Cockatoo pepper: variety description

Cockatoo pepper: variety description
Cockatoo pepper: variety description

A special place among vegetable crops undoubtedly belongs to pepper. This storehouse of vitamins is grown by almost all gardeners and summer residents, and many of them prefer not to be limited to one variety. Today we will share with you photos and reviews of the cockatoo pepper, and also tell you how to grow it in your area. In this article, you will learn not only the main characteristics of this variety, but also its useful properties.

Variety description

Pepper "cockatoo"
Pepper "cockatoo"

Pepper "Cockatoo" - a hybrid mid-season variety, the ripening period of which is 110 days from planting to harvest. In some cases, it may begin to bear fruit a little earlier. Many experienced vegetable growers have long preferred this variety, according to reviews, the cockatoo pepper is not only fast-ripening, but also high-yielding. The height of upright lush bushes reaches one and a half meters. Quite large leaves have a dark green color. Despite the fact that the bush is quite sprawling, it does not need a garter and support at all. Cylindrical in shape, the fruits have a fragrant, sweet and juicy pulp, hiding under a dense skin of bright red color. The variety was named because of the similarity of the appearance of the vegetable with the beak of a famous bird.


This variety has gained particular popularity due to its impressive size and amazing taste. Judging by the photos and reviews of the cockatoo pepper, the weight of one fruit reaches 500 grams, and the length is at least 25 centimeters. In addition, the variety is characterized as high-yielding. From one bush you can collect from 2.5 to 3 kilograms of a mature crop. Heat-loving peppers are grown outdoors in warm regions and in a greenhouse, or using night cover if the climate in the region is less favorable.

Features of cultivation

Pepper cultivation
Pepper cultivation

Before you decide to grow cockatoo peppers, you need to responsibly choose a place for planting. The bed should be located in the most sunny area. This variety does not tolerate sun starvation - almost immediately the leaves begin to turn yellow and wither, and the fruits do not reach the proper size, color and taste. In general, reviews of the cockatoo pepper variety say that it is completely unpretentious in care, although it requires the creation of certain comfortable growing conditions. For active growth, proper fruit development and high fruiting, it is important to follow some rules, which will be discussed in the following sections.

Growing seedlings

pepper seedling
pepper seedling

The first step in getting these amazing vegetables is to sow seeds for seedlings. The process is quite simple, despite the presence of some features. Before planting, the seeds go through several stages of preparation. First, the seeds are soaked for 5 hours in hot water at a temperature of about 50 ° C. After that, the seeds are placed in a damp cloth until germination. Use only quality planting material for a rich harvest.

Sowing germinated seeds for seedlings is carried out at the end of March or the first half of April. Deepening is carried out by no more than 2-3 centimeters. Containers with seedlings are placed in a well-lit place with an air temperature of about +28 ° C. Within ten days after sowing, under these conditions, the first shoots should appear. From this moment on, the air temperature drops slightly to +25 °С. Water the seedlings daily, in the morning. For these purposes, water at room temperature is used. When 5-6 full-fledged leaves appear, the seedlings are picked.

Transplanting in open ground

Transplantation in open ground
Transplantation in open ground

According to the description of the cockatoo pepper, this vegetable is considered to be very thermophilic. Therefore, the transfer of the plant to a permanent place in the open field is carried out only after the onset of warm weather. Young seedlings should be protected from temperature extremes and night frosts. In cold regions, cockatoo peppers are grown in a greenhouse. There are several basic rules for transplanting peppers:

  • seedling height shouldbe at least 15 centimeters;
  • transplantation period - end of May or beginning of June;
  • fertile soil enriched with fertilizers is used;
  • the distance between the bushes is about 40 centimeters, and between the rows - at least a meter;
  • seedlings are transferred to a pre-moistened hole and watered again after transplantation;
  • the area around the bushes is mulched.


To get a rich and tasty harvest, as in the photo of the cockatoo pepper, not only the planting process is carried out correctly, but also some care.

Peppers of this variety require regular and abundant watering. Due to the thermophilic nature of the plant, it is important to use non-cold water. Its temperature should vary between +17 to +20 ° C. The frequency of watering is also important, which depends on the method of growing cockatoo peppers. Greenhouse pepper is watered every 2-4 days, while ground pepper - no more than once a week. Watering is doubled in frequency and amount of water during fruit formation.

Like other hybrids, loves top dressing and cockatoo pepper. Reviews about the variety from experienced gardeners recommend fertilizing at least three times over the entire growing period. The first dressing is applied immediately after planting, the second and third - during the formation of flowers and fruits. The basis of any top dressing is s altpeter, into which chicken manure is added at the first stage, potassium s alt and phosphorus - during flowering and fruit development. In addition, top dressing is combined with watering for better penetration of nutrients.

One morean important step in caring for cockatoo peppers is pinching. Only a properly formed bush is able to correctly distribute nutrients and ensure the growth of large and tasty fruits. Remove side shoots in a timely manner so that a stump at least 2 centimeters high remains after removal. A shorter pruning will provoke the active development of new side shoots.

Diseases and pests

Slug pest
Slug pest

Sometimes proper and timely care is not enough, and the plant may be affected by harmful insects or diseases.

Judging by the reviews of the cockatoo pepper, the main disease affecting the plant is late blight. Moreover, the most unpleasant thing is that it affects plantings even at the seedling stage, and this can lead to the complete death of the plant. Therefore, one of the important conditions for growing is the removal of diseased plants at the earliest stages of infection, thinning of plantings to organize sufficient space and preventive treatment with fungicides.

Another nuisance that can be encountered when growing peppers is blossom end rot. This disease occurs due to temperature changes or disturbed irrigation regime. By paying due attention to plantings and spraying them with calcium nitrate, it is quite possible to avoid the occurrence of this disease.

The main pepper-loving pests are spider mites and aphids. If folk methods of struggle, such as spraying with solutions of ash and garlic, do not help, then you should startthe use of insecticides. However, it is worth remembering that such processing is unacceptable at the stage of fruit formation.

Slugs are another nasty pest that causes significant damage to the fruits and leaves of the plant. In addition to manual collection and destruction of adults, treatment with Strela is required. Sprinkling the soil around the bush with dry mustard or hot ground pepper is considered an effective measure to combat slugs.



The most beloved and long-awaited time for any gardener is the harvest period. This procedure is performed after the fruit reaches its maximum size. However, due to the large weight of the vegetables, combined with weak shoots, the fruits are harvested at the stage of incomplete maturity. Green peppers are carefully cut with a knife, as breaking off damages the bush. The interval between harvests is usually about a week.


Pepper "cockatoo"
Pepper "cockatoo"

Sweet cockatoo pepper is an excellent addition not only to summer salads, but also to winter dishes, as this variety tolerates freezing well. Preservation of taste and appearance allows you to cook boiled, stewed and fried dishes with it. In addition, there are many recipes for canning this vegetable.

Any variety of sweet pepper is incredibly he althy, and "cockatoo" is no exception. Crispy vegetables are rich in vitamins C, P, B and organic acids. In addition, pepper has antioxidant properties, strengthens the nervoussystem and normalizes the work of the heart and blood vessels.

Pepper "cockatoo" is an excellent decoration of the garden plot. Lush bushes of juicy greenery are combined with large bright fruits and delight the eye no worse than a flower bed.
