The common apricot fruit tree is one of the most common plants that can be observed in the gardens and orchards of our regions. In order for your tree to bear fruit every year and you harvest a rich harvest, you need to know what conditions suit this inhabitant of your site. The common apricot is a favorite tree for children, as many of them love to eat its ripe sweet fruits while sitting on strong branches. We have put together some tips to help you take care of your apricots and get a great harvest.

The common apricot, the description of which we present to you, was originally grown in warm regions, where the winter was not severe, and the summer period was long. Thanks to the work of scientists, we have the opportunity to grow this tree in any region. Outwardly, the apricot may differ in the size of the crown and the type of fruit. Depending on the variety, you canto meet both green, and yellow, and orange gifts of nature. They also taste different. Some people like sweet, while others prefer sour. This is an individual matter. Before planting a tree in your area, make sure you like the taste of the future fruit.
Growing method
Common apricot can be grown in the following ways:
- A finished tree purchased from a special shop.
- Planting a seed in my garden.

Both methods are good in their own way, but there are some points. If you bought a seedling and are going to plant it on the site, there is no guarantee that you will like the fruits. But this method is much easier and faster than growing from seed. The work procedure in this case is very long, and there is a danger that the stone will not give growth to the seedling. But there is a guarantee that you will grow the variety that you tried before. When working with a stone, it should be remembered that it is suitable for planting only within a year after the fruit has ripened.
Place of landing
If you decide to plant an ordinary apricot, then you immediately need to choose a place to place it. Never plant a tree in a lowland. It loves high mounds that are illuminated by the sun's rays. In extreme cases, flat terrain, but not a shadow. The whole earth is suitable, as the tree quietly grows and develops in any soil. He has such a powerful root system that penetrates deep underground that he is not even afraid of drought. Recommendplant two trees at once, as this will ensure good pollination in the spring. Or the second option - the presence of such a tree in the neighbors will also benefit the future harvest.
When buying a seedling, pay attention to the roots. They should be fresh, strong and lively. Plant it in a hole with a meter depth and the same width, water it and wait for the tree to take root. Usually the first fruits can be tasted three years after planting. In early spring, the tree begins to bloom. And since May, the fruits appear. Depending on the variety, this continues until autumn.

As for the bone, here you need to carefully study all the recommendations for preparing and planting. In this case, your efforts will not be in vain.
- Take seeds for planting that are extracted from fruits growing in your region. Exotic varieties may not be accepted.
- If you choose a seed for planting, then remove it from the ripest fruit, even overripe. Rinse the stone and dry it in partial shade.
- It is better to plant seeds in October. Soak them in water for 24 hours before planting. Those that float are not suitable for landing. Plant the rest in the ground six centimeters deep with a distance of 10 cm. You can sprinkle humus and grass on top. During the winter, the bones will be hardened, and in the spring you will see the first sprouts.
- When they rise, you need to worry about saving them from the birds. To this end, you can cover them with bottle caps, in which holes should be made for air.
- In the summer, sprouts are goodgrow up, and at the beginning of autumn they can be transplanted to the chosen place.
Tree care
When you plant an ordinary apricot, you will see that in a year the tree will grow a meter or even two in height. The crown forms on its own, so constant supervision and adjustment of the shape is needed. Otherwise, you will end up with a shapeless tall tree that will be difficult to harvest.
Water and loosen the soil around the apricot. Regularly treat the trunk with special preparations that will protect it from attacks by fungus and pests. In autumn, it is recommended to whiten the trunk and lower branches to prevent diseases from developing.
There are many varieties of this wonderful tree, and they are all divided into three types:
- Early ripe.
- Mid-ripening.
- Late-ripening.
The first includes varieties such as "Alyoshka", "Melitopol", "Leskore". It is customary to refer to the second type "Red-cheeked", "Polesie", "Y altinets", "Pineapple". And the latest varieties are Iskra and Favorit.

It should be noted that all varieties are good, but there are those that receive special attention. Here, for example, an ordinary apricot "Favorite". Reviews of gardeners speak of the excellent qualities of this variety. The fruit is medium in size, while it is sweet and juicy, but not soft. Suitable not only for eating raw, but also for canning. The tree is unpretentious in care and is very popular among the population. Although if your region is characterized by early winter, then there is a chance not to see ripefruits.
Apricot ordinary: medicines in the garden
It is important to know that this fruit is not only tasty, but also very he althy. It contains elements such as sugar, vitamins, acids, iron, potassium, mineral s alts and much more. What can an apricot do for your he alth and what are its beneficial functions?
- Cholesterol removal.
- Stimulation of the intestines.
- Improve heart function.
- Antifungal action.
- Working as an antibiotic.
- Necessary for anemic patients, those suffering from hypertension, pregnant women.
- Acts like a laxative.

As you can see, the apricot is so versatile that it is a must to grow it in your garden. And a little effort in caring for a tree is worth it to get such an incomparable fruit. Reviews of people who already have such happiness in their garden say that growing this tree is a pleasure. Try it and see for yourself!