The bathroom is the place in the house where you can unwind after a busy day and get some long-awaited rest. Here you can not only take a shower or bath, but also renew your strength through aromatherapy and relaxation. Half of the bathroom is directly occupied by a bathtub, which should not only be beautiful, functional and comfortable, but also durable. In some cases, about 30% of the funds allocated for the equipment of the entire bathroom are spent on it. And here it becomes interesting which bath is better: acrylic or steel.

At the moment, the production of this attribute of the bathroom is carried out from inexpensive steel, classic cast iron, as well as original acrylic. And what should you choose? It is here that it is important to determine which bath is better acrylic or steel?To do this, you can draw a comparative parallel.

Steel bathtubs are distinguished by their cheapness, which is usually considered their main advantage. Such products can have not only the classical form, but also any other. They are quite light compared to classic cast iron. And this positive quality is associated with an unpleasant moment - they are very noisy. Professional installers skillfully get rid of this disadvantage by using noise-reducing materials on the surface intended for mounting the bathroom. Another disadvantage is considered to be a rapid loss of heat: steel is always cold, so it is difficult to soak in the bathroom if you do not constantly add hot water to it.
Speaking about which bath is better: acrylic or steel, it is worth noting that, despite many shortcomings, the second option is in great demand. This forces manufacturers to produce more and more quality products, improving coverage and improving design. The thickness is usually used steel 2, 5-4 mm. Shapes and sizes are also very diverse. Some manufacturers make such high-quality enamel that sometimes even an experienced eye cannot distinguish such a bathtub from a cast-iron one. In steel products, enamel is usually fragile.

When thinking about which bath is better: acrylic or steel, you should consider the first option. This product is rightfully considered the queen of design. Acrylic plumbing is so attractive that it has long beenreplace cast iron and steel solutions in citizens' bathrooms. Such a variety of forms and models is not found in any other version. That is why, if you decide which bath, acrylic or steel, is better, many, without hesitation, will answer that the first one. You can design a bath of any size and shape, which will allow it to fit into any room intended for it. Despite the fact that acrylic looks quite fragile, it is a very durable and elastic material. The thickness of this material is on average 5 mm, the bottom is usually thicker, because it bears the main load. If you decide: an acrylic or steel bath (reviews of both options can be easily obtained from happy owners), it is worth noting that bacteria do not multiply on the first one, and it is much easier to clean.
As you can see, the advantages of acrylic are obvious. In addition, it retains heat for a very long time compared to steel.