How to deal with moles in the garden? Tips for summer residents

How to deal with moles in the garden? Tips for summer residents
How to deal with moles in the garden? Tips for summer residents

Many summer residents want to know how to deal with moles in the garden. These little fluffy animals only look very cute. However, there are benefits from moles. For example, they naturally loosen the ground, laying passages, and eat the larvae of harmful insects. However, moles also cause great harm to the garden, digging up the roots of plants and trees. In addition, fluffy blind creatures are not averse to eating earthworms, which also negatively affects the condition of the soil.

ways to deal with moles
ways to deal with moles

First warning

In order not to wonder later: “How to deal with moles in the garden?”, You should resort to some measures to prevent their appearance. Even if the "cute animals" have not yet looked at your possessions, it is still worth protecting yourself from such guests. To do this, you just need to isolate yourself from them.

It is done like this: along the perimeter of the garden plot, a small metal galvanized mesh is buried in the ground to a depth of more than half a meter. It should be noted that its free edge above the ground is at least 20 cm. Thus, not a singlethe mole will not be able to get into your site either underground or above it. In addition, such an "installation" will not prevent the penetration of worms and insects into the garden. Instead of a grid, you can install slate or tin sheets according to the same principle. However, then, except for moles, useful “guests” will not be able to get into the fenced area.

Grandpa teaches how to deal with moles in the garden

And indeed there are ways to deal with moles, inherited from our grandparents. What they just didn’t come up with in order to drive away fluffy pests from the garden. For example, one of the oldest methods (they say it is 200 years old) is laying out reeds on molehills. To do this, long stems of the plant are placed in each hole. In the wind, the reeds begin to "buzz" and transmit these sounds underground. The mole finds such noise extremely unpleasant and he hurries to leave.

Another “noisy” way to scare away a mole is glass bottles. They are buried in the ground at an angle of 45 degrees, leaving a free neck on the surface. The wind, getting into the bottle, creates an unbearable rumble for moles.

against moles
against moles

Many people use tin cans, attaching them to stakes stuck in the ground. Such a design, staggering in the wind, rattles a lot. Moreover, such an unpleasant sound irritates not only the moles, but also the owner of the site. Therefore, all these "noisy" methods will quickly tire not so much pests as the summer residents themselves and their neighbors. Yes, and they do not look very aesthetically pleasing.

"Quiet" and drastic measures against moles

In the fight against moles, you can usespecial traps - mole traps. They are presented in various variations - from simple wire clamps to real mini-guillotines. However, there are "side effects" here. For example, if you caught a mole alive, then you need to think about how to get rid of it. If an animal has died, then its dead body is not a pleasant sight.

how to deal with moles in the garden
how to deal with moles in the garden

How to deal with moles in the garden humanely

There are ultrasonic mole repellers that do not kill an animal and do not cause any trouble to a person. They work at the expense of alkaline or solar batteries and are inserted directly into the ground. The ultrasound emitted by the device is absolutely inaudible to humans and extremely unpleasant to the mole. You need to leave such repellers in the garden for the entire summer season. Then not a single mole will bother you. Moreover, he will “give a signal” to his brothers that they have nothing to do on your garden plot.
