and reliability, and home craftsmen appreciate physical ergonomics and ease of operation. Specifically, about the representatives of the AngleMeter family, positive reviews note the presence of several operating modes, high accuracy and durability of the case. In addition, the ADA electronic protractor in this version is provided with a lithium battery, which means long-term operation of the device on a single charge. But there are also disadvantages of such goniometers. Firstly, not everyone likes the window in the metal ruler. Secondly, there is no protection on the display - in the conditions of the working process at the construction site, additional protection measures for sensitive equipment are mandatory.
Reviews about the GIM 60 L model from Bosch
The German manufacturer, although not a niche manufacturer of measuring instruments, has long and firmly established itself in the construction tool segment. Successes in this direction quite logically led to the desire to cover metrological instruments. The GIM 60 L model is one of the most high-tech not only in the Bosch family, but also in the overall range of the class. The users of the device themselves point to its versatility - the device can be used to work with the horizontal and vertical, and on the basis of the data obtained, complex calculations can be made. The function of the magnets that the electronic goniometer of this version is supplied with is also noted - thanks to this equipment, the case can be fixed to anymetal surface. If there are no metal structures, then the fastening is conveniently implemented using the supplied belt or tripod.

Reviews of the Zubr models
Does not lag behind technological progress and domestic products. One of the engines in this area on the Russian market is the Zubr company, which offers several models. First of all, it is worth noting the professional protractor - the magnetic electronic apparatus "Expert Mini". As reviews show, this device can be used both as a standard electronic level and as a protractor. True, he has a serious miscalculation in the form of the absence of his own zero.
For undemanding ordinary craftsmen, the company also offers a standard version of the digital goniometer - modification 34294. Users of the model note its simplicity, compactness and at the same time versatility. If you have the skills to work with meters of this type, the Zubr electronic protractor will help both in facing activities and in installing equipment with the laying of engineering networks.

Choosing the right goniometer is not an easy task. To solve it, it is important to clearly define the nature of the use of the device, its functional equipment and the requirements for the design itself. For the price, an electronic goniometer is not very different from other measuring equipment - entry-level models are available for 1-1.5 thousand rubles. If we talk about how justified the transition from ordinary levels toelectronic, there may be several reasons. So, at home, such models will allow even an inexperienced user to cope with the tasks of complex calculations thanks to automation and ergonomics. Professionals, on the other hand, cannot do without electronics in the measuring tool, because they face not only complex, but also responsible tasks in which there is no room for errors.