When you come to visit someone, you immediately find yourself in the hallway. This room is the hallmark of any house or apartment. It is this room that forms the first impression of how neat and clean the owners are. But when you go into the bathroom or toilet, the opinion of guests about the tenants can change dramatically. Not every person can boast of a clean bathroom. Of course, there are many products for toilet care, but they do not always give the desired result. How to return the bathroom to its former, attractive appearance? The article will provide an answer to this question.
Covering Features
Practically all modern toilet bowls are covered with a special glaze that resembles enamel. In view of this, it is not recommended to wash the surface with hot water. Otherwise, the protective enamel may crack. And then in these cracks will bedirt, mold will accumulate, microbes will multiply. But how to properly wash the toilet so that it does not crack? There are a few rules to know:
- Do not use hard brushes.
- It is forbidden to pick the toilet with a knife or other sharp objects.
- When choosing a toilet cleaner, pay attention to the recommendations that are written on the label. Each tool has its own application features.

How to wash the toilet correctly? To prevent cracking of the enamel during washing, it is recommended to use a brush or brush of medium hardness. But in no case should you use a metal sponge for dishes. It leaves behind scratches that cannot be repaired.
Remove urinary stone and limescale
Over time, plaque and urinary stone appear on the surface. The cause of this phenomenon is too hard water. Plaque also occurs if the toilet cistern flows. In addition, rust may appear inside the plumbing fixture. This happens due to the large number of iron impurities that are present in tap water. To get rid of such deposits, you can use:
- Vinegar.
- Whiteness or bleach.
- Citric acid.
- Specialized care products.
How to clean the toilet with home remedies? You can use vinegar for this. Cleaning the toilet with this tool is the most popular option among housewives. It is recommended to use acetic acid, butif it is necessary to eliminate small deposits of plaque, it is allowed to use a regular, 9% solution. So, we need a jar or a bottle with a lid. Pour vinegar into it and heat it thoroughly. Next, pour the surface of the toilet with the product. Then add a drop of iodine and sprinkle with a small portion of soda. Using a brush or brush, foam the composition. In this form, it should be left for several hours. This method will be more effective if you leave the vinegar-iodine mixture for 12 hours. During this time, all serious deposits and plaque dissolve. After this time, you need to rinse the surface of the toilet bowl with clean water.
White or bleach
Experts recommend using these products at night. You can't use the toilet during this time. So, you should empty the drain tank and shut off the water that enters it. Next, you need to pour one liter of bleach or whiteness solution. In the morning, this remedy can be washed off. According to reviews, this method is effective for removing mild deposits. If after application there is still a coating on the surface, you can repeat the procedure again.

This drink is used in so many areas of human life, and cleaning the toilet is no exception. You need to pour two liters into the toilet and leave for four hours. Then wash off the plaque with a brush or brush.

Citric acid
What other folk remedies exist for washing the toilet? Next on the listremedy is citric acid. This is one of the best remedies that helps fight urinary stone and limescale. We need four packs of citric acid. They need to be scattered over the entire inner surface of the toilet bowl and left in this form for several hours. After that, it is necessary to wash off the composition with plain water. If the plaque remains, you need to repeat this procedure again.
Ways to deal with serious pollution
If the surface of your toilet is already cracked and dirty, the above methods will not help to deal with deposits. More drastic measures are needed here. How can you wash the toilet in this case? To do this, you can apply:
- Orthophosphoric acid solution. With this tool, you can clean plaque not only inside the toilet, but also clean the drain tank. How to wash the toilet with a solution of phosphoric acid? To do this, you need to pour it on the surface and leave it in this state for 20 minutes. After that, using a brush or brush with water, wash off the solution. Please note that the acid is very corrosive. Therefore, you need to work in rubber gloves and goggles. In case of contact with the skin, rinse the area with running water as soon as possible.
- Oxalic technical acid. Where is it for sale? You can buy this acid at a pharmacy. It is sold in the form of a briquette. How to wash the toilet with this acid? To do this, mix the powder with water to the state of thick sour cream. This substance must be treated with contaminated areas of the bathroom. In this form, you need to leave the toilet for one to two hours. After thatdirt is thoroughly washed off with water.
- Electrolyte from a car battery. To get it, it is not necessary to drain the electrolyte from a real battery. You can buy it at an auto shop. It is usually sold in liter bottles. The tool is inexpensive, when working with it, you must not forget about security measures. This is a very aggressive substance. It should only be used if the toilet is old or when all previous methods have failed. Also, the electrolyte cannot be used if you have plastic sewer pipes.

If there is a septic tank
How to wash the toilet with a septic tank with bacteria? There are some nuances here, since aggressive chemistry is unsafe for septic tanks. Therefore, you need to use only specialized tools. Here's how to wash the toilet with a septic tank:
- "SHPUL-S". This product allows you to clean light pollution without harm to the septic tank. When using this tool, there is no destruction of active bacteria. The composition contains a large number of active substances. Therefore, product consumption will be minimal.
- "ALL-CLEAN". This is a general purpose detergent. It has a neutral formula and is absolutely safe for the septic tank.
- SUN PLUS FRESH. This product is recommended for use in country bathrooms. The composition perfectly copes with pollution not only on the toilet, but also in the bathroom, without damaging the enamel.
Using such substances to clean the toilet, you can not worry about the safety of activebacteria in a septic tank. Among other means, you can also note:
- Ecover.
- Gruen-Green.
- iHerb.
Is it allowed to use household chemicals if there is a septic tank? Experts say that such chemistry can be used only if washing is not performed often, and the composition is used in minimal quantities. If you need to clean more serious pollution, it is better to use natural remedies - lemon juice and soda. These substances also have a beneficial effect on bacteria in the septic tank.

It should be remembered that all cleaning products can have a negative effect on the skin of the hands. Therefore, always wear rubber gloves when cleaning the toilet. You also need to follow all the recommendations that are written on the label by the manufacturer. In addition, it is not recommended to inhale chemical fumes, as the acid is harmful to the respiratory tract.

Use of specialized household chemicals
Today there are a huge number of bathroom care products. We list some of them:
- "Silit Beng". This is a fairly well-known bathroom cleaner. The cost is 230 rubles. The product is based on hydrochloric acid. As the manufacturer notes, the substance allows you to get rid of urinary stone, traces of corrosion and limescale. Has a thick consistency. Among the shortcomings in the reviews, consumers note only a pungent smell. When working, it is advisable not to inhale fumes.
- "Domestos". One of the leaders in the market of household chemicals. Contains sodium hypochlorite. "Domestos" perfectly fights urinary stone and rust. Has a thick consistency. The cost of the product is 210 rubles. Disadvantage: the need for uniform distribution, otherwise traces will remain on the surface. The substance also emits a pungent odor.
- "Komet: 7 Days of Purity". The product is based on sulfuric acid. The composition eliminates rust and limescale. The cost of the product is 220 rubles. Has a liquid consistency. Reviews note that this is a disadvantage, since the consumption of the product increases significantly. Like its predecessors, Komet emits a pungent odor when used.
- "Sarma". This is the cheapest product out there. The price is 100 rubles. However, the composition can only overcome rust; it copes poorly with limescale. It has a thick consistency, based on oxalic acid.
Which product is better to use, everyone decides for himself, but most people prefer to use Domestos or Silit. This "chemistry" is sold in any hardware store. Before use, you need to read the instructions, you need to work with the composition only with rubber gloves (even if there is no direct contact with the substance).
How often should I clean the toilet?
This question is asked by every housewife. How often should you clean your toilet so you don't run into serious dirt and grime? It must be said that the cleaning interval depends on the number of people living in the house and the frequency of using the bathroom. On average, ifa family of three lives in the house, you need to clean the toilet bowl once a week. In some cases, this interval can be extended up to two weeks. For regular toilet care, you do not need to use folk remedies, just buy one bottle of Domestos (or any other specialized "chemistry") and periodically process the inside of the toilet bowl. With such care, the appearance of the toilet will be unsurpassed.

So, we found out what and how to properly wash the toilet at home. As you can see, there are many ways. If you have a septic tank, the choice will be limited, but in all other cases, you can use almost any product from the list, up to strong acids.