In a modern interior, arches or arched doors occupy a special place. Such designs are able to give any room sophistication, comfort. In addition, they visually expand the space.
For each style chosen for decorating a house or apartment, you can (and should) choose an arch design that not only fits well into the overall look of the room, but also becomes its main element, a highlight. Translated from the Latin "arch" is translated as "bend".

This is how we imagine the classic version of such a structure. However, in a modern interior, arches of various modifications are used, which are made of stone and wood, drywall and brick. In this article, we will provide you with arch designs that are particularly popular, the most commonly used.
What makes interior arches attractive?
Most designers believe that beautiful arches are a stylish and elegant solution for modern homes. They are indispensable for creating an open type design. This design delimits the functional areas of the room, while maintaining the feeling of a common space.
It can be said with a high degree of probability that every house or apartment hasrooms that can do without doors. Moreover, the room will only benefit from their absence. For example, when combining the dining room and kitchen, hallway and living room. By installing beautiful arches and getting rid of interior partitions, you can expand the space, significantly increase a certain functional area.

Materials used
The design of arches largely depends on the material used. In turn, the choice of material for the manufacture of the arch is influenced by the design of the walls, their thickness, and the shape of the arched vault. Many materials have limitations both in terms of the weight of the structure and the complexity of its creation. For interior arches, the following materials can be used:
- brick;
- stone;
- metal profile;
- drywall;
- glass;
- tree;
- plastic.
It's no secret that today the most common is the design of drywall arches. Experts consider the use of this material the most simple and financially affordable way to design doorways. After the arched vault is sewn up with this material, any final finish is allowed. The design of the arches in this case allows for ennoblement with wood, mosaic coating, or simply decorating with decorative plaster. In addition, this design will allow the use of light decorative stone, imitation brick wall panels, etc.
Stone arches
This design looks very impressive, giving the roomsolidity and bulk. Depending on the chosen color and texture of such a coating, the arch can be used in different interior styles. However, the first stone arch associations are most often associated with country style. This design fits well not only in a country house. Classics, Provence, some varieties of country and even modern interior styles may well be complemented by a stone arch.

Using bricks
The brick arch looks great in a modern interior. Such masonry can be left in its original form, treated with protective sprays, varnishes or painted.
Wood is always in fashion
This is one of the traditional ways to design an opening. Wood trim is relevant for any interior - from classic to modern. It brings elegance and comfort to the room. It can be an arch in the hallway, living room or bedroom. At the request of the owner, it can be supplemented with doors - it all depends on the functionality of the room.

Types of arches
And now let's look at how the design of arches can differ externally. Various variants are used today.
Classic (Roman arch)
Experts say that the Romans borrowed a lot in the culture and architecture of the Greeks, but this particular element can be considered an invention of the Romans. This arch, closest to us in design and shape, is a vault with the correct radius and semicircular shape.
This design has no protruding joints, it hassimple and concise look. Classic arches look great in rooms with high ceilings. Today, quite often the design of arches of this type is complemented by columns and supports. As a rule, such a construction is made of stone or wood, but in a more democratic interior, the use of drywall is allowed.

British arches
These structures are inherent in the Art Nouveau style. They differ from the Roman ones in a more elongated vault, the arc is straightened with a truncated radius. Such an arch in the corridor, living room with low ceilings will be ideal.
Ellipse arches
This is a fairly common and popular option. The design of arches using the shape of an ellipse is very effective. This variety is widely distributed due to its universal design. It looks great with and without columns, in rooms with low ceilings and in spacious rooms, combined with structures of a different shape. Such an arch in the kitchen instead of a door fits perfectly: it does not reduce usable space.
In addition, it can be used to separate part of the study space, boudoir, dressing room, which are located in the bedroom.

Slavic arch
In fact, this is a rectangular opening with small roundings in the corners. This is also a universal way of zoning space, it always looks advantageous both in a country house and in a standard city apartment.
Turkish arch
Outwardly, it resembles the structures thatonce decorated palaces, houses of we althy residents of the Ottoman Empire. Undoubtedly, such an arch needs the support of the entire interior - the features of the Mediterranean style of furniture and decoration will create a harmonious image.

Gothic arch
Different by sharp vault. This arch design brings originality to the interior. However, it should be borne in mind that such a solution is only possible for rooms with high ceilings. Decorated with stone, ceramics or mosaics, Gothic arches look great and become the highlight of the interior.
Arch transom
Is a continuation of a rounded or rectangular door. As a rule, frosted or transparent glass inserts are used in the upper part; stained-glass windows, translucent corrugated plastic are allowed. These arch doors can be used in any room.

Thai (or semi-arc)
An original design, in which one side ends with a right angle, and the other with a rounding. In this case, you can make any radius of the circle. Such an arch can be decorated in different ways. In drywall constructions, LED lighting or lamps are often built in, thus providing not only zoning, but also highlighting a certain segment of the interior with the help of light.
Finishing the corridor
On the example of a corridor, we will tell you how you can radically transform this room using an extraordinary finish. No matter how tiny the arch is, a list of its advantagesimpressive:
- saves free space;
- allows you to combine rooms;
- visually enlarges the space;
- has an attractive appearance.
Separately, it should be said about the financial side of the issue. Creating an arch is a more budget option than installing doors. The most common design of arches in the hallway is classic. It is ideal for a standard apartment with a small corridor. In houses and apartments, the choice of design is almost unlimited.
Arch in the kitchen
Before starting repairs, many owners think about whether a door to the kitchen is needed. This question is relevant for owners of small apartments. In such rooms, every centimeter of area counts. But on the other hand, it is somehow not very nice to leave the doorway empty. The solution to this problem can be an arch. This simple element will transform the interior and make a small room original and stylish.

When carrying out repair work in Khrushchev or any other house of an old building, the doorway, if possible, should be increased in height and width. Resizing the opening may also be necessary in later built prefabricated houses, but this is more difficult to do, since cutting reinforced concrete structures is not an easy task.
Most often, a drywall arch is made for the kitchen, which is easy to install, and water and heat-resistant versions of this material are also produced today. Finishing this design can be any: itdepends on the overall interior of the room.
Arches are a stylish solution in the design of residential premises. They allow you to create an original unique interior and add coziness and comfort to any room.