Vacuum cleaner Polaris PVC 2003RI: reviews

Vacuum cleaner Polaris PVC 2003RI: reviews
Vacuum cleaner Polaris PVC 2003RI: reviews

Vacuum cleaner Polaris PVC 2003RI reviews received quite diverse. The price of the model is low, therefore, in terms of ease of use, capabilities and power, the device does not stand out much. A vacuum cleaner is primarily judged by its suction power. Some users are satisfied with the figure of 500 aeroW, while for others such figures seem too low. In addition, the power consumption is 2,000 W, which makes the technique quite energy-intensive.

Uses HEPA13 filter, rated at 99.95% efficiency. These figures are quite high. Adds ease of use the presence of control on the handle. However, the declared numerical indicators by the manufacturer do not always correspond to reality. But still, many users are quite satisfied with a vacuum cleaner in this price category.

Vacuum cleaner Polaris PVC 2003RI: how it sucks
Vacuum cleaner Polaris PVC 2003RI: how it sucks

Appearance Features

Description of the Polaris PVC 2003RI vacuum cleaner, first of all, let's start with the case:

  • for convenient use are providedlarge on/off buttons that you can press with your foot without bending over;
  • you can also use the button on the handle to turn on the appliance;
  • Handle is comfortable and allows you to hang it for compact storage.

The whole appearance of the vacuum cleaner is compared by some users to a spaceship. The red and black color palette also makes the model stylish and modern.

Vacuum cleaner Polaris PVC 2003RI: reviews
Vacuum cleaner Polaris PVC 2003RI: reviews

Model equipment

The Polaris PVC 2003RI vacuum cleaner has a standard package that satisfies many consumers. Reviews show that for a full-fledged cleaning, the equipment is equipped with everything you need:

  • telescopic tube;
  • standard brush head used for carpets;
  • narrow nozzle for dust suction in corners and other hard-to-reach places;
  • oval brush.

The ordinary brush attachment can be retracted and extended using the pedal located on the vacuum cleaner body. It can also be pressed with the foot, which is quite convenient according to users.

Dust box features

The Polaris PVC 2003RI vacuum cleaner has everything you need. The reviews confirm that the cyclone type model is effective and allows you to quickly deal with dust and debris in the apartment. Suction power is maintained at a good level until the dust container is completely filled. That is why the device is made in a special shape with a round cross section. The dust container itself can also be easily removed thanks tothe presence of two buttons on the sides.

However, some users complain about the need to empty the dust box after every minor cleaning. Otherwise, the level of suction does not suit them. The filtration system and container can be washed with water. After that, it is necessary to wipe all parts until dry.

Overview of the Polaris PVC 2003RI vacuum cleaner
Overview of the Polaris PVC 2003RI vacuum cleaner

Filter Care

The Polaris PVC 2003RI vacuum cleaner, the photo of which is presented in this article, is equipped with a modern HEPA13 filter. It is located on the back of household appliances. To remove it, you need to move the slider a little to the right, and pull the filter cover towards you. Taking into account the manufacturer's recommendations, it is necessary to rinse the filter with running water once every 2-3 months. However, it is forbidden to use any detergents, including soap. After the procedure, the components are dried only at room temperature.

Polaris PVC 2003RI Specifications
Polaris PVC 2003RI Specifications


Polaris PVC 2003RI has the following options:

  • The model is equipped with several indicators. They show its operating status, minimum and maximum power, the fact of switching on and off, clogging and the degree of ionization.
  • Many users were especially interested in the last feature. In addition to an effective filter, which is able to retain more than 99% of contaminants in the blown air, ionization is also provided here. As a result, not only the purity of the air in the apartment is guaranteed, but also its disinfection.
  • Howeverthe degree of ionization is not indicated in the documentation for the vacuum cleaner. But many users like the presence of such an option, and they are ready to purchase a model just because of it.

It is worth noting that the function is automatic and turns on by itself, and the indicator showing ionization is constantly on. Therefore, as a result of testing the vacuum cleaner, it was not possible to find out when the option works and how it can be seen from the outside.

Job reviews

Vacuum cleaner Polaris PVC 2003RI reviews of the owners has a variety. But most users agree that working at maximum power allows you to get rid of dirt even on thick carpets. According to the housewives, the brush strongly sticks to the floor and sucks even deeply ingrained dust.

If you use the vacuum cleaner at minimum power, then cleaning is also quite thorough. Sometimes there is no need to increase the power.

Separately, it is worth considering the noise level. Many users notice that the volume of a running engine is quite acceptable even at maximum speed. There are models that make much more noise.

Cleaning with a Polaris PVC 2003RI vacuum cleaner
Cleaning with a Polaris PVC 2003RI vacuum cleaner

Power regulator

The vacuum cleaner is easy to use. To adjust the power, there is not only a volumetric button on the body, but also on the handle. Due to the fact that the model is able to work only at minimum and maximum speeds, there is no smooth adjustment of the value. In order to change the power, you must press the button and hold it for twoseconds.

Additional little things

Oval upholstery cleaning brush included as standard. Users note that with its help it is convenient to tidy up sofas, armchairs, since the brush has an angle of inclination of up to 90 degrees. It also allows you to vacuum the surfaces above.

Vacuum cleaner Polaris PVC 2003RI: reviews

Many users rated this vacuum cleaner model positively. The price of a household appliance is low, but the power level allows you to easily get rid of debris on any surface, including thick carpets. The device is convenient to use. To turn on and off, there are buttons on the body itself and on the handle.

The handle, despite the low cost of the model, is telescopic with a loop for compact storage. In its price category, the equipment has quite decent characteristics. However, the need to empty the dust container frequently makes the vacuum cleaner less convenient than more expensive alternatives.

How powerful is the Polaris PVC 2003RI vacuum cleaner
How powerful is the Polaris PVC 2003RI vacuum cleaner


Vacuum cleaner Polaris PVC 2003RI, reviews have accumulated both positive and negative. The price of the model is within eight thousand rubles. This cost is acceptable for a vacuum cleaner that does not have any distinctive features. However, for this money, the user receives household appliances that are characterized by high power. Moreover, the parameter has been proven by practical use, and not just by the manufacturer's statement.

The complete set of the model, as well as the design is well thought out anddoes not disappoint customers. They do not find any particular shortcomings and recommend the vacuum cleaner to their friends.

If you need to choose a budget model that allows you to get rid of debris on any surface, then you should consider the Polaris PVC 2003RI. The suction power of the vacuum cleaner is really high, while the noise level is negligible. The model itself is compact and does not require much storage space.

In general, it can be argued that the Polaris vacuum cleaner performs all the declared functions. Suitable for consumers who do not need any additional options, except for a thorough cleaning of the apartment from debris. At the same time, the price of the device is not high and there is an ionization function.
