Cereus belong to the most extensive genus of cacti, which unites about fifty species and many varieties. Under natural conditions, the cereus is a giant cactus, up to twenty meters high. In addition, these plants are long-lived. Their homeland is the regions of South and Central America, as well as the West Indies.
The main trunk of these plants stiffens over time, and the side shoots have clearly defined large ribs. In addition to pillar-shaped cereus, lovers of these outlandish flowers appreciate their monstrous forms, which are a lot of tangled, fused shoots with cone-shaped outgrowths.

Peruvian cereus
This is the most common species in the genus. Under natural conditions, it grows up to seven meters in height. The trunk reaches a volume of 90 cm, and then begins to branch abundantly. Branches, as a rule, are from 10 to 12, up to 30 cm in diameter. They are covered with a bluish bloom. The areoles of young plants consist of a small number of centimeter spines, which are quite rare: on a new growth, a cactuspractically indestructible. Older shoots have many more spines. Large night white flowers reach 15 cm.
Peruvian cereus has a long cylindrical stem. The vegetation period is up to three hundred years. As an ornamental garden and houseplant, the Peruvian cereus is widely distributed in many countries of the world. Lovers of this species appreciate it for its juicy fruits with a delicate delicate aroma. They are used as a powerful and reliable stock. In room culture, the most common is a special cactus - the Peruvian cereus of a monstrous or rocky shape. We will talk about it further.

Peruvian cereus (monstrous form)
First of all, let's understand what a monstrous form is. This is a complex mutation at the gene level, as a result of which the plant acquires numerous and chaotic growth points. The exact reasons for this phenomenon are unknown. It is impossible to artificially induce a mutation.
The monstrous Peruvian cereus cactus, the photo of which you see in the article, is unpretentious and fast-growing. It forms bizarre, and sometimes quite incredible growths of outgrowths, fragments of ribs and tubercles. Monstrous forms reproduce only vegetatively. Offspring grown from seeds of this type can give individuals with completely normal development.

However, during the life of such plants can mutate. So, on a plant of this form, a normal shoot grows, which develops perfectly in accordance with the species. But over time, he can againappear monstrosity. Interestingly, it is almost impossible to predict the mutation.
The monstrous Peruvian cereus, whose photo can often be found in floriculture publications, is a unique plant. It is impossible to find two completely identical samples. Its chaotic form of growth leads to constant change. Over time, the outlines of the plant change greatly. This process is very interesting to watch. In addition, you can participate in the formation of the bush. For this, experienced flower growers are engaged in pruning.
Peruvian cereus: home care
This cactus is considered a hardy plant. He is not too picky about the soil, does not need careful observance of the temperature regime and lighting. Due to its amazing hardiness, the monstrous Peruvian cereus is quite often used as a stock for more whimsical and delicate varieties of cacti. Using vaccinations, breeders have managed to develop many unusually beautiful varieties.

We have already said that the Peruvian cereus is a non-capricious plant. However, the most basic rules for caring for him must be observed. So, the soil for the plant is better to choose neutral or acidic, but in no case alkaline. The composition of the mixture should include brick chips and sand. Cereus does not need rich soil with a high content of humus.
Peruvian cereus, the care of which at home involves bright, good lighting throughout the year, innatural conditions also prefers sunny places. It is advisable to place the plant on the southeast or south windowsill. Cereus is very fond of sunlight, including direct sunlight, but in summer and even spring there is a danger of burns. To save the plant, it is necessary after winter to accustom it to the sun in a dosed, gradually.

In winter, the optimum temperature for a plant is from +8 to +12 °C. In the warm season, the cereus perfectly tolerates fairly high temperatures, as well as their differences. In summer, the cactus will feel great on an open veranda or balcony.
Those flower growers who believe that cacti practically do not need water are mistaken. Watering the plant is required, however, moderate in spring and summer (after the topsoil has dried). In autumn it is reduced, and in winter it is reduced to a minimum. Excess moisture for these plants is harmful, they quickly weaken and begin to hurt. Water for irrigation should be separated and warm. In the heat, it is useful to spray the cactus with warm, clean water.
Due to intensive growth, the Peruvian cereus needs to be fed. The best time to do this is from May to July. Liquid fertilizers are suitable for this. By the way, many flower growers use water enriched with trace elements.
Resting period
In winter, the cactus should be provided with a warm and bright place. In this case, you should not constantly turn the flower to sunlight. During the dormant period, the cereus is not fed.and rarely watered.
Adult cereus Peruvian can not be transplanted for three to four years. The signal for transplantation will be the roots that have come out of the holes in the pot or stopped growth. Remember that the plant is not watered before transplanting.

The pot for transplanting will need a little more than the previous one (about 2 cm in diameter). It is desirable that it has a wide base, since the saureau grows actively, and over time it can turn the pot over under its own weight.
Under natural conditions, the cereus reproduces by seeds. Sometimes parts broken off from the stem take root. At home, monstrous forms are propagated only by cuttings (vegetatively). Cuttings are cut shoots, dried for several days.
Better to do this in the spring or early summer. Prepared cuttings are planted in a low pot and moistened a little. After three weeks, the cuttings will take root. After that, young cacti should be transplanted to a permanent place and watered as usual.
In room conditions, cereus can also be propagated by seeds. They should be prepared from the second half of spring. The soil in the seed container should always be moderately moist. Until the first shoots appear, the pot can be left in the shade, then transferred to a lighted place. The comfortable temperature should not exceed +18°C. In young plants, spines appear after four weeks. Immediately after this, the cacti can be seated.

Pests and diseases
The described plants get sick infrequently, subject to the rules of care. To prevent diseases, they are treated with pesticides. To detect the onset of the disease, it is necessary to regularly inspect the lower part of the stem and folds. The spots that appear on the cactus indicate improper watering or pest infestation. We list the most common of them:
- Mealybug. When they are affected, white spots appear on the plant, which have a fluffy-looking surface.
- Spider mite. It leaves small red dots and the finest cobwebs on the cactus, and over time the stem becomes covered with dead yellow spots.
- Scales and false scales. These pests are visible to the naked eye - small round or oval bugs drinking plant juice.
To combat them, spraying the plant with insecticidal preparations is required.
Rot is a serious fungal disease. It appears as brown spots on the stem, soft and often depressed. When small areas are affected by the disease, the spots are cut out to living tissue and the wound is disinfected. Alcohol can be used for this. In addition, you need to reduce watering.