Interior arches allow you to embody any stylistic idea in a living space.
Due to the variety of textures, colors, materials used for the manufacture of interior arches, they make the entire interior of the room unusual, able to give it originality and individuality. Before talking about how to make an interior arch, let's dwell on the specifics of the market.

Arches can be made from wood, metal, plastic, composite materials and glass. Wooden arches fit best into the overall interior of living rooms.
The most common on the modern building materials market are arches made of walnut, oak, cherry, maple. Any variant of the interior arch has its own advantages and disadvantages. Let's try to understand this issue in more detail. Arches made of natural solid wood of valuable breeds are very popular.trees.
There are two main technologies for making such arches. In the first option, all elements of the arch are attached to each other using self-locking spiked joints, and no glue is used.
Such interior arches can serve a person for centuries, since the period of their use can only be limited by the lifespan of the wood itself.
Arches, which are made using the second technology, in which some of the elements are attached to each other with glue, are much less durable. However, even such interior arches have a rather significant service life. Complex structures are considered a certain element of prestige, since expensive wood species are used in their manufacture. For example, for the production of such structures, oak, walnut, teak, hornbeam, tropical species are taken.
Interior arches, made from solid wood of any valuable wood, have a fairly significant cost, while they will look great in the interior of the room.
However, lately interior arches made of soft wood are becoming more and more popular. When creating them, it is quite possible to use wood that has knots. Such arches will perfectly fit into the interior in country style. But still, designers recommend installing this version of interior arches in country houses, and not in city apartments.

Arc options
Consider the main dimensions of interior arches, as well as their types. Consumers whofor the first time they encounter the purchase of such a product, they ask how to make the right choice. The design of the interior arch depends on taste preferences, the dimensions of the room, the style of the rooms, the parameters of the opening.
Currently, there is a huge range of different arches on the market. All these interior products can be divided according to certain characteristics: material of manufacture, form.
Different shapes
Interior arches, the sizes and prices of which differ significantly, are divided into several groups.
- Classic is a common version of the product, which is considered universal for any interior. The arch has the form of a semicircle, the radius of which is equal to ¼ of the width of the doorway. Designers note that such interior arches (MDF) are suitable for decorating openings in rooms with high ceilings.
- Romance is a model made with a rectangular arch, which has slightly rounded corners. The arch of such a model is a semicircle, the radius of which is equal to ½ of the width of the opening. Such forms of interior arches are used to decorate large openings.
- A trapezoid is a type of arched opening that has a trapezoidal vault. This option is preferred by modern fans.
- Portal. These types of interior arches are easy to install, they have a rectangular shape. The product has a concise appearance, it does not require special design of corners. Such an arch is not suitable for all interiors.
- Modern is an alternative between classic and portal. Suchthe design is less rounded, the radius may be different, but it is greater than the width of the opening. Among the main advantages of Art Nouveau, we note the ability to fit into a room with a low ceiling.
- Ellipse is a model that differs from modern in radius and rounding at the corners. Such interior arches, the sizes and prices of which vary significantly depending on the manufacturer and material, are considered one of the most popular among consumers.

Variety of crafting materials
The standard size of an interior arch depends on the width of the doorway. The correct selection of the arch model involves matching it with the size and concept of the room. Only in this case, the interior product will have a harmonious look. In the manufacture of arches, materials are used that differ significantly in material, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages.
Gypsum board leads the market for the production of interior arches. This material, after moistening, becomes pliable, so it is possible to create products of various shapes from it. After the dimensions of the interior plasterboard arches are thought out, the workpiece is attached to the prepared metal profile frame of the required size and shape. The joints are covered with putty, the arch is covered with finishing material, depending on the wishes of the property owner. The advantages of drywall in its cost, ease of installation. With the help of this building material, you can beautifully decorate the doorway, regardless ofwhat are the dimensions of the interior arches. The resulting product is not resistant to temperature changes, humidity, therefore, over time, fungus and mold can multiply on the arch.
Wooden archway is an excellent solution for lovers of the unique relief of wood, the atmosphere of comfort and warmth. If the wooden arch is not covered with a special impregnation, over time, due to high humidity, the wood will deform, the product will lose its aesthetic appearance. Also among the significant disadvantages of natural wood can be mentioned the high cost of products. In the modern building materials market, arches made of glued lumber have appeared, which are not inferior to solid wood products, but at a lower price.

Stone and brick
The dimensions of interior arches depend on the material used to make them. Arches, which are decorated with stone or brick, are called by designers an excellent solution for modern interior styles. This cladding option has numerous advantages:
- resistance to mechanical deformation;
- resistance to changes in temperature and humidity.
Among the disadvantages of choosing such a material is the high cost of the product. Professionals reduce the cost of the product without exposing the brickwork to the finish. A similar technique is appropriate for loft-style interiors.

Arch sizes
This step is important whenselection of interior arches. The final result of decoration directly depends on the correctness of sizing. The width of the opening can be chosen arbitrarily, but the height is associated with the overlap. If the ceiling height is 2.5 meters, then the arch should not be more than 2.2 m. In the manufacture of arches, manufacturers note not only the dimensions, but also information about the range in which this product can be used. For example, the height of the arch can be 2.4 meters with a width ranging from 0.79 m to 1.5 m. The thickness of the arch opening is allowed up to 18.5 cm.
When ordering an individual interior arch, you can save the consumer from discrepancies during installation.
When selecting an arch by size, it is important to qualitatively measure the width, height, thickness of the interior opening. If there are any discrepancies, for example, in the thickness of the wall and the size of the arch, the difference is compensated by fixing the laminated hardboard of a certain tone.
Some manufacturers include plates of the same color range with different widths.

Decoration of interior arches
If you use a variety of accessories and components, you can significantly improve the appearance of the interior arch. Thanks to proper installation, you can hide certain installation flaws from prying eyes.
You can add the following elements to the arched opening:
- cornices that perform camouflage and decorative functions (fix them at the junction of the arcuate and straight parts);
- squaresfasten to increase the width and height of the opening;
- banquettes are attached at the base of the arched fittings to obtain the required height and give the structure elegance;
- butt strips help to mask the joints that are formed during the installation of individual fragments of the arched structure.

The owners of apartments and country houses, dreaming of an attractive interior arch, try to take into account all the nuances in order to achieve the desired result. Professionals who install such elements create beautiful compositions that are ideal for a particular interior style. Whatever shape of the arch and finish you choose, your home will take on a modern, stylish and unique look.