Inside any room, it is required to provide good sound insulation. This applies to any walls and partitions in the building.
As you know, sound waves propagate and pass through obstacles. To delay them, you need to reduce their pressure. For this, special materials are used. They are selected depending on the sound insulation index. Special panels are considered the most popular today.
Mineral wool panels
The structure of mineral wool is fibrous. It is made from silicate melts, which are made from rocks, slags, various mixtures.
The benefits of such panels include:
- good heat and sound insulation;
- flammability;
- ecological cleanliness;
- resistance to mold, fungus, bacteria;
- no shrinkage (the dimensions of the panels do not change during the entire service life);
- no deformation when exposed to temperature;
- non-corrosive (that is, metal objects that come into contact with mineral wool do not rust).
From the disadvantages of soundproofingsandwich panels are distinguished as follows:
- loss of thermal insulation properties over time;
- hygroscopicity;
- large mass;
- vapor permeability;
- necessity to wear a respirator during installation;
- the ability to install only in the absence of precipitation.
All these nuances must be taken into account.
Fiberglass panels
This material is also called glass wool. It resembles a mineral wool. This is due to the fact that mineral fibers are included in the composition. The production technology also has similarities, which affects the properties of materials.

Pros include:
- good heat and sound insulation;
- elasticity and strength;
- resistance to aggressive chemical compounds;
- small mass;
- flammability;
- sustainable;
- vibration resistance.
The disadvantages of soundproof wall panels include:
- hygroscopicity;
- tracking;
- sintering when exposed to high temperature (over 400 °C);
- weathering.
Such features must be taken into account when choosing such panels.
From Styrofoam
Panels are made from polystyrene and its derivatives. This results in a gas-filled material.
The advantages of such plates include:
- good heat and sound insulation;
- resistance to bacteria, mold, fungus;
- long preservation of properties, even ifmaterial is in contact with water for a long time;
- no deformation during sudden changes in temperature;
- light weight;
- flammability;
- sustainable;
- good adhesion to most materials;
- durability.
But at the same time, polystyrene foam soundproof panels for walls can provoke an allergic reaction. Another disadvantage is that they eventually become colored under the influence of ultraviolet rays. They can be damaged by rodents and birds. In addition, they are a fire hazard.
ZIPS panels
ZIPS (Frameless Type Soundproof Panel System) are 2-core type panels with a thickness of 4-12 cm and a finishing layer of gypsum board 1.25 cm.

Such sandwich panels include sheets of gypsum fiber with a layer of fiberglass (an option called "Shumostop") or mineral fiber ("Shumanet") for sound absorption.
Types of ZIPS panels
Their varieties are as follows:
- ZIPS-pol. Designed to reduce shock and airborne noise. Includes sandwich panels with vibration mounts, as well as "Soundline-dB". It is an acoustic material with 3 layers. In addition, plywood flooring is provided. Before installing such panels, it is necessary to carefully level the floor.
- ZIPS-III-Ultra. There are sandwich panels with a thickness of 4.25 cm (they contain gypsum fiber and Noise Stop), as well asacoustic drywall. This is best suited for plaster, brick, concrete partitions, walls.
- Soundproof wall panel ZIPS vector. The total thickness is 5.3 cm. At the same time, sandwich panels occupy 4 cm. There is a layer of gypsum fiber and "Shumostop". Best of all, such a system copes with household noise.
- Soundproof panels ZIPS-module. For such a system, a 7 cm sandwich is used. As a result, the entire thickness is 8.3 cm. Both gypsum fiber and mineral fiber are used in sandwich panels. Such a system is used not only for residential buildings, but also for premises with more intense noise (restaurants, shopping centers, offices, etc.).
- ZIPS-system. In this case, sandwich panels of 12 cm. They include sheets of gypsum fiber and "Shumanet". The entire thickness is 13.3 cm. This system is usually used for soundproofing in public places.
- ZIPS-floor vector. Sandwich panels of 4 cm. They contain staple and gypsum fiber. There is a layer of acoustic triplex, as well as 1.8 cm plywood sheets. The whole thickness is 8 cm.
- ZIP-floor module. Sandwich panels of 7.5 cm. The entire thickness is up to 11 cm.
ZIPS panels are a unique material for sound absorption. The minimum index of additional sound insulation is 9-11 dB. The total indicator is 34.7. If you use the ZIPS system, then you get about 48 dB at a frequency of 100 Hz.
In addition to the positive effect of using such a system, the advantage is that there is no need to make a frame.

The products are very easy to install, and the installation itself is fast. Due to vibration isolating nodes in the panels, such a system absorbs not only sounds, but also vibration. As for the disadvantages, they highlight the high cost and the reduction in space after installation.
Decorative soundproof panels are perfect for residential, industrial, office and retail spaces. This is a finishing material of a new generation. Such panels perform heat and sound insulation. After installation, no additional finishing is required.
Other benefits include:
- small thickness;
- light weight;
- multifunctionality;
- easy to install;
- a large number of decorative coating options;
- versatility.
As for the cons, they include the need to sheathe all the walls of the room, since surface finishing on only one side of the room will not improve sound insulation. Another disadvantage is the high cost. Decorative panels are more expensive than regular panels.

To simplify installation, groove-thorn connections are made on them. Thanks to this, anyone can assemble the structure, even without the appropriate skills. The result is a monolithic surface that reliably absorbs sounds.
The seams are invisible. The method of mounting the panels depends on the condition of the surface. If it is even, then use liquid nails. If there are defectsthen first install the crate, to which the material is fixed with a stapler.
Manufacturer of multilayer boards - Finnish company. Their basis is the heat and noise insulating material "Isoplat". Its thickness is 12mm.
Top trim made of linen fabric, vinyl or paper wallpaper. The latter can be painted and washed. Such plates are safe and environmentally friendly. They are made from natural wood using chemical compounds. Thanks to such panels, the boom in the room is reduced.
The coating has a porous structure. It is resistant to sudden changes in temperature, humidity levels, and is not flammable.
The manufacturer produces decorative panels with a textile coating in 4 colors. They can only be cleaned with a dry method.

The "Decor" line has a vinyl surface. You can choose from 6 color options. The surface is washable. Line "Interior" - these are panels coated with wallpaper that imitates textiles. 4 options are presented. The Timber line is distinguished by a wooden texture. You can choose from 4 colors.
Features of the production of "Isotex"
For the creation of panels, wood chips from coniferous wood are used. The mass is crushed and made soft with water. Then they are pressed into layers. No chemical additives are used for bonding - only natural resin.
Since the panels are made of wood, they must be released from packaging and for a dayleave in the room where the walls will be sheathed. This is required in order for the material to accept the level of humidity that corresponds to the air in the room. Installation of panels is carried out in two ways - using crates and using glue.
This is another Finnish manufacturer of decorative panels. They are created from crushed sawdust, which are combined without the use of additional chemicals. To fix the outer decorative layer, they use adhesives that are used in the food industry, so they are completely safe.

These panels can be used to furnish a home theater, as they improve the acoustics in the room. Suitable for seasonal homes, as they tolerate temperature changes. But for finishing rooms with a high level of humidity (baths, saunas, bathrooms) they are not used due to the fact that the base is wood. By the way, the plates also have thermal insulation properties.
Their width is 58 cm, so installation will not take much time. The outer layer has several textures: paper, vinyl or textile. The panels are fixed either with staples to the crate or with liquid nails.
Cork Soundproofing
Cork soundproofing of walls performs 2 important functions - reflection of sounds from outside and their absorption from the room. According to the parameters, such a material with a thickness of 3 cm can replace reinforced concrete slabs of 15 cm. Sounds are reduced by 20 dB, so several layers are used. To increase efficiency, it is recommended to cover with corkinsulated not only the walls, but also the floor, the ceiling.

Benefits include:
- long service life;
- cannot be erased;
- Suitable for a variety of environments, both residential and public;
- suitable for high humidity environments;
- not exposed to fungus and mold, does not rot;
- environmentally friendly;
- off;
- is good thermal insulation;
- does not absorb fragrances;
- does not generate static electricity.
The plates are installed by laying bricks, when the middle of the next level is placed at the joints of the panels of the first layer. On top of the cork, they make a decorative one, although you can leave it without it. The material looks nice, is soft and warm.
If the humidity in the room is high, then you need to additionally use varnish. It has good cushioning properties due to the fact that the panels are made from crumbs of cork oak bark.
Before starting installation, it is required to remove all holes, defects, cracks, cracks on the walls. It is thanks to this that the noise level is reduced already at the initial stage of work. The walls need to be leveled. Wall soundproofing is usually installed on a wooden crate or metal profiles. This method is called skeletal. It is the most common.
Frameless soundproofing of walls takes less time, since it is not required to install an additional structure onwhich the plates will fix.
After insulating the cables and preparing the wall surfaces, you can proceed to the following steps:
- Equip an acoustic substrate. The material needs to be rolled out on the wall, starting from the top and moving down. Then fix with dowels so that they can be removed later.
- Install panels. They are fixed through soundproofing materials using plastic dowels in pre-made holes.
- Seal the seams around the entire perimeter. All joints should be additionally glued with tape with soundproofing properties.
Only after that it is possible to carry out sheathing with plates. They are fixed in the usual way - using universal screws. After installing the soundproofing, it is the turn of the finishing cladding. The walls need to be sheathed with drywall.
Soundproof panels for walls in an apartment, house or other room are presented in a variety of options. Each of them has both advantages and disadvantages.
When choosing, it is recommended to consider what exactly the products are bought for and in what conditions they will be used.
If in doubt, it is recommended to first consult with a specialist who will help you purchase the best option and give practical advice on how to soundproof an interior wall correctly and in compliance with the technology.