Thanks to the painstaking work of breeders, winter-hardy varieties of cherries were gradually bred, which made it possible to enjoy the most delicate taste of freshly picked fruits far from southern latitudes.

Cherry fruits ripen earlier than others and thus open the fruit and berry season. Both children and adults adore them. They are highly valued for their sweet, delicate taste. Vitamins contained in berries (A, B1, B2, E, P and C), micro and macro elements (malic acid, flavonoids, coumarin, pectin, carotene and fructose), minerals (manganese, calcium, potassium, copper, fluorine, cob alt, iron and phosphorus) put cherries on a par with the most valuable food. It is especially important for normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiac and hematopoietic systems, and maintaining tone. Also, its use stimulates the active work of the kidneys, lowers cholesterol levels in the blood. Cherry is endowed with such valuable properties.
Varieties of table destination (ghini) are not stored for long, they are not transportable. These are mostly early maturing varieties. There are also varieties from the bigarro group, that is, medium and late ripening. They are designed for long term storage.processing (juices, compotes, jams and marmalades).
Varieties of early maturing cherries

This is the most popular early maturing variety. Ripening of rather large fruits (6-8 g) begins at the end of May. Fruiting is regular, generous, starting from the 4-5th year.
The main color of round-heart-shaped fruits is yellow with a red blush on half. Juicy, tender, cartilaginous pulp has a dessert taste. The fruits are resistant to cracking of the skin in rainy weather. This variety of sweet cherry is resistant to bacterial stone fruit cancer and moniliosis.
Mass ripening of medium red berries (5-6.5 g) starts from the second decade of May. The yield of fragrant, with a pleasant sweet-sour taste, berries is very high. But given the height, the sharp branching of the main trunk makes it difficult to collect them. This variety is frost-resistant.
And the path
Large (up to 9 g) fruits ripen in the last days of May. The berries are dark red, almost black when fully ripe, the color is suitable for processing. The average height of the trunk allows you to fully harvest. The variety is resistant to diseases, winter-hardy.
Sweet cherries of medium maturity

In early June, medium-sized (4.5 g) pink berries of this winter-hardy variety ripen.
This sweet cherry has a high yield - up to 50 kg from an adult tree, resistant to the harmful effects of fungi. The disadvantage of this variety is self-infertility (for its pollinationyou need a pollinator, Cheremashnaya or Krymskaya are considered the best).
The giant tree needs pruning of the main trunk at the age of 3-4 years. At the same age, fruiting begins in early June. The berries are large, yellow, with a sweet and sour delicious taste. Winter hardiness is average.
Varieties of late ripening cherries
Bryansk pink
Self-fertile, winter-hardy variety, disease resistant. At the age of 5 years, it begins to bear fruit. Pink fruits are round and medium in size, resistant to cracking. Recommended pollinators - Tyutchevka, Revna, Ovstuzhenka, Iput.

The ripening of dark red, almost black berries falls on the last days of June.
The flesh of the fruit is dark red with white streaks, juicy, cartilaginous, with a sweet and sour taste. Berries are suitable for processing, transportation, storage. The grade differs in drought resistance, winter hardiness. Self fertile.