Gardening tricks: tips and advice from summer residents and experienced gardeners

Gardening tricks: tips and advice from summer residents and experienced gardeners
Gardening tricks: tips and advice from summer residents and experienced gardeners

Gardeners and gardeners are the most savvy people. They need to know and be able to literally everything. How to grow excellent seedlings, transfer them to open ground in time, how to plant plants nearby that not only will not interfere with each other, but will also create optimal conditions for growth and development. And besides this, you need to create an attractive image of your site, that is, to master the skills of landscape design. Today we will look at some garden tricks that will be useful to each of you.

Relevance of the issue

If you start gardening, you will find that there are many things that become stumbling blocks on the way to success. Seemingly simple things, but it takes several years to master them. But this is only if the gardener focuses only on his own experience. But garden tricks are transmittedfrom one to another, and this knowledge base is only growing. Therefore, the topic will never lose its relevance.

DIY garden tricks
DIY garden tricks

To make the garden fragrant

The first step is to get a good harvest. Of course, for many lovers, their garden is also a place of rest. But still, in the fall, I want to fill the pantry with my own fruits and vegetables. Therefore, let's look at garden tricks that will greatly help the beginner and already experienced gardener.

  • The sooner spring comes to your garden, the more likely it is to grow a good crop. To bring its offensive to 7-10 days is quite simple. Enough with the advent of sunny days to blacken the snow with ash.
  • If fruit trees bloom too early, they may suffer from frost. To prevent this from happening, the ground under them is covered with a thick layer of snow, and on top it is covered with light mulch. The ground under the crown remains frozen longer and flowering is delayed by about a week.
  • As soon as the leaves begin to bloom, your fruit trees become the object of close attention of various pests. To secure the garden, you need to install trapping belts. This is a burlap tied around the trunks. Pests will hide in them, where the gardener will collect them.
protecting trees from birds
protecting trees from birds
  • Attract beneficial insects. This is another gardening trick. If fruit bushes and trees are blooming profusely, but most of the flowers fall off without a set, you may not have enough bees in your garden. Try to make bait out ofhoney, or simply sprinkle flowering bushes with water and honey.
  • This method will not help if the ovary falls due to poor soil or lack of sufficient water.

Pest control and more

It is not enough to plant a good variety, choose the right fertilizer and ensure timely watering. It is necessary that your crop does not go to pests and that diseases do not destroy it. That's what garden tricks are for. The advice of summer residents for the garden / vegetable garden will be relevant at all times, so take a pen and write down:

  • Keep a few spray bottles on hand. Fill one with white vinegar. This will help get rid of weeds that like to peek out from the cracks in the concrete paths. At the same time, this remedy works well against ants.
  • In order to get rid of pests, you can prepare the following composition. Take a few cloves of garlic and grind them into a paste. Add 50 ml of oil, three tablespoons of hot pepper sauce and half a teaspoon of liquid soap. Dissolve in 2 liters of water. It is an excellent insecticide.
pest control products
pest control products

Everything you need to know

This could be the motto of every summer resident. On the site you have to do a lot with your own hands. Garden tricks allow you to get around the pitfalls and make the job easier and the results more impressive. Let's look at a number of proven manipulations that you can master.

  • How to quickly drive a stake into the ground. At first glance, this is a difficult task. BUTbecause sometimes it is required to do for the construction of a greenhouse. Just sharpen it and stick it into the ground with your hands. After that, pull it out and pour water into the hole. Repeat the procedure several times - and the stake will firmly enter the ground.
  • Use of ashes as top dressing. This is a valuable fertilizer, but in itself it burns the leaves and roots. Therefore, it is scattered in a thin layer over the surface and slightly embedded in the grooves. But don't mix the ashes with the soil.
ash as fertilizer
ash as fertilizer

Horseshoe for good luck. Plants in the garden, especially apple trees and berry bushes, need iron. There is a very original way of feeding. It is necessary to bury an old horseshoe or a tin can under the trees and garden bushes. Then iron deficiency will be ruled out

Working with seedlings

Do new shrubs and trees take root poorly on your site? Maybe the whole point is that you do not know how to root them? You will be surprised how many useful things you can do with your own hands. Garden tricks are good because they do not require financial investments. Take rooting seedlings with a black film. In this case, seedlings and bushes take root faster and grow better.

  • Pick up pollinators. If the plant blooms well, but does not bear fruit, perhaps the reason lies in the absence of the necessary pollinator variety. To a greater extent, this applies to plums and cherries. Therefore, when buying a seedling, find out which varieties are suitable as the best pollinators.
  • Growing cuttings. To get many viable cuttings, you can use a provenmethod. In the spring we cut the cuttings and insert them into the potatoes. Then stick it into the ground and cover the stalk with banks. By autumn, the seedlings will take root perfectly and in three years they can already give the first harvest.
rooting seedlings
rooting seedlings

Crop protection

And here the advice of an experienced summer resident will also come in handy. Garden tricks make work easier, as well as increase its efficiency. To protect your crop, you can use a huge number of different ways:

  • Birds are very fond of eating cherries and sweet cherries. To save the berries, you will have to resort to various tricks. There is an old but very effective remedy. Birds cannot stand the smell of onions, so you need to cut several heads and fix them in several places on the tree.
  • An old ball can be used as a heavy glove when pruning roses and thorny bushes. Of course, you can use other dense material that you have at home.
  • We prevent the growth of overgrowth. To do this, sprinkle a felled tree or bush with s alt.
  • Berry bushes tend to fall apart. In this case, the branches lean to the ground and the berries deteriorate. To avoid this, an old bicycle wheel rim is used. Put it on a bush and secure it with spears.
  • An old bucket can serve as a source of micronutrients. To do this, it needs to be pierced with a nail many times. After that, fill it with compost and bury it in the middle of the garden. Vegetables are planted around the bucket, and watering is done through the bucket. Then the benefitsevenly distributed throughout the garden throughout the season.
  • Build houses for worms. To do this, fill old pots with food waste. This attracts worms. After some time, the contents of such a house can be thrown into the beds and filled again.

Landscape design

Even if you had no plans to create a work of art on your site, you still need to keep it in good condition. Everyone likes to relax in a pleasant environment, among neat beds and flower beds. To decide on the idea, it is recommended to view a selection of finished photos. Garden tricks allow you to implement this idea with minimal time.

landscaping is important
landscaping is important

Landscape planning is one of the main tasks. You need to make a site plan, otherwise mistakes and misses will be inevitable. At the same time, it is better to sketch on paper. Don't throw them away, it will help you make adjustments. Reflect on the plan all plantings, including old trees, lowlands and hills. Notice which parts of the landscape look unsightly and how you can cover them up.

Choose plants

Be sure to take into account the shape of the crown and the size of a tree, bush or any other plant. Experienced summer residents, when planning green corners, take care of the presence of at least one contrast. Consider which element will be the centerpiece. Will it be a tree, a sculpture or a bush. And plant everything else around it.

Many people choose to decorate their garden with a rose garden. Indeed, roses will lookattractive in any setting. But do not overload the site with them. In addition, remember that they are whimsical to care for and can freeze out in a cold winter. In the northern regions, you will have to carefully cover the bushes every year so that they endure the cold.

choose plants for the garden
choose plants for the garden

Universal love is conifers. If your goal is to create one or more compositions of a natural look, it is recommended to focus on unpretentious junipers. But larch, cedar and other varieties of conifers are characterized by long growth. True, they are completely immune to diseases and various pests.

Which style to choose

In this you will definitely need an experienced designer and his advice. Garden tricks help make the site a place not only for growing crops, but also for cultural recreation. Almost all gardeners prefer minimalistic compositions. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the climate and natural landscapes. Today, many prefer a mixture of styles. But you can choose one or the other.

  • French garden. Ideal for large areas. Cozy flower beds, neatly shaped lawns - all this pleases the eye, but care requires quite a lot of free time.
  • English format. Big, thick trees and winding paths. The more it looks like a pristine garden, the better. Of course, lawns and flower beds require care. If you make a swing with your own hands, they will fit perfectly into the overall picture.
  • Chinese garden. Here, each detail has its own symbolic meaning, so if you are unfamiliar withculture, it’s better not to take on such work, still make a lot of mistakes.

DIY garden decoration

In the photo, garden tricks look so simple and at the same time cute that almost every site owner is eager to repeat at least one of the ideas in their "penates", but when it comes to putting them into practice, many begin real panic. And in vain.

garden tricks tips
garden tricks tips

Yes, some ideas are almost primitive, others are more complicated and require certain investments and skills. But the result is worth it. And it's not just about success in terms of improvement or harvesting. Many summer residents devote time and opportunities to relax on their site. So, it should be beautiful and cozy. Think about what additional elements will help make it so. It can be figurines, garden benches, swings. Much of this can be done by hand. Even the location of fruit trees needs to be considered. If they are relatively close, then a small terrace can be made between them. Put a fertile layer on it and plant flowers or strawberries.


A very necessary and important place where the family can gather after the day's worries. Knowing garden tricks and country subtleties, you can make a gazebo out of almost nothing. The easiest option is to install semicircular arches from polypropylene pipes dug into the ground. You can even use a bathtub curtain as a canopy. Place garden furniture inside.

For your convenience

What else can be doneon the site with your own hands? Garden tricks can be studied almost indefinitely, each time finding new options for yourself.

  • From polypropylene pipes and covering material, you can also build a carport. Then it will not be afraid of rain. From them you can make furniture for the garden and for the house, using an additional thick fabric and padding polyester.
  • From cuttings of polypropylene pipes excellent fastenings for the garden tool turn out. Attach them vertically to the wall and insert choppers, shovels and rakes into them. And arranged vertically, they will serve as shelves.
  • You can build simple benches from old logs.
log benches
log benches
  • Assemble a pyramid from their boards to land strawberries and flowers on its floors.
  • Old wooden pallets are great for growing greens. Fill them with earth and turn them over. Parsley and dill are planted in the openings between the slats.

Instead of a conclusion

Of course, this is not all advice. Garden tricks can be collected in your piggy bank endlessly. The exchange of experience between summer residents is invaluable, because it helps to make their work much easier. Already today, you can significantly increase the yield by using one of the recommendations presented in the article. Don't stop there. Try, fantasize and create. And you can share your achievements on thematic forums. Then the piggy bank of garden tricks and tips from an experienced summer resident will be constantly replenished, and it will be much easier for future gardeners to realize this very difficult matter.
