Cactus blooms - what kind is it?

Cactus blooms - what kind is it?
Cactus blooms - what kind is it?

Breeding spiny pets is often perceived as a simple game that does not require regularity or increased attention. However, when people realize how reluctant and rare the cactus blooms, they urgently need professional advice and clear instructions. Almost all species of this plant do not have leaves and can be of various shapes. He althy stems are usually fleshy, with a pattern unique to each species.

cactus blooms
cactus blooms

Blossoming cacti. Types and Features

Appearance can vary considerably between varieties: the surface can be smooth, with tiny tubercles, covered with pits or ribs. Habitual needles can also look different, the spines can be thick (up to 1-2 mm) or like soft curly hair. If the cactus blooms, its buds can have absolutely any color - from white to crimson and dark purple. The shape of the flowers is tubular or funnel-shaped. The plant belongs to the self-pollinating species, capable of producinggood seed planting material. Some representatives of the prickly family bloom only at night, others only in the morning. A well-chosen collection can always give a colorful corner in an apartment or a mini-greenhouse. Growing flowering cacti, the names have to be memorized in Latin, so as not to accidentally spend a lot of time on an uninteresting variety. It is necessary to try to select such varieties of pets so that you can keep them in the same conditions. It will be quite difficult to set up a personal greenhouse for every tiny pot.

flowering cactus names
flowering cactus names

Such different spines

There are two large groups of cacti: desert cacti and those from tropical forests. Accordingly, their conditions of detention will be different. For home cultivation, any dwarf species is suitable, which will not have to be attached to the clinic or to the post office in a few years. If the grower has a desert cactus, it blooms well and for a long time, but in the second or third year. Forest representatives require more moisture and shade, but they also delight with their buds much more often.

Popular desert varieties of prickly pets: the cereus family, echinocactus, prickly pear, rebutia and whip-shaped aporocactus. Forest options for greenhouse residents offer to grow zygocactus or ripsalidopsis. A unique member of the desert group, pereskia has glossy leaves and, of course, this cactus blooms with delicate, pleasantly scented, pale yellow buds.

flowering cactus species
flowering cactus species

Skins suitable for beginners

Epiphyllum is the easiest to care for and abundantly blooming cactus. The color of the buds can be from crimson red to lilac-violet, white or pale blue. In summer, the plant is placed in a bright, but not hot place. Once every few days, you need to spray with not very cold water, otherwise the cactus will shed all the color. When the last petals fall, watering is reduced. If a transplant is required, then it is best done in the month of April, when the natural growth of the cactus begins. The plant can be propagated by cuttings into light soil from leafy soil, turf and clean sand. Almost any variety of cactus can be made to flower with a little effort and patience.
