Coarse sand. Application

Coarse sand. Application
Coarse sand. Application

Sand is one of the main components used not only in construction, but also in landscape design. There are many varieties of this material, and each of them is suitable for a certain type of work. Coarse sand is most often used in construction.

coarse sand
coarse sand

Sand mining

Sand is a mixture of minerals and rocks that do not connect to each other. It is mined from the bottom of a river or a quarry. The two species differ significantly in composition and size.

Quarry sand contains various impurities, therefore it requires more additional processing:

  • Flushing - is performed in order to cleanse from unnecessary components.
  • Sifting - performed when unnecessary large elements, such as stones, get into the rock.

River sand does not contain impurities and differs in the same size of each individual particle. Based on this, it costs much more.

coarse sand
coarse sand


Coarse river sand is very rare, its size ranges from 1.5 to 2.4 mm. But the material extracted from the quarry, although it has more small impurities, most often refers tofractions with the highest index (2.5-3 mm).

Ready for sale, it has the following features:

  • No impurities in the form of clay and other elements.
  • With excess moisture, the volume of sand increases by 14% of its original state.
  • 1 radioactivity class.
  • High frost resistance allows not to lose its basic qualities even at low temperatures.


  • Coarse sand is most often used in construction, for the construction of the foundation of other load-bearing structures.
  • Included in concrete and cinder block.
  • Also widely used in roadworks to make asph alt.
  • Strengthens reinforced concrete structures.
  • Used when laying paving slabs. Coarse sand prevents the formation of puddles.
  • Used for making plaster or cement screed. In this case, the building material mined by the river method will be the most suitable. Because the absence of various impurities improves the quality of solutions.
  • Widely used in brick and block production. It makes such products more durable, while at the same time protecting them from mechanical damage and the adverse effects of temperature and moisture.

Utility functions

  1. Coarse sand is distinguished by its protective qualities, it does not bind with water and does not change its properties under the influence of chemical elements. That is why it is an ideal addition to various building mixes andsolutions. Thanks to it, the least shrinkage and strengthening of the material is ensured without losing the original useful properties.
  2. Due to its neutral color and light texture, coarse sand is often used to decorate patios and other home gardens, it is used to build alpine slides and walking paths.
  3. Is an indispensable material in the construction of brick walls.
  4. Also, special drainage is made from coarse sand under the foundation of the building, which will be the best protection against excess moisture.
  5. Used in the manufacture of septic tanks.
coarse river sand
coarse river sand

Due to its properties, coarse sand is a universal tool for strengthening various structures and materials. It is used in various areas of construction, at the same time getting into the composition of both the main and auxiliary elements. Sand is different in that it cannot rot, fungus and other manifestations of excessive moisture do not form on it. It perfectly passes air and does not retain liquid inside. In addition, this material is environmentally friendly and safe for human he alth.
