Device "tseshka". Soviet multimeter Ts-20. How to use the "chain"

Device "tseshka". Soviet multimeter Ts-20. How to use the "chain"
Device "tseshka". Soviet multimeter Ts-20. How to use the "chain"

Electronic measuring device "tseshka" is a universal tool not only for radio engineers and electricians. It can be successfully used by any person who is accustomed to fixing electrical problems in the house on their own. Today, such devices are available to everyone. They are available in both analog (pointer) and digital versions. In Soviet times, the C-20 device and its analogues were such an indispensable assistant.

device tseshka
device tseshka

What is a "tseshka", what measurements can be made

Pribor Ts-20 is the most famous Soviet multimeter. It has been designed to measure the following quantities:

  • Current.
  • Voltage values of constant polarity.
  • 50 Hz sinusoidal AC voltages.
  • DC resistance.

The device allows you to measure the declared parameters of electricity within the following limits:

  • For constant current range: 0 to 0.30mA, 0-3.00mA, 0-300.00mA, 0-750.00mA.
  • For DC voltage range: 0 to0.60V, 0–1.50V, 0–6.00V, 0–120.00V, 0–600.00V.
  • For AC voltage range: 0.60 to 3.00V, 1.50 to 7.50V, 6.00 to 30.00V, 0 to 120.00V, 0 to 600.00V.
  • For resistance range: 5 to 500.00 ohm, 0.05 to 5.00 kOhm, 0.50 to 50.00 kOhm, 5.00 to 500.00 kOhm.

The device has a measurement error, which for current and voltage is within 4%, and for resistance - within 2.5%.

continuity with a multimeter
continuity with a multimeter

Features of the Ts-20 multimeter

The universal device "tseshka" is arranged quite simply. It is placed in a carbolite (for older models) or plastic case. On the front panel there is an indicator in the form of a pointer electromagnetic scale. Under it there are control knobs and a group of connectors for connecting wires with measuring probes. Everything is signed here, so it's easy to learn how to ring the circuit with a multimeter.

Chemistry "tseshki" can be divided into main blocks:

  1. Rectifier.
  2. For measuring constant and variable voltages.
  3. For measuring constant currents.
  4. To measure resistance.
  5. Display unit

Each of them has its own characteristics.

how to call with a multimeter
how to call with a multimeter

Blocks for measuring current and voltage contain a set of quenching resistors. Each of them can be connected in turn to the circuit. It depends on the measurement range. The greater the value of the measured electricity, the greater the resistance of the circuit. Further extinguished currententers the dial indicator.

The rectifier unit converts AC to DC when measuring AC voltage. Switching between measurement modes is carried out by a switch.

The resistor measurement unit also includes a set of resistances, but they serve as additional elements. For the operation of the Ts-20 ammeter in this mode, the circuit provides an additional power source based on chemical elements.

Location and purpose of controls

The Soviet multimeter has only two controls located under the instrument scale:

  1. Knob for switching operating modes.
  2. Knob for setting the zero position of the indicator needle.

The first is implemented on a multi-position switch that commutes with each other:

  • Unit 1 and indicator unit (DUT) directly for measuring constant voltage values.
  • Unit 1 and DUT through the rectifier unit to measure variable voltages.
  • Unit 2 and DUT directly for DC current measurement.
  • Block 3 and DUT directly for resistance measurement.

In each specific mode, other switching options are disabled. Therefore, it is not difficult to figure out how to use the "tseshka".

The arrow adjustment knob works only in the resistance measurement mode, since in this case an additional power source is connected to the indicator.

Also, the device is equipped with a pair of probes for connecting to the measured circuit. Deal with their connectioneasy, because on the bottom panel of the device there is a group of connectors, each of which is signed by the limit of the permissible value.

how to use the chain
how to use the chain

Voltage measurement

This process is not difficult, but requires care. When measuring the magnitude of the constant voltage with the "tseshka" device, the following algorithm of actions is performed:

  1. The black measuring probe is connected to the common terminal (indicated by an asterisk on the case), and the red probe to the connector to the specified measurement limit under the +V icon.
  2. Turn the measurement mode switch knob towards the "constant" sign.
  3. Connect the probes to electricity with a common output to minus, and the other (red) to plus.
  4. Taking measurements.

In order not to burn the device "tseshku", the measurement limit is chosen in a larger range than the measured voltage. If, during measurements, the position of the arrow is at the beginning of the scale, then the limit is lowered (focusing, of course, on the value of the result obtained). More accurate instrument readings are obtained when the arrow is in the second half of the scale.

When measuring AC voltage, use the limit connectors under the "~V" sign. The mode switch knob is placed on the "~" sign. All other actions correspond to the points described below.

Determination of current strength

When measuring direct current, it is also not difficult to understand how to use the "tseshka". Actions must occur in the following sequence:

  1. The black probe for measurements is connected to the common output, and the red probe is connected to the output to the specified measurement limit under the +mA icon.
  2. The mode switch should be in the "-" position, which corresponds to direct current.
  3. The circuit in which it is necessary to measure the current is broken. A multimeter (serial connection) is included in this gap. In this case, the polarity of the connection is as follows: "+" line break - "common" probe of the device - "positive" probe - load output.
  4. Take readings.

It is important to remember that the "cell" is designed to measure small direct currents.

tseshka multimeter
tseshka multimeter

Continuity testing with a multimeter and resistance measurement

Measurement of the resistance value by the device is as follows:

  1. The first probe is connected to the common terminal, the second - to the connector (selecting the correct limit) under the "rx" icon.
  2. The mode change knob is also transferred to the "rx" position. In this case, an additional power source is included in the circuit.
  3. The setting knob "0" moves the arrow to the zero position on the scale.
  4. The probes are connected to the resistance whose value is to be measured.
  5. Take readings.

When measuring directly in the circuit, one of the resistance leads must be soldered off. Otherwise, it may be shunted by another element. Because of this, the readings will be incorrect. You can alsoit is easy to disable field-effect transistors, if any, in the circuit.

To simply ring the integrity of any conductor with a multimeter, the probe is connected to the output "x1", after which they look at the scale. With a whole conductor, the resistance will tend to zero. If there is a break, then the resistance will tend to infinity.

Advantages and disadvantages of the device

The advantages of "tseshki" include the simplicity of its execution and work. The disadvantage of the device is that the error of the switch equipment is somewhat greater than that of the electronic one.

ampervoltmeter c 20
ampervoltmeter c 20


It should be noted that each measurement mode has its own scale on the display. For currents and voltages, readings are counted from right to left, and vice versa for resistances. For the latter, you need to multiply the result by the number indicated opposite the probe connector.

It is important to always remember that before using the multimeter, you must follow all safety regulations regarding working with electricity!
