Which bath is better: acrylic, cast iron or steel?

Which bath is better: acrylic, cast iron or steel?
Which bath is better: acrylic, cast iron or steel?

The bath has long and deservedly become a necessity. But when choosing it, many consumers experience difficulties. If the dimensions depend directly on the dimensions of the room, then the material of execution can be any. What are the best baths? It depends on the priorities set. Basically, you can find three types of fonts on sale: cast iron, steel and acrylic. For many, cast iron remains a model of strength, so this option is chosen by adherents of the classics. Steel bathtubs are the most budgetary, they are preferred to be installed as a temporary option or, not wanting to spend a lot of money on a purchase. Acrylic bowls are the most beautiful, they are installed for aesthetic purposes.

However, not everything is so simple. Which bath is better, acrylic cast iron or steel, depends not only on the characteristics of the material and its price. Each person may have their own version. Therefore, it is worth dealing with them more thoroughly.

Solid cast iron

Cast iron cannot be called a plastic material, thereforeproducts from it do not have bizarre shapes. Baths made of this material traditionally have a classic rectangular or oval appearance. To make plumbing look attractive, the surface is covered with a particularly durable enamel. The material not only gives an aesthetic appearance to cast iron, but also protects it from water and cleaning agents. To make the coating as durable and smooth as possible, the bath is aged in an infrared oven.

Despite the fact that cast iron is difficult to shape, quite beautiful products with soft curves are often found on sale. In addition, thanks to the use of enamel, plumbing can be of a wide variety of shades. Such products are much more expensive.

Heavy cast iron bath
Heavy cast iron bath

Benefits of cast iron bath

The material is famous for its durability. Bathtubs from it are durable, sometimes withstand active use for more than a dozen years. When figuring out which bathrooms are best, it's worth considering the benefits of a cast iron model that others can't boast of:

  • Strength. The material is not afraid of extreme temperatures and sudden changes.
  • Does not deform. The bath will not be damaged even if a heavy object is hit or dropped into it.
  • Long service life. The appearance remains flawless even after years of use.
  • The coating is undergoing restoration. Enamel is easy to restore at home with the involvement of specialists.

If we consider the question of which bath is better, cast iron or steel, then we should start from the heat capacity. Steel badmaintains the temperature, and the water in such a font cools quickly. In cast iron bowls, water cools much more slowly. However, considering which bathtub is better, acrylic or cast iron, in this case, acrylic is more practical.

Cast iron is a very strong and tough material. Therefore, plumbing from it will not bend and will not change shape during active operation. The bath is quite heavy, the wall thickness reaches 8 mm, so it does not “walk” even when bathing a rather heavy person. The design does not require additional reinforcements, it is stable, without unnecessary movements.

Which cast iron bath is better
Which cast iron bath is better

Features of cast iron bathtubs

When figuring out which baths are best, it's worth considering taking care of them. Cast iron is covered with enamel, which has no pores. Therefore, with regular and proper care, the material remains shiny and smooth for a long time.

You can even use abrasive products to remove particularly strong dirt and plaque. However, manufacturers advise not to abuse them.

An important criterion when choosing a bath is the noise level when collecting water. Cast iron in this regard is the best option. However, acrylic samples have the lowest noise level.

The range of cast-iron bathtubs is wide enough. Manufacturers equip them with handles, anti-slip mats and a hydromassage function. Therefore, even the most demanding people will be able to find the right option.

Disadvantages of cast iron

With a lot of positive moments, cast-iron bathtubs began to be replaced more oftenacrylic. One of the reasons is too heavy weight. The most common cast iron bathtub can weigh over 100 kg. In addition, the choice of hot tubs is not large enough.

However, if the buyer decides that this particular material suits him in all respects, then it is worth finding out which cast-iron bathtub is better. Such plumbing is bought for a long time and costs a lot of money. Therefore, her choice must be approached thoroughly.

If you are interested in which cast-iron bathtub is better, then you should consider the offers of well-known manufacturers. The most popular and well-established brands in the market are Jacob and Roca. Products do not have pretentious forms, but are distinguished by smooth curves, stable enamel and a variety of colors.

Cast iron bath in the interior
Cast iron bath in the interior

Methods for the restoration of cast iron

Enamel in a cast-iron bath may deform over time or chip due to impacts with heavy objects. But the coverage can be restored. There are several ways to do this. The choice depends on the owner's preferences and budget.

The pouring bath method is often used. But this method requires careful preparation and some skill. A simpler option, but also expensive, is to install an acrylic liner. Moreover, this method is comparable in price to the purchase of a new bathtub.

A more affordable and easier way is to update the enamel. To do this, the old must be well cleaned and degreased. After that, a special compound is used that seals microcracks and makes the coating shiny and smooth.

Font fromnoble steel

More recently, an affordable alternative to durable cast iron has been light steel. Such bowls may appeal to many consumers because of their features. Therefore, figuring out which baths are better, acrylic or steel, reviews of the latter will help draw conclusions. So, among the positive moments are:

  • The font is light enough.
  • The coating has hygienic properties. It does not breed pathogenic bacteria.
  • The coating is quite durable, withstands temperature changes and does not form chips when heavy objects fall.
  • Cast iron tub stays cold for a long time until it warms up. Acrylic bowls are pleasant even without preheating. The steel version warms up quickly enough, which is an advantage for families with small children.
  • Steel is ductile, like acrylic. Therefore, products from it can have a wide variety of forms. On sale you can find special models designed for two swimmers. The steel font looks quite presentable and non-standard. Therefore, suitable for many modern interiors.

When deciding which bath is better to buy, it is necessary to take into account the installation features. The cast-iron version is too heavy, it requires more than one pair of hands to bring it into the apartment. But when installing additional devices does not require. Steel fonts are much lighter. Maybe one person can do it. However, too little weight will not allow you to do without additional fasteners.

Elegant steel bath
Elegant steel bath

Disadvantages of steel plumbing

Often, consumers are interested in which bath is better, acrylic or steel. It can be unequivocally answered that with a lot of positive moments, steel is still inferior to other materials. The reason is rather significant shortcomings:

  • Thin walls. Steel fonts have very thin walls, so they are prone to deformation during active use, improper transportation or impact with heavy objects. Models with thicker walls already have a corresponding price comparable to acrylic samples.
  • Of course, steel heats up very quickly. But it also cools down quickly. The material does not hold the temperature at all, unlike cast iron and acrylic. Therefore, in order not to freeze, you will have to constantly add hot water.
  • Installation requires a special frame, which is not always convenient. In addition, you should purchase special products for cleaning, abrasives can damage the surface.

When deciding which baths are best, you need to pay attention to the noise level when collecting water. In steel versions, it is the highest. The leader in silence in this case is acrylic. Sometimes manufacturers offer special gaskets that promise to get rid of noise. However, the problem is not fundamentally solved, and the price of the product increases.

steel bath
steel bath

Steel option for the undemanding buyer

Steel font is much cheaper than cast iron and acrylic. At the same time, the material is plastic, so quite original products are found on sale.

Thanks to the properties of steel, designers offer a wide variety of bathtubs of various shapes. The color scheme is also very wide. Despite the higher price of non-standard shapes and bright colors, it is still inferior to acrylic images.

Which steel bath is better depends on its purpose and location. There are small models that are versatile for small bathrooms. If it is possible to install a larger font, then a rectangular version is suitable, in which you can lie at full height. There are also designs for the elderly with handles, different bathing cups for small children and options for people with disabilities.

Acrylic models

Quite often, consumers are wondering which bath is best for the bathroom. Recently, acrylic bowls have become very popular. However, reviews of such baths are mixed. Some are satisfied with everything, they are pleased with the attractive appearance of the product, ease of maintenance, comfortable sensations while taking water procedures and low noise level. However, there are users who complain about the fragility of the material.

Why are there different responses? It largely depends on the manufacturer and its production technology. Sometimes the buyer is guided by advertising, but is disappointed. So, which acrylic bathtubs are better? Reviews show that if you choose a product from a trusted manufacturer, do not buy the cheapest option and follow the operating rules, then the font will bring only positive emotions.

Acrylic bath
Acrylic bath

Whatis acrylic

Acrylic is a soft and highly ductile polymer material. Cast bowls and extruded models are produced from it. In order for the surface to acquire a pleasant appearance, it is coated with epoxy resins. Like the steel version, acrylic bathrooms require installation on a special metal frame. Acrylic, like steel, is lightweight, so the bathtub is unstable without additional fasteners and constantly loosens under the weight of the bather.

Benefits of acrylic bathtubs

Which acrylic bathtub is better? This question interests most potential consumers. Definitely cannot be answered. When buying, pay attention to the appearance. Acrylic should be of a uniform shade, without stains. If there are stains on the bowl, it is better to refuse the purchase. The font is definitely not worth taking if roughness or dents are found.

According to reviews, acrylic bathtubs have a number of impressive advantages:

  • Aesthetic appearance. Acrylic samples are the most beautiful. On sale you can find fonts of a wide variety of shades, shapes and sizes. Cast iron does not impress with such a variety, and steel is not so ductile as to make sanitary ware in bizarre shapes.
  • Good heat capacity. A cast-iron bath holds the temperature well, but acrylic is the leader in this case. Steel in this position is in last place. Even if the water has cooled down or is just beginning to accumulate, the surface still remains pleasant to the touch. This is important for children and lovers of long water procedures.
  • Easy care. Foracrylic bathtubs are sold specifically remedy. It makes it easy to care for the surface. The material does not absorb dirt, so you do not have to rub.

Of course, acrylic fonts are not perfect. They have their drawbacks. But swimmers appreciated these models at their true worth.

Acrylic bathtubs
Acrylic bathtubs

Disadvantages of acrylic bowl

It is important to understand which acrylic bath is better. In this case, it is worth paying attention to the maximum temperature indicator. Theoretically, acrylic can withstand up to 160 degrees, but this is based on experiments. In fact, the manufacturer may use low-quality materials, so when filled with hot water, the bathtub is deformed.

Some people don't like the feel of acrylic sag and instability. Especially, this phenomenon does not suit fans of cast-iron options. However, the impression is deceptive, acrylic is plastic and will not break under the weight of a person.

The material is fragile though. Therefore, if a heavy object falls, it may burst. However, the repair is not difficult. In addition, durability depends on the conscientiousness of the material and the use of quality components.

Acrylic is a rather capricious material and requires the use of special tools. If abrasive preparations are used, the coating is easily damaged. Scratches appear on the surface and the external gloss is lost.

The price of acrylic samples is much more expensive than steel ones. However, when a high-quality font is bought from a conscientious manufacturer, the service life will beat least 10 years. But this is subject to careful operation, maintenance and technically correct installation.

What to choose

Almost every family has a bath. Which one is better (reviews will help you decide), depends on personal preferences, conditions of use, dimensions of the room and financial capabilities of the buyer.

Given the features and characteristics of each material, you must not forget about the price. If the budget is not large, then a regular cast-iron bathtub is often preferable. Acrylic bowls are at the peak of popularity, but steel options are gradually losing ground. This situation has its own arguments, given the possible disadvantages. Often a steel bath is chosen as a temporary option if you can not pay for a quality acrylic bath or you are not sure that the floor will withstand heavy cast iron.

But you should also choose what is more important. For some, the beauty and aesthetics of acrylic will be the decisive factor, while the other will prefer the strength and durability of cast iron. It is important to take into account the functions that family members would like to see in the selected bowl. Therefore, you should not look for the ideal option, but choose the most preferable one, with the shortcomings of which a particular family may well come to terms.


When it comes to choosing a bathtub, the coating material is the most important issue. Each has its own advantages, but there are also disadvantages. It is important to choose priorities and, on the basis of this, select a font. For adherents of solidity, strength and standard solutions, cast iron is the undoubted choice. Howevermany argue that the bath often suffers from the fall of heavy objects, and its shape is not very attractive. Steel ones look decent, are not expensive and the coating is quite durable. If it is installed correctly, then the bottom does not bend under the weight. It is not forbidden to put buckets or basins. Acrylic ones look very nice, but pouring boiling water into such a bowl will not work. In addition, improper care leads to deformation of the material. However, if the main thing in the font is its appearance and you do not plan to use it for anything other than bathing, then the option turns out to be attractive.
