Rules for composition of potted plants. indoor garden

Rules for composition of potted plants. indoor garden
Rules for composition of potted plants. indoor garden

Compositions of green indoor plants, succulents or flowers enliven the room. They look bright and expressive. Even a person who is far from floristry can create such beauty, having familiarized himself with some rules for composing a composition from potted plants and their types.

The advantages of decorating an indoor green corner

The advantages of compositions formed from green pets include the following:

  • amazing appearance;
  • plants collected in one place are easier and more convenient to water;
  • by combining plants and placing them in one place, you form a dense green crown of an indoor garden, which has a positive effect on all plants in the composition;
  • potted flowers collected in one place help to increase air humidity, which is important for the most delicate flowers that grow on the windowsill;
  • composing songs is a lot of fun.

Standard compositions

Combinations of plants in the classical interpretation look like a combination of 4-12 plants in plastic or clay pots. AtIn this case, flowerpots that differ in shade, size and species look more spectacular, making up an eye-catching group.

Low decorative leafy vases are used in 90% of cases to form the outline of a composition of potted plants, and flower vases are used to add a bright accent. This is a close-up of the green group. In the second turn, further, plants are located higher, with dark large leaves.

DIY flower pot decor
DIY flower pot decor

A real decorator has attractive not only professional compositions, but also those that consist of harmoniously selected plants of the same species group with leaves of different contours and colors. Such combinations look no worse.

Professional compositions

Combinations of flowers and green plants of this type are most often seen in public buildings, although at home they look no less attractive and organic when scaled down, filling an empty corner in a room or diluting a boring minimalist interior.

indoor garden
indoor garden

An integral part of such a group is flowerpots, which differ from each other in height and are combined with each other. Such pots can be decorated independently. The decor of flower pots with their own hands gives the composition an exclusivity. The plant located in the farthest corner should be the most voluminous or stand on a stand. The foreground is filled with flowering pots, which, as the flowerpots fade, are replaced by others. On the background areampelous plants, beautifully braiding bindweeds.

Features of keeping green plants in a warm dry room

Compositions of potted plants contained in rooms with central heating, requiring humidified air, are usually placed on special pallets strewn with a layer of pebbles. The main thing is to take a waterproof stand 4-5 cm deep. The length and width are selected based on personal considerations or the volume of the indoor garden.

Having prepared everything you need, pebbles are poured onto the bottom of the pallet and spread in a thin layer (2-2.5 cm). After that, water is poured so that the lower pebbles are in the water. Flowerpots are installed on pebbles, and you can even put the structure on a shelf near the battery. With this placement, the humidity of the air around the plants increases by 3-5 times.

During watering, excess water drips into the pan. When evaporated, it promotes a favorable environment for the development of green plants in the composition of potted plants.

Color Collection

In many houses, entire collections of closely related plants are collected. You can meet such compositions among novice beginners and some experienced gardeners who appreciate beauty. Hobbyists start with a combination of cacti and succulents, which look attractive both on the windowsill and on the wall, placed in an upright position. But we'll talk about wall-mounted indoor gardens a little later.

Experienced gardeners manage to collect dozens of expensive and unique combinations, including uzambara violets, ferns, orchids.

Besides the general decorative effect,collections are united by one property - the individuality, rarity and beauty of each plant.

Floral arrangements for the interior
Floral arrangements for the interior

Compositions of indoor flowers in one pot look interesting.

Vertical gardening

It used to be that vertical gardening is a necessary measure for rooms where there are double frames, window sills, under which heating radiators are placed, or simply there is not enough space to place a flower arrangement of several dozen plants. Today, a green panel or a wall of succulents is considered to be an element of living interior decor, on which attention is naturally focused.

Compositions from potted plants
Compositions from potted plants

In boutiques and lobbies of apart-hotels, you can see glass boxes suspended from the ceiling, filled with soil-sand mixtures with the addition of crumbs and pebbles. Succulents and cacti are planted in such containers, and such a composition looks very impressive. Especially in contrast with white light walls.

Creation of compositions from indoor plants is actively used in the design of residential premises, foyers, halls, decorative lattice screens. In this case, climbing plants are used. To decorate a room, pots with flowerpots are hung on special brackets or placed on special stands, partitions, screens. This variant of landscaping is also used for zonal division of the premises.

Often, compositions are created from indoor flowers in one pot, which are used for hanging gardeningwindow openings, niches, entrances to buildings, arches, if this is facilitated by the architectural layout of the premises.

The corner stand used for vertical gardening looks organic in the interior, made in plain colors. On each of the shelves put one pot with a flowerpot. For the composition, it is better to use one type of ampelous plants, forming an arch, column or pyramid of leaves and flowers.

Compositions of indoor flowers in one pot
Compositions of indoor flowers in one pot

Flower arrangements for the interior, consisting of begonias or coleus, are grown indoors in groups or singly - planted in separate flowerpots.

Green Window

Greening the window sill can turn a nondescript room into a real exhibition of flowers and green house plants. By equipping the window with stands or hanging shelves, you can create multi-level landscaping. For this, durable plastic structures are used, fixed at different levels along the window.

Green garden in the room

The indoor garden is a container filled with a variety of green plants. You can place flowerpots inside the container or plant flowers directly into the tank. The advantage of growing domestic green plants in this way is the additional protection of the root system from temperature changes and changes in air humidity.

Creating compositions from indoor plants
Creating compositions from indoor plants

Green plants planted in flowerpots look good. Combine, move and modify compositions, and besidesof this, you can make DIY flower pot decor.

This way of growing plants is not yet very popular. Probably because flower growers are used to growing plants singly rather than collecting them in whole groups.

There is nothing difficult in the selection of plants and the combination of flowerpots. The main thing is to understand the rules for arranging an indoor garden.
