Unique designs of garden metal arches are a beautiful and original element of the landscape, emphasizing the good taste of the owners of the site. They add mystery to the garden, help decorate the recreation area and divide the green space into different parts.
The main advantages of arches
Garden arch is a great decor for any suburban area, yard or park. People have been using this architectural element since ancient times. Such designs help climbing plants grow properly. In addition, such elements of landscape decor allow you to stylize exit registration, events and photo shoots, decorate the entrance to a certain area. A graceful, beautifully decorated arch will bring elegance and freshness to any landscape design and will be a great solution.

Garden arches visually expand the space, centralize the attention of guests on themselves. They can become part of the front garden or flower structures, an element of gazebos and benches. There are many modern solutions and site design usingarches.
Arches in the landscape
With the right design, you can create original gazebos, children's yards and the like. You can also develop designs from several arches. Such arcades create a sense of mystery of the place, evoke magical emotions and a mixture of feelings, they delight everyone.
Arches are placed above the gazebos, make the basis of the hammock. This accommodation option is very popular in different countries. If, at the same time, the structure is entwined with growing greens, flowers or grapes, it will be not only beautiful, but also useful. Very often they make metal arches from twigs for growing weaving vegetables, berries, and fruits. It creates an atmosphere of comfort and creates a great place to relax, read books in the fresh air.

During the upcoming winter festivities, it is recommended to decorate such arches with New Year's garlands, tinsel, fir branches. This is especially true on the eve of the New Year, if you invited your friends or family members to visit. There is a large selection and variety of sizes of arches on the market. It is also possible to order a custom-sized garden arch.
Classification by material
Arches are built from different materials. Most common:
- from natural or artificial stone;
- made of wood;
- metal arches.
Stone arches
When creating a northern type of design, artificial ora natural stone. Such structures will last more than a hundred years. They look very organic in any landscape design. For a long time on the site, the only thing that can happen to them is that they will become covered with moss. This cannot even be considered a disadvantage, because the arch will look more majestic and natural.

Only professionals can make such an arch, it’s better not to try it yourself. The arch is made of cobblestones, artificial and natural stones, sometimes facing bricks of different colors. Such an arch does not need care, it does not need to be painted, but it will no longer be possible to transfer it. So the creation of such a structure must be thoroughly thought out, and the decision cannot be momentary. Very often, these elements are used to decorate fountains, ponds, garden and park alleys.
Wooden arches
The wooden arch is a strong and reliable construction. Another advantage is its relatively low cost. For craftsmen, it can generally do for free if made from the remnants of the material. Spruce, birch, oak, cedar, fir are mainly used. The wooden structure needs to be painted, treated with antiseptics, it needs constant attention and care.
Plastic arch designs for plots and landscaping are distinguished by a small number of colors and a standard shape. But they have a number of advantages:
- easy and quick to install;
- cheap;
- low maintenance (easy to clean with soapy water and a cloth).

These arches are very mobile, disassembled and transferred to any place, they weigh little.
Metal arches
The metal arch is suitable for any type of landscaping, it will be very strong and durable, you only need to renew the paint every year. But this option will not be the cheapest, although you can pay such a price for the quality and convenience that you get.
What are such constructions made of? From rods, metal sheets and profiles, tubes of a certain diameter. Combination is possible. This type of arches is fixed into the ground with the help of pins. They are weather resistant and can last up to 12 years.
Metal garden arches are strong enough structures, so they are used as a basis for organizing the cultivation of grapes or climbing flowers. Such designs provide a large selection and freedom of decorating for every taste and color.
Metal arches for climbing plants should have a minimum of decor. This is definitely worth keeping in mind. Such designs are universal, over time, you can add decorative forged elements, and the arch will look different. You can make beautiful and elegant or hard and straight options. A metal arch for a garden can have any number of decorative elements. It all depends on your imagination.

The following advantages are notedmetal arches for plants:
- Durability. Service life exceeds 10 years.
- Great strength. The structures are able to withstand heavy loads, do not deteriorate from rain and snow, and tolerate temperature extremes well.
- Wide possibilities for decoration. Only from metal is it possible to obtain luxurious patterns. Designers often combine metal bases with wood and stone. The result is beautiful and majestic arches.