How to spin dog hair: tools and methods at home

How to spin dog hair: tools and methods at home
How to spin dog hair: tools and methods at home

It has long been noticed that it is the dog's coat that surpasses sheep's in many qualities. Those who do not throw away, but process the material obtained by combing out a shaggy friend, act very wisely.

The effectiveness of this raw material has long been confirmed by traditional medicine.

In order to spin dog hair at home, you need to learn this skill constantly, acquiring the skill every day.

It's great when people can make things themselves from valuable healing yarn, while extracting great he alth benefits.

Healing qualities of yarn

Since ancient times, people have known how to properly spin dog hair. Everyone is well aware of the healing properties of yarn. It is widely used in the treatment of joint pain and colds. To get the most benefit, knitwear is recommended to be worn exclusively on the naked body.

Yarn in contact with the skin is irritating and leads to blood flow to the sore spot. Gradually, relief comes. A wide range has been notedtherapeutic and prophylactic effect of yarn on the human body.

But there are some peculiarities in how to spin dog hair.

How does the breed of dogs affect the quality of wool

Wool for spinning should be chosen taking into account some factors. For example, the down of a husky dog breed is hypoallergenic and odorless. It can be used for allergy sufferers.

I would like to know how to spin dog hair at home and what breeds of long-haired dogs are best to use. For example:

  • Collie - Scottish Shepherd.
  • Sheltie.
  • Samoyed dog.
collie breed
collie breed

While any dog's coat has been proven to be beneficial, the difference lies in the length of the fiber and its stiffness.

How to choose wool for spinning

It is very important to distinguish between the outer coat (long and harsh) and the undercoat (down).

Down is obtained by combing dogs. To obtain a high-quality and durable thread, it is spun by hand, using a spindle.

It is advisable to use only dog fluff, but you can also take shorn wool. The resulting material should be well combed.

The longer the fibers, the better. It should be noted that in the end the yarn will be stiffer and more prickly than down.

When the hair is combed out, you can immediately lay it out in different packages to figure out how to spin dog hair and with what tool. Put soft fluff taken from the withers and back in one bag, and everything else in the other.

How to preparematerial for spinning

How to spin dog hair at home? Difficult question for first-timers.

The very first thing to do is sort out and free the available material from debris and tangles. If there is still dirt that cannot be disassembled, then it is better to wash it. For this you need:

  • Put the wool into a mesh bag designed for washing wool.
  • Put into powder container, liquid detergent can be used.
  • Pour warm water for thirty minutes.
  • Remove the wool from the container.
  • Rinse with plenty of water.
  • Hang bags to drain water without wringing.
  • Spread material out to dry for at least two days.

After this treatment, the wool is well combed. Does not smell of dirt. She's good with chesks and carders.

How to comb wool with combs

For easy and high-quality spinning, the dog's undercoat must be combed out on time and well. It is necessary to make a thorough combing no more than twice a week. The accumulated wool must be pulled by hand before spinning, or hand combs are used for this.

two Czechs
two Czechs

Small portions of wool are placed on one comb and combed with the other comb in the opposite direction until an air ball is formed. It is necessary to repeat this several times, ensuring that the coat becomes uniform. Then remove a soft fluffy lump from the cheese. The resulting lumps are collected in onebig tow. Tows are made in different sizes, according to your convenience.

The combing process will go faster if you use a drum carder.

Looking at the resulting air tow, it becomes clear how to spin dog hair.

What spinning methods are used at home

Depending on the spinning tool, you will need to attach a tow.

There are several methods for spinning dog hair:

  • Hand spinning without tools.
  • Handmade with a spindle and a wooden spinning wheel.
  • Using a mechanical self-spinning wheel with pedal.
  • Using a spinning wheel.

How to spin dog hair with any of these methods?

It is best to start with hand spinning. This method will help you visually see how the thread is twisted, how many turns you need to make in order to get an even yarn of a certain thickness and strength.

What types of spinning can be used at home

After combing the dog hair and getting the roving ready for spinning, you can start creating yarn.

According to the technique of execution, yarn can be divided into three types:

  • Based on thread.
  • Single.
  • Bad.

Ware spinning is used when yarn is made from short fibers. To do this, you can use cotton or silk thread. During spinning, the down is twisted around the warp, and not vice versa. You need to make sure the opposite doesn't happen. If the yarn turned outtoo twisted, then you can try to fix it. Rewind the resulting thread several times into balls, back and forth.

Can be rewound on the spinning wheel in the opposite direction. It is recognized that spinning with a warp is much easier than without using an additional thread.

Spinning dog hair without a warp is used when yarn is made from hair from long-haired dog breeds. A single thread is obtained by drawing a fiber from a tow and twisting it. Such a thread can not be twisted.

Twisting means twisting two strands into one.

You can mix strands obtained from different dogs, as long as they fit in thickness and preferably in softness.

Knocked yarn is different in volume and looks smoother in knitted fabric.

Easy way to spin without a spinning wheel

If there is no spinning wheel at home, but there is dog hair, and you really want to spin it, then the question certainly arises of how to spin dog hair without a spinning wheel. There is a way out, you need to take a tow and attach it to something.

For example, tie a skein of wool to a stick or to the back of a chair and try spinning. To do this, you need to slowly pull out a thin thread of the same thickness from the tow and twist it constantly, otherwise it may break. After you have received the yarn of the desired length, thickness and twist, you need to wind it on a spindle. Then continue in the same order. When the ball has become about the size of a fist, the thread should be cut off.

spindle spinning
spindle spinning

You don't have to tie the tow to the chair.

Before spinningspindle dog hair, you need to take a lump of fluff in your left hand. With your right hand, pull the thread out of the lump, while twisting. In this case, the spindle should be on a plate or some kind of bowl with a flat bottom without a recess. In this case, the twisting of the strand occurs quickly. If the thread was spun thin, and suddenly a thickening appeared, then it must be untwisted and straightened.

Next, spin about fifty centimeters and wind the resulting yarn onto a spindle. Tie the thread with a fixing knot at the top of the spindle. In this way, continue to pull and twist the thread until the tow for spinning is finished.

When they do not know how to learn how to spin dog hair with a spindle, you can try using a flat wooden stick or pencil. All other actions are the same. Pull the thread out of the tow, twist and wind it around the middle of a pencil or stick.

Spinning on a spinning wheel with a spindle

The most famous grandmother's version of spinning dog wool by hand at home. Place the spinning wheel on a stable surface such as a stool or bench.

The hand spinning wheel consists of a vertical part, a tow is attached to it, and a horizontal part (bottom), the seat of the spinner.

just a spinning wheel
just a spinning wheel

After fixing the fluff on the spinning wheel, you need to pick up the spindle. It is best to attach fluff to the spinning wheel with an elastic band. Tie a cotton thread to the middle part of the spindle and wind it clockwise. The tow should be on the left sidearms. They begin to pull the fibers from the tow with three fingers of the left hand. Connect the cotton thread to the strand and at the same time rotate the spindle clockwise. Thus, the thread was spliced with a strand. Secure the twisted strand at the top of the spindle with a locking knot so that the thread does not fall off when rotated. Continue to rotate with your right hand, slowly releasing a small amount of fluff from the tow for twisting with your left. At the end of spinning, rewind the thread from the spindle into a ball.

For knitting use yarn in two additions. To do this, you need to connect two threads and twist them.

Spinning dog hair by hand is quite difficult and time consuming. In order to get high-quality thread, you need to have experience in spinning. Therefore, to help the spinner, a spinning wheel with a wheel was invented, which has survived to this day.

Wooden self-spinning wheel helps to spin quickly

The foot-operated mechanical self-spinning wheel has become a household helper for women. The spinner no longer spins the spindle, it simply does not exist. Pressing the pedal with your foot sets the spinning wheel in motion.

The tow is attached to a stick or a spinning wheel. The cotton thread is attached to the spool of the self-spinning wheel and passed through the hooks of the bobbin. It must be connected with a strand of tow. Pulling a small strip of wool from the tow with your left hand, put it on a cotton thread. At the same time, they begin to rotate the spinning wheel, pressing the foot on the pedal. The process of twisting the thread and winding it on the spool begins. At this point, you need to look if the thread is not twisted too much.

If this happened, then you need tomanually pull the thread and unwind in the opposite direction. The speed of the spinning wheel is controlled by a pedal. The more you press the pedal, the faster the wheel spins.

The tension of the thread is regulated by belts that are pulled over the sinuses of the wheel and onto the pulley. The spinning process is fast. Spinning dog hair, like any other, on a mechanical spinning wheel is not very easy, it requires certain skills.

spinning wheel assistant
spinning wheel assistant

Electric spinning wheels spin well and quickly

The invention of the electric spinning wheel has a number of advantages. This is compactness and speed. Experts say that when working on it, almost no skills are required. The principle of forming a thread from wool is the same for spinning wheels - the strand is pulled out of the tow, twisted and wound into a ball.

Then the finished yarn must be knotted. If there is no such function on the spinning wheel, then you can twist it manually on the spindle.

modern electric spinning wheel
modern electric spinning wheel

The photo shows what this device looks like. We spin dog hair on an electric spinning wheel in the same way as in other cases - separating small pieces of combed wool and twisting them.

How to align yarn with a winder

To further align the thread and avoid distortions when knitting, it must be wound into a skein using a winder. A winder is a device necessary for winding yarn into a skein. In other words, they call her sparrows.

The dried yarn should be put on the horns of the winder and wound into balls. Wonderful dog hair yarn is ready to use.

Howwash finished yarn

Tie the rewound yarn in several places and send to the wash:

  • Place the skein in a container of warm water and liquid detergent.
  • Wash carefully.
  • Rinse in water with hair balm.
  • The last thorough rinse should be done in plenty of water with a few drops of essential oil.

Wool does not need to be pressed. Hang the skein on clean gauze or on a clothesline. As it dries, the coat takes on a wavy appearance. In order for the yarn to straighten well, it must be pulled back with a weight. Gradually, the weight can be added to make the thread more even.

collect wool
collect wool

To have enough hair, collect it after each combing of the dog. With your own hands you can knit warm clothes for loved ones, as this wool is also healing. The pleasure of work and the resulting handmade products will last a long time. The best thing is to leave the pet's down and learn how to spin dog hair.
