Why do we need a fume hood

Why do we need a fume hood
Why do we need a fume hood

Fume hoods are used in laboratories to work with harmful substances. They are used in the performance of chemical-analytical studies that are associated with the emergence and spread of toxic vapors and gases hazardous to human he alth.

fume hoods
fume hoods

The laboratory fume cupboard is used complete with an external exhaust system. Its operation is aimed at the forced removal of hazardous substances from the working area by means of an external hood. This technique is used in laboratories of various profiles.

laboratory fume hood
laboratory fume hood

The fume hood is the most expensive and basic piece of furniture for the food, chemical and medical laboratory. It is with him that all complex tests and tests are carried out. But the most important thing is that it provides employees of the organization with safe conditions when performing laboratory work. In addition, the fume hood is a very complex product in terms of technical characteristics, because it is equipped, depending on the need and modification, with a built-in supply and exhaust ventilation system, electrical andplumbing fixtures, and some models even have vacuum, air and gas lines.

The largest group of this technique includes cabinets equipped with an open-type exhaust circuit. They guarantee the safety of the working area for the working personnel by means of regular forced air suction from the open working chamber with its further release into the atmosphere outside the laboratory room through the ventilation system. If this group is considered from the point of view of the supporting basic structure, then two components can be distinguished in it - fume hoods made of LDPS (DPS, varnished) and metal (metal frame sheathed with stainless or painted iron sheets). Each of these types has its own operational disadvantages and advantages, but in general their consumer properties are almost identical.

pull out drobe
pull out drobe

Considering from the point of view of cost fume hoods made of various materials (we will exclude those in the finishing of which stainless steel is used, because their cost will be much higher), models from chipboard will have an advantage, because their cost is lower by about 20% compared to metal. In addition to the financial component, the main difference between these types of equipment is safety. A metal fume hood is more aimed at operation in conditions with an increased fire hazard. When it comes to mechanical and chemical resistance, modern DPS laminate flooring is absolutely on par with painted metal cladding.

Let's try to figure out what the choice of metal or chipboard furniture for the laboratory is based on. It mainly depends on the individual preferences and financial potential of the user. Some believe that a metal hood is more durable, while not taking into account the fact that the working life of chipboard furniture is 10 years. And with the proper attitude, it will not lose its appearance for much longer. Based on this, we can safely conclude that if you have a desire to save money and purchase a high-quality laboratory fume hood, feel free to opt for furniture made of laminated chipboard.
