For a small plot or a garden that occupies a huge space, the Emilien Guyot rose, a variety with strikingly bright orange flowers, will be a great decoration. A well-chosen landing site and a well-designed composition allow you to create a landscape of extraordinary beauty.

Rose Emilien Guillot was bred in 1997 in honor of the heir to the Guillot dynasty. Its main distinguishing features are large (up to 12 cm in diameter), very dense flowers, the bright color of which gives the impression of a glow coming from within. It is especially noticeable against the background of dark green foliage. Flowers stay on the bush for quite a long time - from 2 to 3 weeks, releasing aromas reminiscent of apricot, rose oil and white pepper. Only with prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, their petals change color slightly, acquiring a not very beautiful coral hue.
The average height of a bush is 80–100 cm, the width is up to 70 cm.
Choosing a landing site
Rose Emilienne Guyot, described above, loves goodlighting, moisture, air and heat. In this it practically does not differ from other varieties. Plants that do not lack sunlight and air will delight with their lush flowers for a long time.

The ideal site for this rose is one that slopes south. The sun's rays in the morning are especially important - abundant evaporation of moisture from the surface of the leaves significantly reduces the risk of plant damage by fungal diseases.
Unfavorably affects the development of a bush planting it in a lowland. High humidity caused by the accumulation of rain or melt water, poor air circulation can lead to the death of the plant. In addition, in such places the soil freezes too much. Heat-loving rose Emilien Guyot does not tolerate drafts and strong winds, so you should not plant it on hills or between buildings.
Nearest trees should be at a sufficient distance from the flowers so that they cannot obscure them from the light, hinder the development of roses.
Soil requirements
Special attention when planting roses is paid to the level of groundwater, which these plants cannot tolerate. It should not be higher than 120 cm. Rose Emilien Guyot prefers loamy soils rich in nutrients. Moisture and air penetrate well through them. Sandy soils are not suitable for planting: in summer they overheat greatly, and in winter, on the contrary, they freeze. In clay soil, the roots often experience a lack of oxygen, growth slows down from excess moisture, and the plant may eventually die.

Sandy soils need to be improved by adding rotted manure, peat, soddy soil and lime to them, and clay soils with sand and compost. It is important to make good drainage.
One of the most important soil characteristics is acidity. For a rose, the pH should be between 6 and 7 units. At a lower rate, you can add lime or gypsum, at a high one, ferrous sulfate or sulfur.
Preparing the landing pit
Like any other bush varieties, the Emilien Guillot rose grows very strongly over time. The photo and description of the plant serve as a clear confirmation of this fact. Therefore, the landing pit is prepared quite large. Land for refueling must have a high-quality soil-mechanical composition. Acidity components are added to it, as mentioned above.
If planting is done in the same place where roses used to grow, a complete soil replacement will be required with the addition of a large amount of organic matter, since the seedling may die due to the depletion of the earth and the accumulation of pathogenic organisms in it.
It is advisable to prepare the pit in advance: two weeks before planting, and even better from autumn.
How to plant a rose
The time for these works is chosen according to the weather conditions of the region. In the northern regions, planting is done in the spring, and where the climate is more temperate, roses can be transplanted in the fall.

The seedling is cut in such a way that it leaves from 3 to 5 shoots, each of which should have 3kidneys. Before planting, it is advisable to keep the roots in a special solution consisting of manure and clay diluted in water (1: 2, respectively). This will create a good breeding ground for them for the first time after planting. So much better and faster will take root rose Emilien Guillot.
Features of care
Immediately after planting, it is necessary to ensure high-quality watering. It is needed so that the seedling receives additional moisture, and also so that the soil at the roots lies better. If the earth has settled heavily, it is added to the desired level. Hilling with compost will help retain moisture. This is especially necessary when there are sunny days and the rose can dry out before it takes root. After about two weeks, the hillock is removed.

Get a lush bush of good shape in just one year will help holding a short pruning. Within 3 weeks after planting, the plant is recommended to be watered with stimulants. The first buds that appeared on it even before that moment of rooting must be pinched off so that no energy is wasted on flowering. The main thing that a rose needs to show itself in all its glory is moisture and soil rich in nutrients.
Preparing for winter
Like most cultivars, the Emilien Guyot rose needs shelter for the winter. But before that, some preparatory work needs to be done. In September, pinch the tops of the shoots and stop watering and weeding. Until the first frosts come, hilling is carried out with sand to about a height of up to 50 cm.the lower part of the bush is cut off the leaves and powdered with ashes. Unripe shoots must be removed.

When the air temperature drops below zero, the branches are bent to the ground, placing boards under them. As a shelter, a dense non-woven material folded in 4 layers is used. On top of it, you can put a sheet of roofing material. Before placing a shelter, it is advisable to install a low frame above the bush. It can be built from metal or wooden slats.
In the spring, after the snow melts, the shelter is removed, the damaged shoots are cut off and put back in place. It is finally removed only when the earth warms up completely. The branches are carefully straightened, removing dead shoots, then fertilizing and mulching the soil around the bush.
Diseases and pests
In terms of its resistance to various diseases, it is not much different from other varieties of Emilien Guyot rose. Gardeners' reviews note the following among the most common problems for these flowers:
- Fusarial rot is a fungal disease that affects the roots of a plant, as a result of which nutrients cease to flow to the shoots and they, in turn, die off. Against it, a drug called "Fundazol Fungicide" is very effective, which, unfortunately, is not available for retail sale.
- Leaf spotting can be different: septoria, black, phyllostic. In any case, it is expressed in the form of spots that appear on the leaves of the plant in the middle of summer. In the fight againstspraying with 1% Bordeaux mixture helps with any spotting.
- Cortical necrosis is caused by infection. It hides in the bark of the plant. In the spring, it infects young shoots, which leads to the drying of the bush during the year. You can determine the presence of this disease by brownish spots and cracks on the stems of the plant. All affected parts must be removed immediately and treated with a Bordeaux mixture, just as with leaf spot.
- Powdery mildew is expressed in the appearance of white bloom on the leaves. Gradually, this leads to the fact that the shoots are deformed, acquire a brown color and dry out. Spraying with colloidal sulfur is used against powdery mildew.
- Perontosporosis, or downy mildew. The spots appearing on the leaves are yellow or brown in color. Warm and rainy weather contributes to the development of this disease. Timely fertilization, removal of diseased shoots and leaves, as well as treatment with copper oxychloride or Bordeaux liquid helps to protect flowers from death as a result of perontosporosis.

Insect pests are divided into sucking and gnawing. The first suck the nutritious juices from the plant. These include cicadas, aphids, spider mites, scale insects. Against them, spraying roses with Inta-Vir, Aktara, Fitoferm, Aktellik preparations is used. The fact that the plant is damaged by gnawing insects is evidenced by the eaten leaves and shoots. Having found leafworms, earwigs, caterpillars, weevil on the bush, you need to collect themand destroy. With an abundant invasion of pests, the same drugs that are used to combat sucking insects will help.
Emilien Guyot's roses in landscape design
These flowers will be a great decoration of the garden in any form. They are suitable for single landings, they will attract all the main attention to themselves. And in the flower bed composition, the rose Emilien Guyot will look good. A photo of one of the options for decorating a garden plot is posted in this article.