Tulips are one of the most popular flowers among gardeners, which decorate summer cottages in spring. There is a huge variety of varieties and varieties of this delicate wonderful flower. A flower bed with white flowers is like a cloud and will serve as a wonderful decoration for your garden.
Tulip varieties
In order for white tulips to decorate your garden, you need to take into account their varieties, flowering time. For example, there are three periods when tulips bloom: from March to mid-April (early flowering), from mid-April to May (mid-flowering), and from May to June (late-blooming).
A blossoming flower can please with its beauty from 1 to 3 weeks. In the middle of spring, purissima jumbo blooms - a tulip with a giant flower, which has an ivory color. The plant reaches a height of seventy centimeters. Also in spring, an ice princess blooms - a tulip of medium height, it can reach forty-five centimeters.

In addition to the flowers that grow one by one from the bulb, there are double white tulips. These include super bowl varieties, takoma. The first is remarkable in that its color is based on purple. At the end of spring, the skagit valley blooms, the so-called white tulip, the height of which can reach fifty or sixtycentimeters. Its delicate white petals are adorned with a blue border. The variety of varieties that white tulips have is simply amazing. For example, there are double flowers with pink spots - ice wonder. The plant reaches a height of forty centimeters. Tulip buds can be lilac-shaped (purissima) or goblet-shaped (spring green).

Flower growers who grow tulips for forcing and cutting choose the Triumph variety. Plants of this species are compact, they need to be planted thicker. They are suitable for planting in early spring. In color and shape of the bud, these tulips are distinguished by sophistication and perfection. For example, pure white white flowers. The fringed tulips, which seem to be decorated with hoarfrost, include large fringed elegans flowers - their shade resembles ivory. Fancy frells and exotic are also white tulips. A photo of flowers gives an idea of their tenderness and beauty. They have a fluffy white fringe and a pink border. These varieties are suitable for late cutting and outdoor cultivation.

When planting tulips, it is important to consider the characteristics of the variety you have chosen, the conditions under which the bulb was grown, and how tall the adult plant will be. In addition, you need to know how to water white tulips, how much sunlight they need. Flower bulbs are best planted at a distance of eight to fifteen centimeters from each other. They also need to be immersed in depth by 8-15 cm. If the bulb is double, then itplanted to a depth of 25 cm.
The value of white tulips as a gift
These flowers can decorate not only your garden, but also serve as a wonderful gift. Since white is associated with purity and innocence, a bride's bouquet, which includes white tulips, takes on a festive and sublime meaning. It is a symbol of spring and love. It has long been believed that white tulips bring happiness. They are the best gift for a young girl.