How to clean grout from tiles: professional cleaning products and home cleaning methods

How to clean grout from tiles: professional cleaning products and home cleaning methods
How to clean grout from tiles: professional cleaning products and home cleaning methods

Seams after laying tiles are usually sealed with a special compound called grout. This is necessary to protect against damage and pollution, as well as for decorative purposes. However, when filling the space between tiles, the grout can leave streaks on the surface. After drying, they will need to be rubbed off. How to clean grout from tiles? There are several different ways that require the use of professional improvised means. Consider them in more detail.

Process Description

how to clean tiles from grout after repair
how to clean tiles from grout after repair

Cleaning tiles from grout is carried out in several stages. First, excess material is removed. Somewhere after a day it will be possible to perform wet cleaning. Major cleaning of the coating can only be carried out after complete drying.

How to clean tiles from grout after repair? Remove the frozen mixturequite problematic. For this purpose, you will need to use special professional tools that are suitable for a particular type of grout. Removing fresh mass is much easier. Just use a washcloth, water, acid solutions and detergents.

Cleaning methods depending on the type of tile

So what do you need to know about this? Of great importance when choosing a cleaning method is the appearance of the tile. Each individual material has its own approach. If the tile is decorative, then special care should be taken when cleaning it from grout. Harsh chemicals can damage the pattern.

Take special care when washing tiles made from natural materials - stone, granite, ceramics, mosaics.

What needs to be prepared?

This aspect should be given special attention. How to wash the tiles after grouting? Before work, tune in to a monotonous and time-consuming task. The worst rubbed epoxy and cement grout. You can, of course, invite a professional, but if you understand the main points, then you can actually and independently perform this procedure.

So, how to wash the tiles after grouting? You will definitely need the following items:

  • safety glasses;
  • long sleeves;
  • gloves;
  • mask.

Ingredients of chemicals used in cleaning can get on the skin and mucous membranes, so they must be protected from irritation. Also, at the time of the procedure, it is better to exclude the presence of people in the room. The room must be well ventilated.

Choose a remedy

how to clean tiles after grouting
how to clean tiles after grouting

Let's take a closer look at this. How to clean the grout from the tiles in the bathroom? The choice of agent will depend on the type of substance used. Each type of grout uses its own cleaning mixtures. For example, epoxy grout is the most difficult to wipe off because it is highly resistant to moisture and chemical agents. To remove such a composition from the walls, you will have to use professional tools.

Consider the features of various grouts:

  1. Cement: used with many types of tiles. It is very convenient to work with her. This composition is sold in the form of a dry mix. To improve the characteristics of the coating, various components can be added to the cement grout. A fugue based on sand and Portland cement is used for grouting joints whose width does not exceed 5 mm. In addition, such compositions are not suitable for ceramic tiles. Sand can damage the surface of the coating.
  2. Epoxy: consists of two components. In terms of its technical characteristics, such a grout is significantly superior to cement compositions. It has a high resistance to moisture. Such grouts are usually used during repair work at production facilities. At home, it is used extremely rarely. Working with such a composition requires certain skills. Therefore, the answer to the question "how to wash the grout from the tile" in this case will also be quite difficult.
  3. Silicone: wash this compositionthe easiest. This can be done using plain water and a brush. Silicone grout is not very strong, so it can be easily damaged. It is best to use this composition along with other grouts. The main advantage of this option is a wide choice of colors.

How to wash off the grout?

how to clean grout from bathroom tiles
how to clean grout from bathroom tiles

So what do you need to know about this? Let's look at how to clean the grout from the tiles in the bathroom. Usually the composition is rubbed in two stages. Dry cleaning is done first. This procedure is carried out using a dry grater. Next, the grout should be washed. To do this, gently clean the entire surface using a damp sponge.

How do I remove fresh mix?

What do you need to know about this? After grouting, in any case, you will have to clean the seams. It does not depend on the technological process you choose. The composition hardens somewhere within 30 minutes. During this time, the grout will dry only on the surface, so making efforts to clean it will be even more dangerous. However, it is better to remove the excess of the substance in the first time after application, since then it will be much more difficult to do this. Within half an hour after work, it is enough to use a simple sponge, detergent and warm water to remove fresh grout. Rinse the rag as often as possible, as it becomes contaminated with the composition. You can consider the first stage of cleaning completed when the sponge stops getting dirty. It is best to use special rags for washing cars at this stage. They areperfectly absorb moisture and do not leave streaks.

Remove cement grout

how to clean grout between tiles
how to clean grout between tiles

Let's take a closer look at this aspect. How to wash dried grout from tiles if a cement composition was used? On the first day after applying the grout, removing too much will not cause any particular difficulties. You need to use the same sponges and detergents. But after some time, it will be much harder to wipe off the composition. Then you won't be able to do without special solutions.

How to wash the grout from the tiles in this case? The best option is to use acid-containing products. Special cleaners from Clutoclean and Litoclean are well suited for these purposes. They are applied with a sponge and kept on the surface for 15 minutes. You should not make much effort, otherwise you risk damaging the tile. It is better to clean the surface in a circular motion. First, it is recommended to apply the composition to an inconspicuous area, since an aggressive environment can corrode the pattern on the tile. You can remove the product with a simple damp sponge.

For the first wipe, you can use regular baking soda. It is enough to dissolve 2 tablespoons of the substance in warm water. The alkali will help neutralize the acid. After that, the tile will need to be washed with a rag. Using this method will help avoid streaks.

Instead of expensive professional products, you can use simple folk methods - citric acid, soda, vinegar, laundry soap.

Thanremove epoxy contamination?

how to remove dried grout from tiles
how to remove dried grout from tiles

What do you need to know about this? Are epoxy grouts usually causing particular problems on tiles? Can you wash it? Will she survive the impact? The main advantage of such grouts lies in their strength. They are able to last more than 30 years without changing their appearance. But if the excess grout is not removed in time, the surface may lose its aesthetic characteristics.

Epoxy mixtures are not washed off with detergents, water and abrasives. How to wash the grout between the tiles in this case? You will have to use special cleaning compounds. Examples include Litonetgel and Litokol. The first is a special composition designed for wiping epoxy grout. It can also be used to clean the surface from wax, oil, grease, mounting foam, ink. This solution is suitable for any type of tile. It should be diluted until the desired concentration is obtained. It can be used to process natural stone, clinker, porcelain stoneware and ceramic tiles.

Wear factors

Let's take a closer look at this. Many novice masters are interested in how to wash the tiles from grout after repair. Of great importance in this matter is the choice of method. Clean the grout mechanically or chemically. You can combine these methods to achieve the best effect. For preventive purposes, it is necessary to determine what is the main factor in damage and rapid wear of the grout. It maybe:

  1. Poor quality composition: when choosing a fugue, be sure to pay attention to parameters such as expiration date and service life.
  2. Insufficient maintenance: especially for flooring. Dirt can accumulate in the joints between the tiles. If you do not clean regularly, the material may fade and change its color.
  3. Using too light grout: in some cases, the use of such mixtures is inappropriate, as the seams quickly become dirty.
  4. Increased room humidity: also a factor that accelerates the wear of the coating. This is especially true for cement grouts with a low degree of moisture resistance.
  5. Mistakes in mixing: too little dry matter or too much liquid in the grout can affect performance.
  6. Applying Errors: Using the wrong tools, insufficient curing, or using the wrong formulation can cause the coating to wear off quickly.

Chemical cleaning

What is she like and what is her speci alty? How to clean grout from tiles? It is best to use professional cleaners. It's pretty easy to work with them. Consider the process using the example of Sopro ESE 548. This composition should be applied to the surface to be treated and left for 20 minutes. To remove the mixture after this time, you can use a scraper or expander. After that, the entire surface is simply wiped with a damp sponge. If you fail to remove the entire composition the first time,the process should be repeated.

Mechanical cleaning

So what's special about her? To remove the grout mechanically, patience is required. This option should only be used if you are afraid of damaging the decorative or smooth surface of the tile. An electric drill is best for this procedure. First, the slots are treated with a special solvent, and after that the seam itself is removed at minimum speed with a thin drill. Sandpaper can be used to widen the furrows. Then the surface is treated with an antiseptic. If you have a drill, cleaning should go without any problems. It is best to work with the tool in a mask to avoid getting particles and fragments into the eyes. As an alternative, you can use the grinder.


how to clean tiles after grouting
how to clean tiles after grouting

Before using chemical compounds and mechanical cleaning methods, it is better to try them on an inconspicuous area of \u200b\u200bthe tile. When carrying out work, do not forget about personal protective equipment. Be sure to use goggles, mask and gloves. To protect the rest of the interior in the room, you can use plastic wrap. The room should be well ventilated throughout the entire procedure.

Many today are interested in how to wash the white grout between the tiles. Over time, the seams may darken and lose their original appearance. To prevent this from happening, they should be wiped with hydrogen peroxide. The agent is evenly distributed over the surface and left for sometime. When carrying out cleaning procedures, masking tape can be used. It will protect the cover. Experienced craftsmen recommend always starting from the bottom.

Cleaning non-standard tiles also raises questions. For example, how to wash rough tiles from grout? The stained area can be treated with an acid-based cleaning compound. To do this, the liquid is distributed on the surface, and then removed with a brush after 10-15 minutes. A limescale remover also helps a lot. It can even be rubbed into embossed patterns. Porcelain stoneware can be easily wiped off the grout with white spirit, only the substance should not be used in pure form, but in dissolved form. If you are worried about the integrity of the surface, try using glycerin. With the help of this substance, you can perform a gentle cleaning. Ammonia solution also helps. You can also wash off the cement grout from the tile with citric acid. To do this, a brush or sponge is dipped directly into the crystals and treated with the textured surface of the tile.


how to clean white grout between tiles
how to clean white grout between tiles

Now you know how to clean grout from embossed tiles, how to get rid of streaks and how to lighten white seams. Using the recommendations presented in this review, you can easily keep the tiles in your home in good condition.
