Modern man is constantly at risk. The atmosphere is actively polluted, food contains harmful food additives, and water contains many substances that can also adversely affect human he alth.
The faucet filter is a great way to take care of your he alth. Having a filter, you do not need to constantly spend money and buy bottled water. Now on sale you can find several varieties of effective cleaners, which differ from each other in their functional mechanisms. The easiest to use is the filter nozzle on the water faucet. We will talk about it in detail in our today's article.

As with any equipment with a cleaning function, nozzles have both positive and negative sides. The following benefits of regularly applying these filters can be highlighted:
- The device has a compact size. If necessary, these small filters can be easily removed and installed on another faucet. The faucet nozzles for water purification can be put in a bag orbackpack.
- Compared to expensive and large equipment that is permanently installed, a small faucet filter is inexpensive.
- Unlike a pitcher cleaner, which breaks down quickly, this nozzle can pass a much larger volume of water through it.
- Some models can even be used for hard water.
Using such a device is simple. The filter nozzle on the tap can be used at home, and if necessary, the product is removed, taken with them to the country, on a trip, because not all hotels and hostels have filters. This type of cleaning equipment is an excellent value for money.
Despite the great popularity of practical and versatile nozzles, in addition to the advantages, they also have several significant disadvantages:
- Comparing a stationary filter and a small nozzle on the faucet, the cleaning capacity of the latter device is much lower.
- In the manufacture of such filters, cheaper materials are used.
- When using the nozzle, you need to constantly monitor the pressure. If the jet is too large, it may blow off the filter.
- The filter nozzle on the faucet can only purify warm or cold water.
Resource and performance
These figures may differ depending on the filter model. If you take inexpensive models, they are able to clean up to 300 milliliters of liquid per minute.

In this case, the resource will be 750 liters. Expensive models clean up to 5 liters per minute and have a resource of 10 thousand liters.
Varieties of nozzles
At the moment, there are two types of nozzles on sale that have different functionality. Removable are more versatile. They should only be worn over a faucet when you need to cook food, fill a container with liquid, or simply drink some water. When a person just needs to wash his hands, he removes the element.

Permanent filter nozzle on the water faucet is fixed permanently. The device has a special switch that allows the use of untreated water. A person simply switches modes when you just need to wash the dishes, water the flowers or start cooking.
In addition, special desktop filters can be found on sale. They are installed on a horizontal surface and connected to a faucet using a small hose. This system has better filters. The installation is somewhat reminiscent of stationary equipment that is attached under the sink.
How does the element work?
The filter nozzle on the faucet is shaped like a cylinder and is attached to the end of the faucet. Most of these plants work on the principle of adsorption. Such devices are as simple as possible. Special filters have a special porous material inside. Water passes through it, and all chemical and mechanical impurities, if any, remain inside the filter. For such an installation to work efficiently, it is necessary to provide it with high pressure.

Filters with an ion-exchange membrane are considered the most high-quality and modern. The principle of operation of such a cleaning mechanism is based on the combination of metal elements with chlorine. When water passes through the filter, some bacteria remain inside it. Unlike a simple mechanical device, such a device has a more complex design. Various impurities are collected in a special mesh, and microbes in a flask.
Usually, the performance of such removable filters is small. One device can purify no more than 2 thousand liters of water. Of course, some manufacturers may offer more powerful units, but they need to be cleaned twice as often.
The easiest faucet filter option
If you need to choose the simplest and most budgetary nozzle model, you can choose a simple element with a bulk substance inside the product. Inside is a dense sorbitol filling. These filters are usually made from food grade plastic. The design can be collapsible and non-collapsible. It is better to buy a product in which the contents can be replaced.
Features of the filter with bulk solids
When choosing such an element, you need to pay attention to the tightness of the connection between the tap and the nozzle. Usually, a rubber cuff is used as a fixing product. This is the easiest option. Sometimes, instead of a cuff, the device has special adapters or threaded connections.
Inside these filters are natural and safe substances - activated carbon and mineralchit. With the help of such content, you can well purify water from iron and other harmful impurities.

Besides, backfill is protected from both sides by special filters. One of them is an additional cleaning agent, and the other is needed to prevent coal particles and mineral chips from entering the water. It is better to choose a removable design. In this case, the device will last much longer. You just need to change the cartridges as they become clogged.
This model has one significant drawback - you need to constantly install and remove the device. It is better to buy a higher quality element that has a special switch between filtered and unfiltered water.

Aquaphor Modern
Among buyers, the filter attachment for the Aquaphor faucet is very popular. This device is inexpensive, has four stages of purification. There is one filter inside. It only needs to be replaced once every 11 months.
The nozzle is attached to the tap, cleaning is carried out by ion-exchange and sorption methods. The device can work with both soft and hard water. The filter purifies the liquid from dangerous bacteria, mechanical impurities. It also softens the water further.
The nozzle on the Aquaphor Modern filter faucet is used specifically for purifying cold drinking water. Inside is a small cartridge that can be easily replaced. The contents of the cartridge are activated carbon and aqualine. The body of the product is madefood grade plastic. Overall, the filter head has a nice design.
Euro Geyser
For cold tap water, you can use the "Geyser" filter on the faucet. The nozzle is fixed by a stationary method. With the help of a special diverter, you can switch modes. The installation effectively removes heavy metals, iron, chlorine, microorganisms dangerous to humans from tap water.
In addition, the filter helps improve water quality. Disappears bad smell and taste. This nozzle differs from other similar devices in a special filter that combines triple cleaning. Water purification is complex, the nozzle is installed quickly, it is very easy to use.
Euro Geyser Benefits
Despite the low cost, the filter nozzle on the Euro Geyser faucet qualitatively purifies water from all kinds of impurities and bacteria. The unit has the following positive features:
- When the water pressure begins to decrease, this indicates that the filter needs to be replaced.
- The cartridge is equipped with active silver.
- Sophisticated triple filtration system.
- You can easily replace the cartridge at home.

To maintain the he alth of the whole family, it is important to constantly carry out wet cleaning, maintain a certain level of humidity in the house, wash food and drink purified drinking water. For the functioning of the whole organism, it is very important to observe the daily drinking regime, and withoutquality filters are indispensable here.