Today it is impossible to imagine modern life without sliding doors. We are used to seeing them at the entrance to supermarkets, in office buildings and just in residential apartments. Sliding mechanisms for doors are becoming more and more popular in the world market every year. Such demand is explained by their comfort of use, practicality and originality of design solutions in the design of the style of the room. Today we will devote a separate article to these mechanisms and find out what sliding mechanisms for doors are and what are their advantages.

Folding devices
To begin with, let's pay attention to folding mechanisms for closing doors. Their design most often resembles some kind of screen. The folding mechanism for sliding wardrobe doors is a multifaceted structure assembled from individual parts that move on special slides. The last mechanisms are fixed relative to the doorway in a horizontal room. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that only they are more than ever better suited for compact spaces. They are found either in offices or in private apartments. And if you do not have a reliable wall sheet that can withstand the door leaf in the open state, folding mechanisms will be the most effective and practical in this case. The price for them, by the way, is the most affordable in its segment on the world market.

Sliding mechanisms for compartment doors
This is the most popular version of sliding devices that are used in the manufacture of furniture structures. In most cases, wardrobes have this principle of closing doors. The design of this mechanism includes several rollers that move along special rails, thereby closing and opening the door in a horizontal direction. Sometimes its installation requires a special niche to hide the sash retracted to the side.
Automatic devices
These mechanisms are mainly used for sliding glass doors with a metal-plastic frame. Such devices can be found in large offices, supermarkets and other institutions. In rare cases, automatic sliding mechanisms for doors are found in country cottage houses.

It should be noted that each of these door designsinvolves the use of special closers. Sometimes such mechanisms can switch to the classic opening mode like a conventional swing door. Another feature of these mechanisms is that their work can be configured for a certain time. For example, during the day, the door can quietly open, and at night block the entrance for various unauthorized persons. A very useful feature, because with it you can not drill holes for locks and not be afraid that it will suddenly open itself. And in which case the door can be equipped with an alarm, as most modern supermarkets do.