Veronica spikelet or, as it is called spikelet, is widespread among gardeners. Seeing this plant in someone's flower garden, immediately there is a desire to plant the same flower in your own. But how to grow it, what places in the flower beds does it prefer and what is known about it?
Description of the plant
Veronica spikelet is a perennial and, depending on the variety, can grow from 15 to 60 cm. The stem of the plant is strong, straight and unbranched. It is densely dotted with flowers. At the same time, the roots of Veronica are thin and grow horizontally. The size of the leaves depends on their location on the stem, the length is from 1.5 - 8.5 cm, and the width is 0.3 - 3 cm. The edges are serrated.

Blossoms with a dense brush, which is narrowed to the top. Its length can be from 5 to 30 cm. Small flowers are held on short, hairy pedicels. The calyx consists of four oblong lobes of different lengths. The most common are blue or bright blue flowers. But the corolla is purple, pink or white.
After floweringVeronica spiky forms rounded boxes with glandular hairs. Smooth, flat-convex ovoid seeds ripen in them. They are 0.75 mm long and 0.5 mm wide.
Flowering starts after the 10th of June and lasts about 35 days.
Popular names

As an ornamental plant, Veronica spiky is widespread, therefore, among the people, in different places, it has received many names. Often it is called field lambs, field sage, snake grass, Andreeva grass, ganusok, bush, bats, blueflower.
Decorative qualities
Veronica is a flower that has been used in culture as far back as 1570. Today it is a good decoration in mixborders. But often it is planted as a single flower.
Veronica also looks good in rocky gardens and near slides. The flower will bloom magnificently if a sunny area is allocated to it. If you want to combine with other plants, then it is in harmony with carnations, saxifrage, Dalmatian geraniums, stonecrops.

Veronica spiky: planting and plant care
You can plant this flower on your site using cuttings or by dividing the bush. The plant also grows well from seed. It is worth noting that the flower can give self-seeding. Seeds are sown in open ground in early autumn, when the ground temperature is about 150С to a depth of 0.5 cm. There are sprouts already in the second week. In order for the plant to sprout and take root, it needs light soil.medium humidity. But many gardeners note that veronica is not so demanding on the land in which it grows.
A plant grown from seeds can be transplanted to its permanent place the next year in late summer or early September. It is good if it is a sunny area or partial shade. It is recommended to keep a distance of 30 - 50 cm between each seedling. Veronica spiky blooms in the second year after sowing. An overgrown bush can be divided.
The plant does not need winter shelter, as it calmly tolerates frosts in central Russia. Veronica is also drought tolerant, although if there are rainy days, it tolerates this as well. In spring, the flower is watered only if it is dry outside. It is good if you spend a little mulching near the bushes. Veronica spiky, varieties above 60 cm need to be tied to a support.

The plant may die from severe waterlogging in winter.
Use in traditional medicine
Veronica spicata is not only a beautiful decorative flower. It has medicinal properties and is popularly used for colds, tuberculosis, bronchitis, diseases of the liver, kidneys, stomach and bladder. Also, this plant relieves rheumatism, menopause, if there are internal bleeding, neuroses, insomnia, or with severe fatigue. Some use this variety of Veronica for rashes and eczema.
This herb helps during the listed ailments, because it has anti-inflammatory, wound healing and hemostaticaction. Veronica has some antibacterial properties.
Collection and procurement of raw materials
Only the aerial part of the plant is used for healing purposes. You can start harvesting raw materials in July, the collection continues until September. The plant must be cut with sharpened scissors or a sickle. Before drying, the prepared material is moved. It is necessary to separate the yellowed parts and damaged stems. Fresh grass is laid out on a spacious area in a thin layer so that the drying is uniform for both the lower and upper stems.
To prevent rotting, plants and fungus from appearing, it is recommended to turn the raw materials every day. Fold the well-dried grass without tamping into fabric or paper bags. The medicinal plant retains its properties for 24 months, after which it loses its value.

Using Veronica
On the basis of this plant, you can prepare useful decoctions and infusions. Here are some recipes:
- This infusion take ½ cup three times a day. For cooking, you need two tablespoons of chopped dry raw materials. Add two cups of steep var (400 ml) and wait two hours. The medicine is ready.
- To make a decoction, pour a glass of boiling water into an enamel bowl and put grass (20 gr). Such a medicine comes in a water bath for 15 minutes. Strain the already cooled drink. But this tool can be used not only internally. If there are rashes, itching and other skin problems, baths orwashing.
Medicinal herbs can really help, but before embarking on independent herbal medicine, it is better to consult a family doctor.