Lilies. Preparing for winter: advice from professionals

Lilies. Preparing for winter: advice from professionals
Lilies. Preparing for winter: advice from professionals

Lily is rightfully one of the most beautiful and diverse indoor and garden plants. This flower has a huge variety of colors and types that make any garden a unique work of art. That is why novice gardeners are often interested in the process of wintering lilies. Preparing for the winter of these plants excites them no less than how to properly care for and grow especially tender varieties.

lilies preparing for winter
lilies preparing for winter

Lilies are hugely popular with gardeners, in part because of their very long flowering period. With proper care, this plant can delight its owner with flowers for a whole month. Also, many people really like their delicate aroma, it is because of it that lilies, the preparation for the winter of which is a rather responsible process, are so loved by women. In addition, lilies are often used by florists to make a variety of compositions due to the fact thatthey can stand in a pot for a very long time even when cut. Moreover, the closed buds of these flowers will continue to slowly open.

Lilies: preparation for winter

preparing lilies for winter
preparing lilies for winter

It should be mentioned that this is a bulbous perennial that loves and needs a lot of heat and light. Lily easily withstands very hot days, but it does not tolerate the cold season very well. The point, first of all, is that it is planted very shallowly, and at the first frost the roots of the plant can simply die.

What to do so that plants such as lilies survive after winter. Their preparation for winter begins with several basic techniques known to experienced gardeners:

  • Before the onset of cold weather, the stems of this plant are carefully cut at a distance of about ten centimeters from the surface of the earth.
  • The soil around the lily tuber is very carefully loosened for better thermoregulation and heat retention.
  • After loosening, the lily is mulched. This is usually done during dry, warm weather to keep the mulch from getting wet and starting to rot. It is best to make it from sawdust mixed in equal parts with coniferous needles. Such a mixture will allow the plant to receive the necessary amount of oxygen and heat to survive.
  • Preparation of lilies for winter is completed by covering the mulch with a special film. This will prevent it from rotting. The edges of the film are usually fixed with stones or planks.
how to winterize lilies
how to winterize lilies

Howprepare for winter lilies in unstable weather conditions

In areas characterized by winters with frequent temperature changes, lilies are usually dug up for wintering in more favorable conditions. The procedure for extracting a flower from the ground must be carried out before the onset of the first cold weather. Bushes are dug out together with a clod of earth and placed in special boxes or pots with soil prepared in advance for this. After that, the flowerpots are usually placed in a cellar with zero temperature. This is done so that the lily does not freeze, but remains in a state of hibernation. When spring approaches, flowerpots are placed in heat, where the bulbs of the plant begin to give the first sprouts. At this time, the lily is fed, watered and prepared for spring planting in open ground.
